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Kindrogan Field Centre

Perthshire · Scotland


5-12 June 2015

Observers: F. Simpson




This was my thirteenth trip on an undergraduate university field course to the Field Studies Council's Kindrogan Field Centre near Enochdhu in picturesque Strathardle, Perthshire. The field centre is set in an old Victorian estate with a small area of mixed woodland along the banks of the River Ardle at the foot of Kindrogan Hill, largely cloaked in spruce forestry plantation with smaller areas of larch. Strathardle is dominated by pastoral farmland in the glen and moorland on the higher ground. Further to the west lies Glen Brerachan holding some nice heather moorland and small patches of open birch woodland. This trip report details the birds found mainly around the field centre. Otter was observed on the River Ardle with Pine Marten and Red Squirrels in the field centre grounds.


Kindrogan Trip Reports:  2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 |

Location Guide to LocationsSummary 2005-2018


 View of Strathardle from Creag na Cuinneige © Fraser Simpson

The north-west end of Strathardle, looking south-east from Creag na Cuinneige. Straloch Loch is in the foreground, Kindrogan Hill on the right (hover over image for further locations)





Map of Kindrogan and Strathardle


Dawn Chorus Chronologies, Kindrogan Field Course, 2004-2018 © Fraser Simpson


Kindrogan Field Centre & environs, Strathardle, Perthshire                                        Approx. sunrise 0423h, sunset 2210h


Mute Swan  Cygnus olor

1, on reservoir to east of Creag Bhreach, from trail up to Ben Vrackie, 8/6.

Little Grebe  Tachybaptus ruficollis

3 prs (2 nests incubating), Straloch Loch, 10/6.

Pr (inc trilling song), Tullochcurran Lochan, Cateran trail to Kirkmichael, 10/6.

Grey Heron  Ardea cinerea

1, over Kindrogan Hill, 6/6.

1, over Kindrogan field centre, 9/6.

1, Straloch Loch, 10/6.

Greylag Goose  Anser anser

37, flew north-west over Kindrogan field centre, 22:24h, 8/6.

Canada Goose  Branta canadensis

9 (pr + b/1; 6 ads), Straloch Loch, 10/6.

Wigeon  Anas penelope

4mm, Straloch Loch, 10/6.

Mallard  Anas platyrhynchos

Pr, at A924 roadside in Pitlochry, 8/6.

8 mm, Straloch Loch, 10/6.

f + b/3, River Ardle, upstream of Kindrogan field centre, 10/6.

2 mm + 1 f, River Ardle, Kirkmichael, 10/6.

Tufted Duck  Aythya fuligula

Pr, Loch Curran, 7/6.

Goosander  Mergus merganser

f, River Ardle, Kindrogan field centre, 7/6.

f + b/2, River Ardle, upstream of Kindrogan field centre, 10/6 (AW).

m, flew downstream, upstream of Kindrogan field centre, 10/6.

Red Grouse  Lagopus scotica

Males heard at four sites (2 seen), along moorland trail up to Ben Vrackie, 8/6.

Sparrowhawk  Accipiter nisus

1 f, conifer plantation, Cateran Trail south of Dalreoch, 10/6.

Buzzard  Buteo buteo

Regular over the field centre.

Prs noted at Kindrogan Hill (2), Straloch, Cateran Trail (Enochdhu-Kirkmochael) (2), Loch Curran.

Osprey  Pandion haliaetus

1, flew south-east through Strathardle, 6/6.

Kestrel  Falco tinninculus

1, Moulin Moor (seen from bus), 12/6.

Red-legged Partridge  Phasianus colchicus

Pr, between Straloch and Kindrogan field centre, all week 8/6-12/6, (my first record here).

Pheasant  Phasianus colchicus

Fairly common in Strathardle and Glen Brerachan.

Calling from 03:45h, 9/6.

Moorhen  Gallinula chloropus

1, Straloch Loch, 10/6.

Oystercatcher  Haematopus ostralegus

Several pairs in Glen Brerachan/west end of Strathardle, including incubating bird.

5, Straloch Loch, 10/6.

Pr, Dalnagairn, Cateran trail to Kirkmichael, 10/6.

Woodcock  Scolopax rusticola

Roding, Kindrogan field centre, from 22:20h, 8/6.

Snipe  Gallinago gallinago

1, over Straloch Loch, 10/6.

Curlew  Numenius arquata

1 displaying, Dalnagairn, Cateran trail to Kirkmichael, 10/6.

Common Sandpiper  Actitis hypoleucos

One heard, Kindrogan Bridge, Enochdhu, 6/6.

1, Straloch Loch, 10/6.

Black-headed Gull  Larus ridibundus

Birds regularly flying over Strathardle.

Common Gull  Larus canus

Birds regularly flying over Strathardle.

40+, circling to the north of Kindrogan Field Centre, 6/6.

Lesser Black-backed Gull  Larus fuscus

A few overhead in Pitlochry, 8/6.

Herring Gull  Larus argentatus

A few overhead in Pitlochry, 8/6.

Feral Pigeon  Columba livia

A few noted in Strathardle most days.

20+, Moulin, 8/6.

Wood Pigeon  Columba palumbus

Fairly common.

Singing at field centre from 04:15h on 9/6; 03:58h on 10/6.

Collared Dove  Sreptopelia decaocto

Common in Moulin and Pitlochry.

Pr, Dalreoch, 10/6.

Cuckoo  Cuculus canorus

Male & female, clearfell around cemetery, Kindrogan Hill, 6/6.

Singing males heard at Kindrogan Field Centre, Straloch, Dalreoch, Tullochcurran Lochan, Kirkmichael, trail to Ben Vrackie.

Female heard on Moulin trail to Ben Vrackie, 8/6.

Singing at field centre from 03:41h on 9/6; 03:38h on 10/6.

Tawny Owl  Strix aluco

Unseen birds suspected around the walled garden - heard passerine mobbing behaviour, all week.

Juvs calling, walled garden, 03:00h, 9/6.

Male, calling Kindrogan Hill, 03:33h, 10/6.

Female, calling in response to male, walled garden, 03:33h, 10/6.

Swift  Apus apus

None seen around the field centre this year.

2, Moulin, 8/6.

10+, over Pitlochry Co-op, 8/6.

2, Kirkmichael, 10/6.

Green Woodpecker  Picus viridis

Pr, cemetery clear-fell, Kindrogan Hill, all week. Less vocal than previous years.

Many Hairy Wood Ants (Formica lugubris) located in this area.

Great Spotted Woodpecker  Dendrocopus major

Fairly common. Including bird over Kindrogan Hill trig-point 7/6.

Nest with young in lone spruce stump, cemetery clear-fell, Kindrogan Hill.

Noted at Pine Marten feeding station, feeding on pole drilled with suet holes.

Heard calling at Kindrogan field centre from 04:44h on 10/6.

Skylark  Alauda arvensis

1 singing, east end of Glen Brerachan, 10/6.

Sand Martin  Riparia riparia

1, Straloch Loch, 10/6.

Swallow  Hirundo rustica

Fairly common in Strathardle.

5 AON, The Steading/Coppock Building.

12, Straloch Loch, 10/6.

House Martin  Delichon urbicum

Noted around human habitation including Straloch, Enochdhu, Kirkmichael and Pitlochry.

2 AON, rear of Kindrogan House.

Pr, nest-building, front of Kindrogan House.

8, Straloch Loch, 10/6.

Tree Pipit  Anthus trivialis

3, with food for young, cemetery clear-fell, Kindrogan Hill, 6/6.

4-5 displaying mm, clear-fell on north-east side of Kindrogan Hill, around the cemetery, all week.

4 singing mm, curling pond to West Lodge, 10/6.

Meadow Pipit  Anthus pratensis

2 prs, around trig point on Kindrogan Hill (NO 047627), 7/6. Collecting food for young.

Common, Ben Vrackie, 8/6.

1, near Tullochcurran Lochan, 10/6.

12 singing mm, along moorland trail up to Ben Vrackie, 8/6.

Nest with c/5 found by student at c750 metres on Ben Vrackie, 8/6.

Grey Wagtail  Motacilla cinerea

Ad, River Ardle near walled garden 7/6 (TB).

Ad + juv, Kindrogan Bridge, River Ardle, 12/6.

m, River Ardle, upstream of Kindrogan field centre, 10/6.

Pied Wagtail  Motacilla alba

Pr + juv, Kindrogan Bridge, River Ardle, 6/6.

Pr + b/2, Steading, Kindrogan Field Centre, 6/6. Later oobserved throughout week in field to west.

Juv, Straloch Loch, 10/6.

Dipper  Cinclus cinclus

Ad, River Ardle, Kindrogan Field Centre, 6-11/6.

Fledged juv, Kindrogan Bridge, River Ardle, 6/6.

Wren  Troglodytes troglodytes

Fairly common.

Singing mm, between 650-750m on Ben Vrackie, 8/6.

Singing at field centre from 03:24h on 9/6; 03:30h on 10/6.

Dunnock  Prunella modularis

Fairly common in clear-fell/re-stock/forest edge around Kindrogan Hill, including trig-point.

1 singing m, Kindrogan Field Centre, all week.

Common in Pitlochry gardens, 8/6.

2 singing mm, Moulin trail from car park to start of Ben Vrackie trail, 8/6.

Robin  Erithacus rubecula

Common. Several fledged broods noted.

Singing at field centre from 03:09h on 9/6; 03:04h on 10/6.

Fledged brood, Moulin trail from car park to start of Ben Vrackie trail, 8/6.

Last heard singing at 22:46h, 8/6.

Redstart  Phoenicurus phoenicurus

Singing m, clear-fell with a few Silver Birches, south-east of cemetery (NO 057625), 9/6-11/6 at least.

Singing m, Silver Birch wood at east end of Glen Brerachan (NO 030637), 10/6.

Whinchat  Saxicola rubetra

Pr, along moorland trail up to Ben Vrackie, 8/6.

Wheatear  Oenanthe oenanthe

4 singing mm, along moorland trail up to Ben Vrackie, 8/6.

f, at trig-point, Ben Vrackie, 8/6.

Ring Ouzel  Turdus torquatus

Singing at usual site, Ben Vrackie, 8/6. Also observed crossing the trail to the peak.

Unsexed bird, seen briefly below in flight, Loch a Choire, Ben Vrackie, 8/6.

Blackbird  Turdus merula


Singing at field centre from 03:15h on 9/6; 03:22h on 10/6.

Song Thrush  Turdus philomelus


2, adults collecting food, field on west side of Kindrogan field centre, 6/6.

Singing at field centre from 03:14h on 9/6; 03:11h on 10/6.

Still singing 23:05 on 7/6.

One heard mimicking Oystercatcher calls, main entrance track, all week.

Mistle Thrush  Turdus viscivorus

Several pairs in north end of Strathardle.

Pr + b/4, field on west side of Kindrogan field centre, 6/6.

One late individual heard singing for a few minutes, Kindrogan Hill, 21:44h, 8/6.

Pr + b/3, clear-fell on Kindrogan Hill, above cemetery, 11/6.

Whitethroat  Sylvia communis

1 singing, Cateran Trail near Kirkmichael, 10/6.

Garden Warbler  Sylvia borin

None heard around Kindrogan field centre this year.

2 singing mm, in re-stock, Moulin trail from car park to start of Ben Vrackie trail, 8/6.

Blackcap  Sylvia atricapilla

Fairly common.

Singing at field centre from 03:49h on 9/6; 03:43h on 10/6.

1 singing m, Moulin trail from car park to start of Ben Vrackie trail, 8/6.

Chiffchaff  Phylloscopus collybita

2 singing mm, Moulin trail from car park to start of Ben Vrackie trail, 8/6.

1 singing m, curling pond, 10/6, 11/6.

1 singing m, Kindrogan field centre, 10/6-12/6.

Willow Warbler  Phylloscopus trochilus


Singing at Kindrogan field centre until 20:56h, 9/6



Willow Warbler  Phylloscopus trochilus

Sonogram of Willow Warbler song

Kindrogan Hill, Enochdhu, Perthshire, Scotland  56° 44' 45.8" N  03° 32' 49.7" W  9 June 2015

Territorial song from c5 years old Sitka Spruce re-stock in clear-fell.

[File name: willowwarblerLS113356ecut]

    Willow Warbler4


Goldcrest  Regulus regulus

Common in forested areas of Kindrogan Hill, including 4-5 metre high re-stock.

Singing at field centre from 03:35h on 9/6; 03:37h on 10/6.

Spotted Flycatcher  Muscicapa striata

Singing mm or pairs noted at: Kindrogan field centre walled garden, Kindrogan field centre car park, track from field centre to curling pond (3), Balanald, Davan, West Lodge, Straloch Loch (3).

3 singing mm, Moulin trail from car park to start of Ben Vrackie trail, 8/6.

Long-tailed Tit  Aegithalos caudatus

No birds located.

Coal Tit  Periparus ater

Fairly common in coniferous areas in Strathardle and Kindrogan Hill.

Blue Tit  Cyanistes caeruleus


Using nest boxes and feeders around the field centre. Most chicks still in the nest.

Pr + b/5, fledged, Kindrogan field centre, 9/6.

Great Tit  Parus major


Using nest boxes and feeders around the field centre.

Some brief song heard occasionally, e.g. 04:12h on 10/6.

Treecreeper  Certhia familiaris

Fairly common. One with food for young in conifer plantation, Cateran Trail south of Dalreoch, 10/6.

Singing at field centre from 03:58 on 9/6.

1, Moulin trail from car park to start of Ben Vrackie trail, 8/6.

Jay  Garrulus glandarius

No birds located this year.

Magpie  Pica pica

Noted in Kirkmichael & Pitlochry.

Jackdaw  Corvus monedula        

At least 12 prs nesting in chimneys of Kindrogan House and in natural holes and nest-boxes in the adjacent beech wood.

22+, regularly feeding in field to west of Kindrogan field centre, all week. All mobbing Buzzard, 6/6.

Rook  Corvus frugilegus

Many recently fledged broods in Glen Brerachan.

40+, Tulloch, 10/6.

Carrion Crow  Corvus corone

A few pairs in the north-west end of Strathardle.

Raven  Corvus corax

1, croaking over field centre, 7/6.

Pr, along moorland trail up to Ben Vrackie, 8/6.

1, Kindrogan Hill, 9/6.

Starling  Sturnus vulgaris

Pairs with fledged broods, noted in Straloch, all week.

Common in Kirkmichael and Pitlochry.

House Sparrow  Passer domesticus

Common in Moulin & Pitlochry, 8/6.

Pr, Straloch PS, 10/6.

1 f + juv, Dalreoch, 10/6.

Chaffinch  Fringilla coelebs

Abundant. Most females probably still incubating.

Singing at field centre from 03:56h on 9/6; 03:34h on 10/6.


Common Chaffinch   Fringilla coelebs

  Sonogram of Chaffinch song

Kindrogan FSC Field Centre, Enochdhu, Perthshire, Scotland  56º 44' 53.7'' N  03º 33' 02.4'' W  11 June 2015

Territorial song composed of two trilling phrases and a terminal flourish from a tree-fall area in a Sitka Spruce plantantion, bordering a slightly more open area with a few Sessile Oaks and Silver Birches. Song perches ranged from 2.5 to 10 metres. This individual had only one song type (~2.2 secs). Of a one hour recording (~263 strophes), it sang for 45 minutes and was silent for 15 mins (5.8 strophes/min during the active singing period). Song matching with neighbours. Subsequent observation failed to locate a female (though possibly incubating).

[File name: chaffinchLS113367ecut]



Greenfinch  Carduelis chloris

1 displaying, Straloch Loch, 10/6.

1 m, Dalreoch, 10/6.

Noted in Pitlochry and Kirkmichael.

Goldfinch  Carduelis carduelis

Pr, Kindrogan Field Centre car park, most days.

Pr + b/3, feeding on dandelion seeds, Balnald, 10/6.

1, heard, Straloch Loch, 10/6.

1 singing, Dalreoch, 10/6.

Siskin  Carduelis spinus


Displaying birds noted in most areas.

Linnet  Carduelis cannabina

Pr, Moulin trail from car park to start of Ben Vrackie trail, 8/6.

Lesser Redpoll  Carduelis cabaret

3+, Moulin trail from car park to start of Ben Vrackie trail, 8/6.

4, cemetery clear-fell, Kindrogan Hill, 9/6.

1, Straloch Loch, 10/6.

1, Straloch PS, 10/6.

Crossbill  Loxia curvirostra

Most registrations and largest numbers noted since coming every June since 2003 - heavy cone crop.

41 (min), north side of Kindrogan Hill, 7/6. Flock of 16 around large tree-fall area and 25 around the trig-point. Most of these birds were juveniles and adult females. Only one adult male seen.

2, over cemetery, Kindrogan Hill, 8/6.

Flocks of 9, 7 + 28, over cemetery clear-fell, Kindrogan Hill, 9/6.

4, over cemetery clear-fell, Kindrogan Hill, 11/6.

Bullfinch  Pyrrhula pyrrhula

2 prs, in re-stock, north side of Kindrogan Hill, 8/6, 11/6.

Pr, Moulin trail from car park to start of Ben Vrackie trail, 8/6.

Reed Bunting  Emberiza schoeniclus

1 singing m, Poloskie, near Straloch Loch, 10/6.




Kindrogan Trip Reports:  2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 |

Location Guide to LocationsSummary 2005-2018

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