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Blencathra Field Centre

Cumbria · England


7 -14 June 2019

Observers: F. Simpson




This was my seventeenth trip on an undergraduate university field course at a Field Studies Council's centre. After sixteen visits to Kindrogan in Scotland we had to make alternative plans in 2019 as it was closed down. Blencathra FSC in the Lake District National Park was found to offer broadly similar opportunites for the course aims. The centre has a small patch of mixed woodland which is surrounded by sheep grazed-meadows and a bracken-covered hillside with Meadow Pipit and Skylark, and Wheatear on the higher ground. Slightly further afield are some nice patches of Sessile Oak woodland with Redstart and Tree Pipit, and upland streams with Dipper, Grey Wagtail and Goosander. Below is a list of bird species noted and some sound recordings.


Blencathra Trip Reports:  2022 | 2021 | 2019 |

Kindrogan Trip Reports:  2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 |

Location Guide to LocationsSummary 2005-2018

 View of Blencathra Field Centre © Fraser Simpson

View south from Blencathra Field Centre




Blencathra Field Centre, Cumbria


Mute Swan  Cygnus olor

16, south end, Bassenthwaite Lake, 10-Jun.

12, from Osprey viewpoint, Bassenthwaite Lake, 10-Jun.


Grey Heron  Ardea cinerea

1, from Osprey viewpoint, Bassenthwaite Lake, 10-Jun.


Barnacle Goose  Branta leucopsis

1, presumed feral, from Osprey viewpoint, Bassenthwaite Lake, 10-Jun.


Canada Goose  Branta canadensis

Noted, south end, Bassenthwaite Lake, 10-Jun.


Greylag Goose  Anser anser

Noted, south end, Bassenthwaite Lake, 10-Jun.

200+, from Osprey viewpoint, Bassenthwaite Lake, 10-Jun.


Mallard  Anas platyrhynchos

4, from Osprey viewpoint, Bassenthwaite Lake, 10-Jun.


Goosander  Mergus merganser

m, Glenderaterra Beck-River Greta confluence, 13-Jun.


Pheasant  Phasianus colchicus

m crowing, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

m crowing, Blencathra Field Centre to Glenderaterra Beck, 8-Jun.

m crowing, Brundholme, 13-Jun.


Sparrowhawk  Accipiter nisus

1, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

m, Blencathra Field Centre-Derwent Folds, 13-Jun.


Buzzard  Buteo buteo

1, over, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

1 soaring, Lonscale Fell, 9-Jun.

2 soaring, Latrigg, 9-Jun.

1, from Osprey viewpoint, Bassenthwaite Lake, 10-Jun.

1, Blencathra Field Centre-Wescoe, 11-Jun.


Osprey  Pandion haliaetus

pr, at nest, Bassenthwaite Lake, 10-Jun.


Kestrel  Falco tinninculus

None seen.


Oystercatcher  Haematopus ostralegus

6, south end, Bassenthwaite Lake, 10-Jun.

2, from Osprey viewpoint, Bassenthwaite Lake, 10-Jun.


Lesser Black-backed Gull  Larus fuscus

2, Blencathra Field Centre-Blease Fell summit, 9-Jun.


Feral Pigeon  Columba livia

2, Threlkeld, 12-Jun.


Stock Dove  Columba oenas

2 over, Blencathra Field Centre, 7-Jun.

1, Blencathra Field Centre to Glenderaterra Beck, 8-Jun.

1, Blencathra Field Centre to Glenderaterra Beck, 9-Jun.

pr, at feeding station, Dodd Wood-Osprey viewpoint, 10-Jun.

1, Blencathra Field Centre-Derwent Folds, 13-Jul.


Wood Pigeon  Columba palumbus

1, Blencathra Field Centre, 7-Jun.

2 singing mm, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

3 singing mm, during TMM, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

1 singing m, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.

1, at feeding station, Dodd Wood-Osprey viewpoint, 10-Jun.

2, Blencathra Field Centre-Derwent Folds, 13-Jul.


Collared Dove  Sreptopelia decaocto

5+, Threlkeld, 13-Jun.


Cuckoo  Cuculus canorus

1 singing m, Blencathra Field Centre-Blease Fell summit, 9-Jun.

1 singing m, between Blencathra and Skiddaw, 11-Jun.


Tawny Owl  Strix aluco

1 calling, Threlkeld-Blencathra Field Centre, 13-Jun.


Swift  Apus apus

2, Blencathra Field Centre to Glenderaterra Beck, 9-Jun.

12+, southern slope of Blease Fell, Blencathra Field Centre, 11-Jun.

2, Glenderaterra Beck-River Greta confluence, 13-Jun.


Green Woodpecker  Picus viridis

1 yaffling, sewage works, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.


Great Spotted Woodpecker  Dendrocopus major

4, Blencathra Field Centre to Glenderaterra Beck, 8-Jun.

1, Blencathra Field Centre to Glenderaterra Beck, 9-Jun.

f + 2 calling, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.

1, Blencathra Field Centre-Wescoe, 11-Jun.

1, Blencathra Field Centre-Derwent Folds, 13-Jun.


Skylark  Alauda arvensis

1 singing m, during TMM, start of footpath up Blease Fell, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

2 singing mm, Blencathra Field Centre-Blease Fell summit, 9-Jun.

2 singing mm, southern slope of Blease Fell, Blencathra Field Centre, 11-Jun.

2 singing mm, Blencathra Field Centre-Skiddaw House, via Glenderaterra Beck, 12-Jun.


Sand Martin  Riparia riparia

7+, River Greta, 8-Jun.

2, Glenderaterra Beck-River Greta confluence, 13-Jun.


Swallow  Hirundo rustica

2, alarm calling, Blencathra Field Centre to Glenderaterra Beck, 8-Jun.

4, southern slope of Blease Fell, Blencathra Field Centre, 11-Jun.

4, Blencathra Field Centre-Wescoe, 11-Jun.

1 AON, nesting, Derwent Folds cottage, 13-Jun.

1, Glenderaterra Beck-River Greta confluence, 13-Jun.

1, entering AON, Wescoe, 13-Jun.


House Martin  Delichon urbicum

2, during rain, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

26 AON, on reception building and main building, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

Collecting mud, from Blease Fell trail car park, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

2, from Osprey viewpoint, Bassenthwaite Lake, 10-Jun.

3, southern slope of Blease Fell, Blencathra Field Centre, 11-Jun.


Meadow Pipit  Anthus pratensis

1 singing m, southern slope of Blease Fell, Blencathra Field Centre, 7-Jun.

2 singing mm, during TMM, start of footpath up Blease Fell, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

8 singing mm, Blencathra Field Centre-Blease Fell summit, 9-Jun.

3 singing mm, southern slope of Blease Fell, Blencathra Field Centre, 11-Jun.

1 singing m, W side of Blease Fell, 11-Jun.

10 singing mm, Blencathra Field Centre-Skiddaw House, via Glenderaterra Beck, 12-Jun.


Grey Wagtail  Motacilla cinerea

1, Salehow Beck, 12-Jun.

1, Glenderaterra Beck-River Greta confluence, 13-Jun.


Pied Wagtail  Motacilla alba

1, Middle Row Farm, 9-Jun.

1, W side of Blease Fell, 11-Jun.

2, Blencathra Field Centre-Skiddaw House, via Glenderaterra Beck, 12-Jun.

4 juvs, Derwent Folds-Wescoe,12-Jun.

pr + b/3, E side of Wescoe,12-Jun.

2 juvs, Blencathra Field Centre-Derwent Folds, 13-Jun.


Sonogram of Pied Wagtail flight call

Pied Wagtail  Motavilla alba

Blencathra FSC, Cumbria, England  54° 37' 13" N  003° 04' 53" W   11 June 2019

Call from a Pied Wagtail in flight.

[File name: piedwagtail116171e] Click here for the MP3 file


Dipper  Cinclus cinclus

1 ad, Glenderaterra Beck, bridge upstream of Brundholme, 8-Jun.

1 ad, Glenderaterra Beck, bridge upstream of Brundholme, 9-Jun.

ad + juv, Glenderaterra Beck, bridge upstream of Brundholme, 13-Jun.

2, flew upstream, Glenderaterra Beck-River Greta confluence, 13-Jun.


Wren  Troglodytes troglodytes

Noted, singing in rain, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

1 singing m, Blencathra Field Centre to Glenderaterra Beck, 8-Jun.

Fledglings noted, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

2 singing mm, during TMM, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

4 singing mm, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.

4 singing mm, Dodd Wood-Osprey viewpoint, 10-Jun.

1 singing m + 2 in heather, Blencathra Field Centre-Skiddaw House, via Glenderaterra Beck, 12-Jun.

Fledged brood, Wescoe, 13-Jun.


Dunnock  Prunella modularis

Fledglings noted, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

1 singing m, during TMM, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

1 singing m, Brundholme, 13-Jun.

1 singing m, Wescoe, 13-Jun.


Robin  Erithacus rubecula

2 fledged broods, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

Noted, singing in rain, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

1 singing m + f with FY, Blencathra Field Centre to Glenderaterra Beck, 8-Jun.

1 singing m, during TMM, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

2 juvs + 3 ads calling, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.

2 singing mm, Dodd Wood-Osprey viewpoint, 10-Jun.

Fledged brood, Wescoe, 13-Jun.


Redstart  Phoenicurus phoenicurus

Summary: 8 breeding sites located on circular route Blencathra FSC-Derwent Folds, Brundholme-Wescoe-Threlkeld-Blencathra FSC.

2 prs (nesting in oak, other pr alarm calling), Blencathra Field Centre-Wescoe, 11-Jun.

4 prs (inc f with FY at 3rd site), Blencathra-Wescoe-Threlkeld, 12-Jun.

f + b/3, Brundholme, 13-Jun.

1 singing m, Glenderaterra Beck-River Greta confluence, 13-Jun.

f with FY, Wescoe, 13-Jun.

2nd f, Wescoe, 13-Jun.


Sonogram of Redstart alarm calls

Redstart  Phoenicurus phoenicurus

Blencathra FSC, Cumbria, England  54° 37' 08" N  003° 05' 10" W   11 June 2019

Alarm calls from a female Common Redstart with food for nestlings or fledglings in sheep pasture with small oak copses. Two call types: an upslurred Chiffchaff-like hueet (2.9-4.5 kHz) and a sharp Robin-like teak (3.4-7.0 kHz).

[File name: redstart116190ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Wheatear  Oenanthe oenanthe

pr + single m/f, Blencathra Field Centre-Blease Fell summit, 9-Jun.

1 singing m +1, southern slope of Blease Fell, Blencathra Field Centre, 11-Jun.

f + 3 juvs, W side of Blease Fell, 11-Jun.

3 prs, Blencathra Field Centre-Skiddaw House, via Glenderaterra Beck, 12-Jun.


Sonogram of Northern Wheatear alarm calls

Wheatear  Oenanthe oenanth

Blencathra FSC, Cumbria, England  54° 37' 08" N  003° 05' 10" W   11 June 2019

Alarm calls from a female Northern Wheatear with food for fledglings in a Bracken-covered rocky hollow in hillside. Two call types: a downslurred zeep (4.09-5.3 kHz) and a hard, sharp tuk (1.5-7.1 kHz).

[File name: wheatear116174ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Ring Ouzel  Turdus torquatus

None located.


Blackbird  Turdus merula

Noted, singing, Blencathra Field Centre, 7-Jun.

Noted, singing in rain, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

Fledglings noted, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

1 singing m, Blencathra Field Centre to Glenderaterra Beck, 8-Jun.

3 singing mm, during TMM, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

1 singing m, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.

2 singing mm, Dodd Wood-Osprey viewpoint, 10-Jun.

1 singing m, Wescoe, 13-Jun.


Sonogram of Blackbird song

Blackbird  Turdus merula

Blencathra FSC, Cumbria, England  54° 37' 13" N  003° 04' 53" W   11 June 2019

Territorial song. Loud and measured delivery of 3-4 sec stropes interspersed with 3 sec pauses. Each stope comprised of two parts: low fluting, melodic phrases (1.3-3.2 kHz) followed by a complex, high-frequency twittering (up tp 11.5 kHz).

[File name: blackbird116156ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Song Thrush  Turdus philomelus

2 singing mm, Blencathra Field Centre, 7-Jun.

Noted, singing in rain, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

1 singing m, Blencathra Field Centre to Glenderaterra Beck, 8-Jun.

2 singing mm, during TMM, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

juv, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.

1, flew out of Bracken, southern slope of Blease Fell, Blencathra Field Centre, 11-Jun.


Sonogram of Song Thrush song

Song Thrush  Turdus philomelus

Blencathra FSC, Cumbria, England  54° 37' 13" N  003° 04' 53" W   11 June 2019

Territorial song. Loud and varied with characteristic motifs of repeated 2-4 elements or phrases, interspered with single more complex/unique phrases.

[File name: songthrush116154ecut] Click here for the MP3 file



Sonogram of hawk alarm call from a Song Thrush

Song Thrush  Turdus philomelus

Blencathra FSC, Cumbria, England  54° 37' 13" N  003° 04' 53" W   14 June 2019

Hawk alarm call from a Song Thrush (8.0-9.3 kHz), with another species producing the same call at a lower frequency (7.3-7.9 kHz).

[File name: songthrush116199ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Mistle Thrush  Turdus viscivorus

1, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

1, Blencathra Field Centre-Blease Fell summit, 9-Jun.

2 ads with FY, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.

2, southern slope of Blease Fell, Blencathra Field Centre, 11-Jun.


Whitethroat  Sylvia communis

None heard or seen.


Garden Warbler  Sylvia borin

1, alarm calling from Beech hedge, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

1 singing m, during TMM, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

1 calling, 400m E of Blencathra Field Centre, Blease Road, 12-Jun.

1 singing m, Wescoe, 13-Jun.


Sonogram of Garden Warbler song

Garden Warbler  Sylvia borin

Blencathra FSC, Cumbria, England  54° 37' 13" N  003° 04' 53" W   11 June 2019

Territorial song from a Garden Warbler with characteristic bubbling delivery containing Blackbird-like tones at lower frequencies.

[File name: gardenwarbler116160ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Blackcap  Sylvia atricapilla

1 singing m, Blencathra Field Centre, 7-Jun.

2 singing mm + f, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.

2 singing mm, Blencathra Field Centre-Wescoe, 11-Jun.

1 singing m, Blencathra Field Centre, 13-Jun.

1 singing m, Brundholme, 13-Jun.


Chiffchaff  Phylloscopus collybita

1 calling, Blencathra Field Centre to Glenderaterra Beck, 8-Jun.

2 singing mm, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.


Willow Warbler  Phylloscopus trochilus

2 singing mm, Blencathra Field Centre, 7-Jun.

Noted, singing in rain, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

2 singing mm, Blencathra Field Centre to Glenderaterra Beck, 8-Jun.

5 singing mm, during TMM, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

2 singing mm, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.

1 singing m, W of High Row Farm, 12-Jun.

1 singing m, Brundholme, 13-Jun.


Goldcrest  Regulus regulus

1 singing m, Larch strip to SW of Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

1 singing m + juv, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.

2 singing mm, Dodd Wood-Osprey viewpoint, 10-Jun.

1 singing m, Blencathra Field Centre-Derwent Folds, 13-Jun.


Spotted Flycatcher  Muscicapa striata

pr, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

pr, nesting in old House Martin nest, reception building, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

3, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.

1, Derwent Folds cottage, 13-Jun.


Long-tailed Tit  Aegithalos caudatus

4 juvs, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.


Coal Tit  Periparus ater

Fledglings noted, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

2 singing mm, during TMM, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

pr + b/6, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

1 singing m, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.

1 singing m + 2 at peanut feeder, Dodd Wood-Osprey viewpoint, 10-Jun.

Fledged brood, Blencathra Field Centre-Derwent Folds, 13-Jun.

1 singing m, Brundholme, 13-Jun.


Blue Tit  Cyanistes caeruleus

Fledglings noted, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

3 fledged broods, Blencathra Field Centre to Glenderaterra Beck, 8-Jun.

pr, feeding young in nestbox, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

5 fledged broods, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.


Great Tit  Parus major

Fledglings noted, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

Fledged brood, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

Fledged brood, Dodd Wood-Osprey viewpoint, 10-Jun.

1 singing m + fledged brood, Blencathra Field Centre-Derwent Folds, 13-Jun.

Fledged brood, Glenderaterra Beck, bridge upstream of Brundholme, 13-Jun.


Nuthatch  Sitta europaea

2 ads/1 juv, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.

1, at feeding station, Dodd Wood-Osprey viewpoint, 10-Jun.

Fledged brood, Blencathra Field Centre-Wescoe, 11-Jun.


Treecreeper  Certhia familiaris

1, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

1, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

1, Dodd Wood-Osprey viewpoint, 10-Jun.


Jay  Garrulus glandarius

1, heard, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.

1, Dodd Wood-Osprey viewpoint, 10-Jun.


Magpie  Pica pica

1, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.


Jackdaw  Corvus monedula        

4, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

Noted, nesting in chimneys, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

17, circling lower southern slope of Blease Fell, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

1, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.

20+, from Osprey viewpoint, Bassenthwaite Lake, 10-Jun.


Rook  Corvus frugilegus

Rookery of 15 nests (now fledged) in Scots Pines, Blencathra Field Centre, 7-Jun

Singles/pairs, passing over, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

c40, Blencathra Field Centre-Derwent Folds, 13-Jun.


Sonogram of Rook vocalisations

Rook  Corvus frugilegus

Blencathra FSC, Cumbria, England  54° 37' 13" N  003° 04' 53" W   11 June 2019

Calls from a single Rook.

[File name: rook116161ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Carrion Crow  Corvus corone

ad + juv, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.

1, southern slope of Blease Fell, Blencathra Field Centre, 11-Jun.

pr, Blencathra Field Centre-Skiddaw House, via Glenderaterra Beck, 12-Jun.


Starling  Sturnus vulgaris

6, Wescoe, 12-Jun.


House Sparrow  Passer domesticus

10+, Threlkeld, 12-Jun.

12+, Wescoe, 13-Jun.


Chaffinch  Fringilla coelebs

Noted, singing in rain, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

2 singing mm, Blencathra Field Centre to Glenderaterra Beck, 8-Jun.

3 singing mm, during TMM, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

5 singing mm, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.

1 singing m, Dodd Wood-Osprey viewpoint, 10-Jun.

2 rain-calling, Brundholme, 13-Jun.


Sonogram of Chaffinch song with Pied Wagtail mimicry

Chaffinch  Fringilla coelebs

Blencathra FSC, Cumbria, England  54° 37' 13" N  003° 04' 53" W   11 June 2019

Chaffinch with two song types, both incorporating the perched call (highlighted in blue) of a Pied Wagtail (Motacilla alba) as the first syllable in the opening phrase. Repeated twice in most song type 2 strophes.

[File name: chaffinch116167ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Greenfinch  Carduelis chloris

1, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

1 singing m, during TMM, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.


Goldfinch  Carduelis carduelis

1, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

3 singing mm, during TMM, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-Jun.

1 singing m, Derwent Folds, 9-Jun.

1 singing m + 2-3 over, Powter Howe, 10-Jun.

1 singing m, Blencathra Field Centre-Wescoe, 11-Jun.

5, Blencathra Field Centre, 13-Jun.


Siskin  Carduelis spinus

2, Blencathra Field Centre, 9-Jun.

Several heard, Dodd Wood-Osprey viewpoint, 10-Jun.

2, Blencathra Field Centre, 11-Jun.

2 over, Blencathra Field Centre, 13-Jun.

2 over, , Blencathra Field Centre-Derwent Folds, 13-Jun.

1, Brundholme, 13-Jun.


Linnet  Carduelis cannabina

None seen.


Lesser Redpoll  Carduelis cabaret

2, Blencathra Field Centre, 10-Jun.


Yellowhammer  Emberiza citrinella

1 singing m, from open, exposed Bracken-covered hillside with a few low, scrubby Gorse patches on lower slope of Blease Fell, Blencathra Field Centre, 8-9 Jun.

2 singing mm, above High Row Farm, 12-Jun.

2 singing mm, Threlkeld-High Row Farm, 13-Jun.




Blencathra Field Centre © Fraser Simpson 2019

 Blencathra Field Centre


Blencathra Field Centre © Fraser Simpson 2019

 Blencathra Field Centre


View south from Blease Fell  © Fraser Simpson 2019

 View south from Blease Fell


Glenderaterra Beck © Fraser Simpson 2019

 Glenderaterra Beck


Saddleback/Blencathra Hill © Fraser Simpson 2019

 Saddleback/Blencathra Hll


Saddleback/Blencathra Hill © Fraser Simpson 2019

 Saddleback/Blencathra Hll


Saddleback/Blencathra Hill © Fraser Simpson 2019

 Saddleback/Blencathra Hll


Bassenthwaite Lake  © Fraser Simpson 2019

Bassenthwaite Lake from Dodd Wood Osprey Viewpoint




Blencathra Trip Reports:  2022 | 2021 | 2019 |

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