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Florida Keys


03 - 10 November 2014

Observers: F. Simpson




This was the fifth field work trip to the Keys. Specific birding was restricted to a couple of hours before breakfast when I walked a 3.85 mile circuit to the brackish lagoon on East Shore Drive then on to the small freshwater pool on Katherine Street, on Summerland Key. Everything else was just noted on the kayaking trips to the field sites in the mangroves around Summerland Key, Cudjoe Key and Lower Sugarloaf Key. What follows is a list of casual observations and a birder with more time could discover more migrant species.



Southern tip of Cudjoe Key © Fraser Simpson  2014






Magnificent Frigatebird, Anhinga, Würdemann's Heron, Reddish Egret, Tricolored Heron, Little Blue Heron,

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, Broad-winged Hawk, Short-tailed Hawk, Wilson's Plover, Royal Tern, Common Ground-Dove, White-crowned Pigeon, Great Horned Owl, Belted Kingfisher, Worm-eating Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush,

Kentucky Warbler, Yellow-throated Warbler, Northern Parula, Indigo Bunting, Painted Bunting, Boat-tailed Grackle.



Literature, references & site guides used


Pranty, B. 2005. A Birder's Guide to Florida. American Birding Association, Inc.

Sibley, D. 2014. The North American Bird Guide (2nd edition). Bloomsbury.

Dunn, J. L. & Alderfer, J. 2011. Field Guide to the Birds of North America. (6th edition). National Geographic.

Stephenson, T & Whittle, S. 2013. The Warbler Guide. Princeton University Press.

Stokes, D., Stokes, L., Elliott, L. 1997. The Stokes Field Guide to Birds Songs: Eastern Region. Hachette Audio.


Mangroves, LowerSugarloaf Key, © Fraser Simpson 2014




 GPS coordinates of sites visited


Katherine Street pond

24° 39' 9.57" N  81° 26' 19.37" W



Crab Key

24° 38' 31.50" N  81° 26' 45.41" W


East Shore Drive lagoon

24° 39' 33.86" N  81° 26' 21.70" W


Pye Key

24° 37' 58.66" N  81° 26' 39.56" W


Western end Summerland Key

24° 39' 39.78" N  81° 27' 41.65" W


Gopher Key

24° 38' 33.65" N  81° 29' 4.61" W


Mote Marine Laboratory

24° 39' 41.42" N  81° 27' 16.37" W


Out Key

24° 38' 37.91" N  81° 28' 16.86" W


North-west side of Summerland Key

24° 39' 58.60" N  81° 27' 37.29" W


No Name Key

24° 41' 51.70" N  81° 20' 27.69" W


Kemp Channel  

24° 39' 45.63" N  81° 27' 55.70" W


Bogie Channel

24° 41' 51.33" N  81° 20' 42.51" W


Cudjoe Key

24° 39' 56.24" N  81° 28' 23.12" W


Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key

24° 41' 45.35" N  81° 21' 16.76" W


Pirates Road channel

24° 39' 44.03" N  81° 29' 11.26" W


Seven Mile Bridge

24° 41' 56.27" N  81° 10' 9.48" W



Locations around Summerland Key


Kayaking around Summerland Key, Florida, © Fraser Simpson 2014


Species List - Florida Keys  3-10 November 2014


Brown Pelican  Pelecanus occidentalis

1, Crab Key, 05/11.

1, Bogie Channel, No Name Key-Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.

5, Gopher Key & southern tip of Cudjoe Key, 07/11.

1, over East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 08/11.

2, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-southeast side of Cudjoe Key, 08/11.

64, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Summerland Key and Key Largo, 10/11.


Magnificent Frigatebird  Fregata magnificens

1, over Kemp Channel, between Cudjoe & Summerland Keys, 04/11.

4, over East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, over Summerland Key, 05/11.

3, over Crab Key, 05/11.

2, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-south tip of Cudjoe Key, 06/11.

45, circling to roost, Out Key, 06/11.

2, Bogie Channel, No Name Key-Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.

22, Gopher Key & southern tip of Cudjoe Key, 07/11.

1, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-southeast side of Cudjoe Key, 08/11.


Double-crested Cormorant  Phalacrocorax auritus

Regular off Mote Marine Lab, Summerland Key.

10+, Kemp Channel, between Cudjoe & Summerland Keys, 04/11.

10, Crab Key, 05/11.

1, over East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 06/11.

7, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-south tip of Cudjoe Key, 06/11.

8, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

17, Bogie Channel, No Name Key-Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.

12, Gopher Key & southern tip of Cudjoe Key, 07/11.

16, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-southeast side of Cudjoe Key, 08/11.

7, US-1, Summerland Key to Key West, 09/11.

436, (inc 231 Long Key Bridge) counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Summerland Key and Key Largo, 10/11.

2, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Key Largo & Miami Airport, 10/11.


Anhinga  Anhinga anhinga

1, over Bogie Channel, No Name Key, 07/11.


Great Blue Heron  Ardea herodias (dark morph)

2, ad + juv, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 04/11.

3, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 06/11.

3, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

4 (2 ads + 2 juvs), East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 07/11.

2, Bogie Channel, No Name Key-Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 09/11.


Great Blue Heron  (Ardea herodias) © Fraser Simpson 2014


Great White Heron  Ardea herodias (white morph)

Regular over Mote Marine Lab, Summerland Key.

1, south-west side of Summerland Key, 04/11.

3, southern tip of Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, over US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-south tip of Cudjoe Key, 06/11.

2, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

1, Gopher Key, 07/11.

2, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-southeast side of Cudjoe Key, 08/11.

1, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Summerland Key and Key Largo, 10/11.

2, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Key Largo & Miami Airport, 10/11.


Würdemann's Heron  Ardea herodias (Intermediate morph)

1, in mangroves at southern tip of Summerland Key, 05/11.


Würdemann's Heron  (Ardea herodias) © Fraser Simpson 2014


Great Egret  Ardea alba

3, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 05/11.

3, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 06/11.

2, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

1, on sidewalk at First State Bank, US-1, Summerland Key, 07/11.

4, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 07/11.

2, Bogie Channel, No Name Key-Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 08/11.

2, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 09/11.

1, in a garden on East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 09/11.

2, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 09/11.

3, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Summerland Key and Key Largo, 10/11.

2, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Key Largo & Miami Airport, 10/11.


Great Egret (Ardea alba), East Shore Drive Lagoon, Summerland Key, © Fraser Simpson 2014


Great Egret (Ardea alba), Summerland Key, © Fraser Simpson 2014


Snowy Egret  Egretta thula

3, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 06/11.

2, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 07/11.

1, Bogie Channel, No Name Key-Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Key Largo & Miami Airport, 10/11.


Reddish Egret  Egretta rufecens (dark morph)

1, dark morph, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, dark morph, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 06/11.

3, dark morphs, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 07/11.

1, dark morph, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, dark morph, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 09/11.


Tricolored Heron  Egretta tricolor

5, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

9, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 07/11.

1, Bogie Channel, No Name Key-Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.

1, Pirate's Road channel, Cudjoe Key, 07/11.

1, southern tip of Cudjoe Key, 07/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 08/11.


Little Blue Heron  Egretta caerulea

2, mangroves on south-west side of Summerland Key, 04/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 05/11.

2, south tip of Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 06/11.

3, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

4, Bogie Channel, No Name Key-Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.

1, Pirate's Road channel, Cudjoe Key, 07/11.


Cattle Egret  Bubulcus ibis

2, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Summerland Key and Key Largo, 10/11.

5, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Key Largo & Miami Airport, 10/11


Green Heron  Butorides virescens

8, channels on southern half of Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, Mote Marine Lab, Summerland Key, 05/11

1, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-south tip of Cudjoe Key, 06/11.

4, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

3, Bogie Channel, No Name Key-Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.

1, Pirate's Road channel, Cudjoe Key, 07/11.

4, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-southeast side of Cudjoe Key, 08/11.


Green Heron (Butorides virescens) © Fraser Simpson 2014


Black-crowned Night-Heron  Nycticorax nycticorax

juv, Big Pine Key, 07/11.


Yellow-crowned Night-Heron  Nyctanassa violacea

1, Lake Drive North, Summerland Key, 05/11.

2, southern tip of Summerland Key, 05/11.

1 juv, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1 juv, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1 juv, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 07/11.

1, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-south tip of Cudjoe Key, 06/11.

4, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

3, Bogie Channel, No Name Key-Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.

3, Gopher Key & southern tip of Cudjoe Key, 07/11.

2, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-southeast side of Cudjoe Key, 08/11.


Adult Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) © Fraser Simpson 2014


Juvenile Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) © Fraser Simpson 2014


White Ibis  Eudocimus albus

Regular over Mote Marine Lab, Summerland Key.

3, south-west side of Summerland Key, 04/11.

5, over US-1, Summerland Key, 05/11.

16, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 05/11.

7, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 05/11.

14, channels along southern half of Summerland Key, 05/11.

9, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

4, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 06/11.

6, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

43, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

13, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 07/11.

2, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 07/11.

3, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 07/11.

11 (7 ads + 4 juvs), Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 07/11.

4, Bogie Channel, No Name Key-Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.

6, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

3, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 08/11.

5, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 08/11.

10, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 09/11.

3, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 09/11.

11, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 09/11.

2, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 09/11.

74, US-1, Summerland Key to Key West, 09/11.

9, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Summerland Key and Key Largo, 10/11.

38, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Key Largo & Miami Airport, 10/11.


White Ibis  (Eudocimus albus) © Fraser Simpson 2014


Blue-winged Teal  Anas discors

7, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 05/11.

7, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 06/11.

7, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 07/11.

7, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 08/11.

7, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 09/11.


Green-winged Teal  Anas crecca

1 f, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 09/11.


Red Junglefowl  Gallus gallus

8, roosting, Marathon, 03/11.

1, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

31, Key West, 09/11.

6, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Summerland Key and Key Largo, 10/11.


Turkey Vulture  Cathartes aura

Regular over Mote Marine Lab, Summerland Key.

9, over south-west side of Summerland Key, 04/11.

2, over channels along southern half of Summerland Key, 05/11.

4, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-south tip of Cudjoe Key, 06/11.

30+, over east side of Sugarloaf Key, 06/11.

30+, Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.

24, Pirate's Road channel, Cudjoe Key, 07/11.

21, US-1, Summerland Key to Key West, 09/11.

74, Mote Marine Laboratory, Summerland Key, 10/11.

51, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Summerland Key and Key Largo, 10/11.

17, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Key Largo & Miami Airport, 10/11.


Northern Harrier  Circus cyaneus

1, South Dixie Highway, 10/11.


Sharp-shinned Hawk  Accipiter striatus

1, over West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.


Broad-winged Hawk  Buteo platypterus

3, over US-1, Summerland Key, 04/11.

1, perched in mangroves on south-west side of Summerland Key, 04/11.

1, Mote Marine Lab, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, Lake Drive North, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

1, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 07/11.

1, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 08/11.

2, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Summerland Key and Key Largo, 10/11.


Short-tailed Hawk  Buteo brachyurus

1, Mote Marine Laboratory, Summerland Key, 10/11.

2, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Summerland Key and Key Largo, 10/11.


Red-tailed Hawk  Buteo jamaicensis

1, west side of Summerland Key, 06/11.


Osprey  Pandion haliaetus

1, over south-west corner of Summerland Key, 04/11.

Pr, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, over Airport Drive South, Summerland Key, 05/11.

Pr, Crab Key, 05/11.

1, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-south tip of Cudjoe Key, 06/11.

Pr, on nest at southern tip of Cudjoe Key, 06/11.

1, nest-repairing, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 07/11.

Pr, on nest at southern tip of Cudjoe Key, 06/11.

Pr, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-southeast side of Cudjoe Key, 08/11.

1, over Mote Marine Laboratory, Summerland Key, 09/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 09/11.

3, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Summerland Key and Key Largo, 10/11.

2, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Key Largo & Miami Airport, 10/11.


American Kestrel  Falco sparverius

1, over Mote Marine Lab, Summerland Key, 04/11.

1, south-west corner of Summerland Key, 04/11.

1, Mote Marine Lab, Summerland Key, 05/11.

2, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, Katherine Street-45th Street, Summerland Key, 05/11.

3, channels along southern half of Summerland Key, 05/11.

2, southern tip of Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 06/11.

3, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 07/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 07/11.

1, Bogie Channel, No Name Key-Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.

1, southern tip of Cudjoe Key, 07/11.

2, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, 45th Street, Summerland Key, 08/11.

2, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, Katherine Street, Summerland Key, 09/11.

2, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 09/11.

1, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 09/11.

3, US-1, Summerland Key to Key West, 09/11.

9, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Summerland Key and Key Largo, 10/11.


Wilson's Plover  Charadrius wilsonia

1, south-east side of Summerland Key, 05/11.


Spotted Sandpiper  Actitis macularius

2, south-west side of Summerland Key, 04/11.

2, channels along southern half of Summerland Key, 05/11.

2, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

1, Bogie Channel, No Name Key-Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.

1, southern tip of Cudjoe Key, 07/11.


 Solitary Sandpiper  Tringa solitaria

1, channel along Caribbean Drive East, Summerland Key, 05/11.


Small Peep spp.  Calidris spp.

Many (seen from bus) on the mudflats around the Bahia Honda Key/Ohio Key/Grassy Key stretch of coastline


Laughing Gull  Larus atricilla

Regular past Mote Marine Lab, Summerland Key, daily.

20+, Kemp Channel, between Cudjoe and Summerland Keys, 04/11.

7, over channels along southern half of Summerland Key, 05/11.

18, on water, off southern side of Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

40, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-south tip of Cudjoe Key, 06/11.

30+, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

7, Gopher Key & southern tip of Cudjoe Key, 07/11.

5, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

24, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

5, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-southeast side of Cudjoe Key, 08/11.

3, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 09/11.

2, US-1, Summerland Key to Key West, 09/11.

20+, Mallory Square, Key West, 09/11.

25, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Summerland Key and Key Largo, 10/11.


Laughing Gulls  (Larus atricilla) © Fraser Simpson 2014


Ring-billed Gull  Larus delawarensis

2, Long Key Bridge, 10/11.


American Herring Gull  Larus smithsonianus

2, Kemp Channel, 04/11.


Royal Tern  Sterna maxima

2, Kemp Channel, 04/11.

2, southern side of Summerland Key, 05/11.

4, southern tip of Summerland Key and Crab Key, 05/11.

8, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-south tip of Cudjoe Key, 06/11.

7, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

6, Gopher Key & southern tip of Cudjoe Key, 07/11.

4, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-southeast side of Cudjoe Key, 08/11.

1, over Mote Marine Laboratory, Summerland Key, 09/11.

1, US-1, Summerland Key to Key West, 09/11.

4, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Summerland Key and Key Largo, 10/11.


Royal Tern (Sterna maxima) © Fraser Simpson 2014


Mourning Dove  Zenaida macroura

1, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 05/11.

4, along channels on southern half of Summerland Key, 05/11.

10, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

5, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

4, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 07/11.

1, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 07/11.

5, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

4, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

2, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 08/11.

5, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 08/11.

2, 45th Street, Summerland Key, 08/11.

2, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 09/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 09/11.

5, US-1, Summerland Key to Key West, 09/11.

5, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Key Largo & Miami Airport, 10/11.


Eurasian Collared Dove  Streptopelia decaocto

1, roosting with Red Junglefowl in roadside tree, Marathon, 03/11.

1, Murray's Market, Summerland Key, 04/11.

10, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 05/11.

4, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 05/11.

4, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 05/11.

11, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 05/11.

16, channels along southern half of Summerland Key, 05/11.

14, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

2, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 06/11.

11, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

23, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

12, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 07/11.

1, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 07/11.

9, including one singing, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, 45th Street, Summerland Key, 08/11.

4, 44th Street, Summerland Key, 08/11.

8, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

34, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 09/11.

14, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 09/11.

2, Katherine Street, Summerland Key, 09/11.

53, US-1, Summerland Key to Key West, 09/11.

12, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Key Largo & Miami Airport, 10/11.


Common Ground-Dove  Columbina passerina

1, over East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, Mote Marine Laboratory, Summerland Key, 08/11.


Feral Pigeon  Columba livia

Heard calling, under Kemp Channel bridge, 04/11.

36, over East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 05/11.

6, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

11, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-south tip of Cudjoe Key, 06/11.

2, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 07/11.

2, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 07/11.

23, Bogie Channel Bridge, No Name Key-Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.

12, 44th Street, Summerland Key, 08/11.

8, 44th Street, Summerland Key, 09/11.

56, US-1, Summerland Key to Key West, 09/11.

141, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Summerland Key and Key Largo, 10/11.

39, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Key Largo & Miami Airport, 10/11.


White-crowned Pigeon  Columba leucocephala

1, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 08/11.


Great Horned Owl  Bubo virginianus

1, Mote Marine Lab, Summerland Key, 04/11.


Belted Kingfisher  Ceryle alcyon

2, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, southern tip of Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, Crab Key, 05/11.

2, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 06/11.

3, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-south tip of Cudjoe Key, 06/11.

5, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 07/11.

2, Bogie Channel, No Name Key-Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.

1, Pirate's Road channel, Cudjoe Key, 07/11.

4, Gopher Key & southern tip of Cudjoe Key, 07/11.

2, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 08/11.

4, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-southeast side of Cudjoe Key, 08/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 09/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 09/11.

2, US-1, Summerland Key to Key West, 09/11.

2, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Summerland Key and Key Largo, 10/11.

2, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Key Largo & Miami Airport, 10/11.


Red-bellied Woodpecker  Melanerpes carolinus

1, south-west corner of Summerland Key, 04/11.

1, Mote Marine Lab, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, 41st Street, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, south-east of Cudjoe Key, 06/11.

2, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

1, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 07/11.

2, Bogie Channel, No Name Key-Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.

2, southern tip of Cudjoe Key, 07/11.

1, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 08/11.

3, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 09/11.

1, Duval Street, Key West, 09/11.


Eastern Phoebe  Sayornis phoebe

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 06/11.


Great Crested Flycatcher  Myiarchus crinitus

1, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 08/11.


White-eyed Vireo  Vireo griseus

1, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 08/11.


Northern Mockingbird  Mimus polyglottos

2, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 05/11.

2, East Shore Drive-Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, Katherine Street-45th Street, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 06/11.

3, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

3, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

3, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

2, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 07/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 07/11.

3, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 07/11.

1, inc short song phrases, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

4, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

3, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

2, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 09/11.

1, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 09/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 09/11.

15, US-1, Summerland Key to Key West, 09/11.

2, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Summerland Key and Key Largo, 10/11.


European Starling  Sturnus vulgaris

1, Mote Marine Lab, Summerland Key, 05/11.

2, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 05/11.

4, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

6, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

6, US-1, Summerland Key to Key West, 09/11.

91, counted from Keys Shuttle bus between Key Largo & Miami Airport, 10/11.


Fish Crow   Corvus ossifragus

2, US-1, Summerland Key to Key West, 09/11.

3, between Key Largo & Miami Airport, 10/11.


Northern Rough-winged Swallow  Stelgidopteryx serripennis

12, Bogie Channel, No Name Key-Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.


Katherine Street pond © Fraser Simpson 2014

The freshwater pond on Katherine Street, Summerland Key


Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  Polioptila caerulea

4, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, Caribbean Drive East, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 06/11.

2, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 07/11.

2, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 07/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 07/11.

1, Bogie Channel, No Name Key-Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.

1, Pirate's Road channel, Cudjoe Key, 07/11.

1, southern tip of Cudjoe Key, 07/11.

1, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

2, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

4, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, 45th Street, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, 45th Street, Summerland Key, 09/11.

2, Katherine Street, Summerland Key, 09/11.


Gray Catbird  Dumettela carolinensis

1, channels on south side of Summerland Key, 04/11.

1, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 05/11.

3, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

4, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 06/11.

2, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 06/11.

4, 41st Street, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

1, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 07/11.

3, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 07/11.

3, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 07/11.

2, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 08/11.

4, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, 46th Street, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 09/11.

1, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 09/11.

1, 45th Street, Summerland Key, 09/11.

2, Katherine Street, Summerland Key, 09/11.

2, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 09/11.


Worm-eating Warbler  Helmitheros vermivorum

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 05/11.


Louisiana Waterthrush  Parkesia motacilla

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 08/11.


Northern Waterthrush  Parkesia noveboracensis

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 07/11.

1, Bogie Channel, No Name Key-Doctors Arm, Big Pine Key, 07/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 09/11.


Black-and-white Warbler  Mniotilta varia

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 05/11.


Kentucky Warbler  Geothlypis formosa

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 06/11.


Common Yellowthroat  Geothlypis trichas

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 07/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 08/11.


Northern Parula  Setophaga americana

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 08/11.


Magnolia Warbler  Setophaga magnolia

1, 1st-w f, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 09/11.


Palm Warbler  Setophaga palmarum

Common in most areas. Some counts:

2, along US-1, Mote Marine Lab-Murray's Market, Summerland Key, 04/11.

3, channels on south side of Summerland Key, 04/11.

2, Mote Marine Lab, Summerland Key, 04/11.

4, along US-1, Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 05/11.

5, East Shore Drive-Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 05/11.

2, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 05/11.

3, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 05/11.

3, Katherine Street-45th Street, Summerland Key, 05/11.

2, Mote Marine Lab, Summerland Key, 06/11.

5, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 06/11.

6, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

2, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 06/11.

2, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 06/11.

2, 41st Street, Summerland Key, 06/11.

6, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

2, west side of Summerland Key-Kemp Channel-south tip of Cudjoe Key, 06/11.

12, south side of Cudjoe Key/Cudjoe Bay, 06/11.

3, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 07/11.

3, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 07/11.

4, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 07/11.

2, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 07/11.

3, Pirate's Road channel, Cudjoe Key, 07/11.

2, southern tip of Cudjoe Key, 07/11.

3, Mote Marine Laboratory, Summerland Key, 08/11.

3, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 08/11.

8, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

5, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 08/11.

2, 45th Street, Summerland Key, 08/11.

3, 46th Street, Summerland Key, 08/11.

12, on lawn of property adjacent to Mote Marine Lab, 08/11.

3, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

5, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 09/11.

3, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 09/11.

2, 44th Street, Summerland Key, 09/11.

1, 46th Street, Summerland Key, 09/11.

4, Katherine Street, Summerland Key, 09/11.

2, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 09/11.

3, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 09/11.

5, Duval Street, Key West, 09/11.

2, Mote Marine Lab, Summerland Key, 10/11.


Yellow-throated Warbler  Setophaga dominica

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 06/11.


Florida Prairie Warbler  Setophaga discolor paludicola

1, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

2, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 07/11.

1, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

2, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 09/11.


Black-throated Green Warbler  Setophaga virens

1, 1st-w f, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, 1st-w f, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 09/11.


Northern Cardinal  Cardinalis cardinalis

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 06/11.

3, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 07/11.

2, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 07/11.

2, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 07/11.

3, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

1, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 08/11.

2, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.


Savannah Sparrow  Passerculus sandwichensis

5, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.


Indigo Bunting  Passerina cyanea

2, female + juv, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 07/11.


Painted Bunting  Passerina ciris

1, female, Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 07/11.


Red-winged Blackbird  Agelaius phoeniceus

Fairly common in most areas. Some counts:

46, US-1, Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 05/11.

16, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 05/11.

3, East Shore Drive-Margaret Street, Summerland Key, 05/11.

1, West Shore Drive, Summerland Street, 05/11.

46, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 06/11.

1, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 06/11.

8, West Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 06/11.

32, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 07/11.

9, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 07/11.

1, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 07/11.

1, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 08/11.

2, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 08/11.

2, Katherine Street pond, Summerland Key, 08/11.

23, along US-1 between Mote Marine Lab-East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 09/11.

2, 44th Street, Summerland Key, 09/11.

5, East Shore Drive, Summerland Key, 09/11.

4, East Shore Drive lagoon, Summerland Key, 09/11.


Common Grackle  Quiscalus quiscula

c200, flying to roost, Miami Airport, 04/11.


Boat-tailed Grackle  Quiscalus major

c45, flying to roost, Miami Airport, 04/11.


House Sparrow  Passer domesticus

6, Miami Airport, 04/11.




   Sunset, Summerland Key, Florida © Fraser Simpson 2014

All photographs © 2014  F. S. Simpson

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