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27 Dec 2019 - 1 Jan 2020

Observers: F. Simpson



After missing a winter and Christmas visit home last year, I was looking forward to getting back to my old haunts in Ayrshire. The intention was to concentrate on surveying farmland birds (particularly Tree Sparrows and Yellowhammers) but after a few scouts around it soon became clear that the stubble fields were pretty dead. Small numbers of Tree Sparrows were located along the Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line but no Yellowhammer flocks were found. Still, I headed out on my (borrowed) bike for six days between Christmas and New Year's Day and below is list of species located at various sites in central Ayrshire between Kilmarnock and the coast, many of which I've written up as site guides for the SOC's Where to Watch Birds in Scotland App. Every day, bar the glorious Hogmanay, was covered with thick cloud and frequent showers but as I cycle to work whatever the conditions anyway, this did not put me off.


Ayrshire Trip Reports:  2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 |


Ayrshire Bird Surveying by Bike © Fraser Simpson Ayrshire bird surveys by bike - View of Arran from Ballast Bank - Hogmanay 2019


Ayrshire Bird Surveying by Bike © Fraser Simpson Final sunset of the decade, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line, Ayrshire


Map of general area and some of the main sites visited (or intended to visit). Ayrshire 27 Dec 2019 -1 Jan 2020.


These are sites I've recently written up (Eglinton CP the exception)

for the new Scottish Ornithologists' Club App, Where to Watch Birds in Scotland.


1. Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line

2. Capringstone

3. River Irvine, Dreghorn-Shewalton

4. Shewalton sand pit

5. Tarryholme pond

6. Irvine harbour mouth

7. Barassie & Troon

8. Loans

9. Dean Castle Country Park

10. Kay Park & Townholm

11. Howard Park

12. Ladyton Loch

13. Pow Burn

14. Eglinton CP



 Species List

Mute Swan  Cygnus olor

pr, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 29-Dec.

pr + juv, Kay Park pond, Kilmarnock (NS 435383), 30-Dec.

pr, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.

pr, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.

4, Pow Burn mouth (NS 340280), 31-Dec.

pr, Magnum boating pond, Irvine Beach Park (NS 307378), 31-Dec.

4, Irvine harbour/Bogside (NS 307381), 31-Dec.

ad + juv, Tarryholme (NS 330376), 31-Dec.

1 ad, Eglinton Loch (NS 325422), 1-Jan.


Whooper Swan  Cygnus cygnus

6, south, then north, Pow Burn mouth (NS 340280), 31-Dec.

6, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec. (Pow Burn birds).


Little Grebe  Tachybaptus ruficollis

1, Oldhall Ponds SWT (NS 337364), 29-Dec.

4, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 29-Dec.

1, Magnum boating pond, Irvine Beach Park (NS 307378), 31-Dec.

4, Eglinton Loch (NS 325422), 1-Jan.


Shag  Phalacrocorax aristotelis

12, Pow Burn mouth (NS 340280), 31-Dec.

43, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.

1, Troon harbour (NS 308316), 31-Dec.

4, Irvine harbour mouth (NS 303378), 31-Dec.


Cormorant  Phalacrocorax carbo

4, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 29-Dec.

1, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec.

3, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.

1, Troon harbour (NS 308316), 31-Dec.

3, Eglinton Loch (NS 325422), 1-Jan. Including probable adult sinensis individual.


Grey Heron  Ardea cinerea

1, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

5, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

2, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

1, Carmel Water, Knockentiber Viaduct, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 30-Dec.

1, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.

1, Northcraig Reservoir (NS 439414), 30-Dec.

2, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.

2, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

3, Troon harbour (NS 308316), 31-Dec.

1, Tarryholme (NS 330376), 31-Dec.

1, Annick Water-River Irvine confluence (NS 325375), 31-Dec.

1, over Crosshouse (NS 393379), 1-Jan.

1, Carmel Water, Knockentiber Viaduct, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 1-Jan.

1, Capringstone (NS 355387), 1-Jan.

1, Eglinton Loch (NS 325422), 1-Jan.


Little Egret  Egretta garzetta

1, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.


Canada Goose  Branta canadensis

34, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

50, Irvine harbour/Bogside (NS 307381), 31-Dec.


Greylag Goose  Anser anser

12, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

50, Perceton Row (NS 358395), 1-Jan.


Pink-footed Goose  Anser brachyrhynchus

270, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 28-Dec.

550, Perceton Row (NS 358395), 1-Jan.


Gadwall  Mareca strepera

pr, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 29-Dec.


Eurasian Wigeon  Anas penelope

134, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

1, Oldhall Ponds SWT (NS 337364), 29-Dec.

29, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 29-Dec.

1, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.

184, Pow Burn mouth (NS 340280), 31-Dec.

123, Magnum boating pond, Irvine Beach Park (NS 307378), 31-Dec.

400+, Irvine harbour/Bogside (NS 307381), 31-Dec.

105, Capringstone (NS 355387), 1-Jan.

42, Eglinton Loch (NS 325422), 1-Jan.


Mallard  Anas platyrhynchos

13, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

18, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

21, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

10, Oldhall Ponds SWT (NS 337364), 29-Dec.

47, Kay Park pond, Kilmarnock (NS 435383), 30-Dec.

9, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

6, River Irvine, Milton Mill (NS 467377), 30-Dec.

2, Loudoun Kirk sluices (NS 491370), 30-Dec.

12, East Holmes Marsh (NS 479368), 30-Dec.

2, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.

48, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.

2, Gailes-Irvine Beach Park, 31-Dec.

1, Magnum boating pond, Irvine Beach Park (NS 307378), 31-Dec.

11, Tarryholme (NS 330376), 31-Dec.

pr, Carmel Water, Knockentiber Viaduct, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 1-Jan.

2, Capringstone (NS 355387), 1-Jan.

22, Eglinton Loch (NS 325422), 1-Jan.


Teal  Anas crecca

2, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

26, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

8, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

5, Oldhall Ponds SWT (NS 337364), 29-Dec.

27, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.

16, Capringstone (NS 355387), 1-Jan.

79, Warwickdale (NS 366402), 1-Jan.


Pochard  Aythya ferina

1 f, Eglinton Loch (NS 325422), 1-Jan.


Tufted Duck  Aythya fuligula

2, Oldhall Ponds SWT (NS 337364), 29-Dec.

3, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 29-Dec.

6, Kay Park pond, Kilmarnock (NS 435383), 30-Dec.

7, Magnum boating pond, Irvine Beach Park (NS 307378), 31-Dec.

2, Capringstone (NS 355387), 1-Jan.

11, Eglinton Loch (NS 325422), 1-Jan.


Scaup  Aythya marila

f, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.


Eider  Somateria mollissima

9, Pow Burn mouth (NS 340280), 31-Dec.

42, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec.

7, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.

23, off Troon harbour (NS 308316), 31-Dec.

110, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.


Common Scoter  Melanitta nigra

2, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.


Long-tailed Duck  Clangula hyemalis

f, off Troon harbour (NS 308316), 31-Dec.


Goldeneye  Bucephala clangula

1m/5ff, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 29-Dec.

4, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec.

2, Irvine harbour/Bogside (NS 307381), 31-Dec.

1m/4ff, Eglinton Loch (NS 325422), 1-Jan.


Goosander  Mergus merganser

pr, Carmel Water, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 403395), 28-Dec.

3 redheads, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

8 (2 mm/6 redheads), Kay Park pond, Kilmarnock (NS 435383), 30-Dec.

1 m, Carmel Water, Knockentiber Viaduct, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 1-Jan.


Red-breasted Merganser  Mergus serrator

pr, Pow Burn mouth (NS 340280), 31-Dec.

4, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec.

2, Irvine harbour mouth (NS 303378), 31-Dec.

1, Irvine harbour/Bogside (NS 307381), 31-Dec.


Pheasant  Phasianus colchicus

2, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

1, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

1, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

2, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

1, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.

1, Loudoun Kirk (NS 492373), 30-Dec.

1, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.

1, Three Stanes Roundabout, Gailes (NS 329363), 31-Dec.

6, Warwickdale (NS 366402), 1-Jan.


Red-throated Diver  Gavia stellata

2, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.


Sparrowhawk  Accipiter nisus

f, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

m, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

m, Corsehill Mount, Dreghorn (NS 359282), 29-Dec.

f, Northcraig Reservoir (NS 439414), 30-Dec.

m, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.

m, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.

m, soaring over Buntonhill Mount, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 406398), 1-Jan.


Buzzard  Buteo buteo

1, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

1, Southhook Farm, 27-Dec.

4, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

1, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

1, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

1, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.

1, Loudoun Kirk (NS 492373), 30-Dec.

1, Hurlford (NS 454369), 30-Dec.

1, Northcraig Reservoir (NS 439414), 30-Dec.

1, Symington (NS 394320), 31-Dec.

1, Knockentiber Viaduct, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 1-Jan.

1, Eglinton Country Park (NS 339417), 1-Jan.

1, Cunninghamhead (NS 366413), 1-Jan.

1, Eglinton Loch (NS 325422), 1-Jan.

1, Warwickdale (NS 366402), 1-Jan.


Kestrel  Falco tinninculus

1, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 27-Dec.

2, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.


Peregrine  Falco peregrinus

1-cy m, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

ad m, Warwickdale (NS 366402), 1-Jan.


Water Rail  Rallus aquaticus

1, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.

1, Warwickdale (NS 366402), 1-Jan.


Moorhen  Gallinula chloropus

2, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

2, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

1, Oldhall Ponds SWT (NS 337364), 29-Dec.

1, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 29-Dec.

6, Kay Park pond, Kilmarnock (NS 435383), 30-Dec.

2, Tarryholme (NS 330376), 31-Dec.

1, Annick Water-River Irvine confluence (NS 325375), 31-Dec.

2, Capringstone (NS 355387), 1-Jan.


Coot  Fulica atra

24, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 29-Dec.

4, Kay Park pond, Kilmarnock (NS 435383), 30-Dec.


Oystercatcher  Haematopus ostralegus

27, Pow Burn mouth (NS 340280), 31-Dec.

13, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec.

10, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.

185, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.

3, Magnum boating pond, Irvine Beach Park (NS 307378), 31-Dec.

204, Irvine harbour/Bogside (NS 307381), 31-Dec.


Lapwing  Vanellus vanellus

4, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

9, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

200+, Irvine harbour/Bogside (NS 307381), 31-Dec.

18, Capringstone (NS 355387), 1-Jan.


Golden Plover  Pluvialis apricaria

137, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.


Ringed Plover  Charadrius hiaticula

6, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.


Curlew  Numenius arquata

14, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

4, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.

5, Pow Burn mouth (NS 340280), 31-Dec.

3, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

6, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec.

3, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.

8, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.

108, Laigh Hillhouse, Barassie (NS 337333), 31-Dec.

5, Dundonald Camp (NS 335343), 31-Dec.

40, Irvine harbour/Bogside (NS 307381), 31-Dec.

10, Capringstone (NS 355387), 1-Jan.

26, on horse pasture, Eglinton Country Park (NS 326419), 1-Jan.


Turnstone  Arenaria interpres

46, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec.

5, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.

45, Irvine harbour mouth (NS 303378), 31-Dec.


Knot  Calidris canutus

120, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec.

250, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.

222, Irvine harbour mouth (NS 303378), 31-Dec.


Sanderling  Calidris alba

5, Irvine harbour mouth (NS 303378), 31-Dec.


Dunlin  Calidris alpina

37, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.


Purple Sandpiper  Calidris maritima

18, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.


Woodcock  Scolopax rusticola

1, Warwickdale (NS 366402), 1-Jan.


Jack Snipe  Lymnocryptes minimus

1, Northcraig Reservoir (NS 439414), 30-Dec.


Snipe  Gallinago gallinago

1, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

3, Dreghorn old pit bings, between A71 & River Irvine (NS 347371), 29-Dec.

12, Northcraig Reservoir (NS 439414), 30-Dec.

3, Warwickdale (NS 366402), 1-Jan.


Redshank  Tringa totanus

8, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.

1, Pow Burn mouth (NS 340280), 31-Dec.

6, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec.

9, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.

7, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.

35+, Irvine harbour/Bogside (NS 307381), 31-Dec.


Greenshank  Tringa nebularia

1, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.


Black-headed Gull  Larus ridibundus

31, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

141, Kay Park pond, Kilmarnock (NS 435383), 30-Dec.

3, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.

2, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.

Noted, Pow Burn mouth (NS 340280), 31-Dec.

Noted, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec.

230, Dundonald Camp (NS 335343), 31-Dec.

23, Magnum boating pond, Irvine Beach Park (NS 307378), 31-Dec.

8, Tarryholme (NS 330376), 31-Dec.

1, Eglinton Loch (NS 325422), 1-Jan.


Mediterranean Gull  Ichthyaetus melanocephalus

ad, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

ad, Kay Park pond, Kilmarnock (NS 435383), 30-Dec.

ad, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.


Common Gull  Larus canus

4, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

24, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

3, Kay Park pond, Kilmarnock (NS 435383), 30-Dec.

6, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.

1, Loudoun Kirk sluices (NS 491370), 30-Dec.

Noted, Pow Burn mouth (NS 340280), 31-Dec.

19, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

20, Dundonald Camp (NS 335343), 31-Dec.

15, Magnum boating pond, Irvine Beach Park (NS 307378), 31-Dec.


Herring Gull  Larus argentatus

12, roof of Crosshouse Hospital, 27-Dec.

15, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

6, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

9, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

170, Ayrshire Recycling Centre, Shewalton (NS 336365), 29-Dec.

360, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 29-Dec.

76, Kay Park pond, Kilmarnock (NS 435383), 30-Dec.

1, East Holmes Marsh (NS 479368), 30-Dec.

Noted, Pow Burn mouth (NS 340280), 31-Dec.

Noted, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec.

19, Troon harbour (NS 308316), 31-Dec.

7, Magnum boating pond, Irvine Beach Park (NS 307378), 31-Dec.


Great Black-backed Gull  Larus marinus

7, Ayrshire Recycling Centre, Shewalton (NS 336365), 29-Dec.

71, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 29-Dec.

2, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.

6, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.

1, Irvine harbour mouth (NS 303378), 31-Dec.

12, Irvine harbour/Bogside (NS 307381), 31-Dec.


Black Guillemot  Cepphus grylle

2, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.


Feral Pigeon  Columba livia

5, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

60, Troon harbour (NS 308316), 31-Dec.

32, Dundonald Camp (NS 335343), 31-Dec.

26, Irvine harbour/Bogside (NS 307381), 31-Dec.

35, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 1-Jan.


Stock Dove  Columba oenas

17, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

27, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

1, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

5, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

14, Knockentiber Viaduct, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 1-Jan.

3, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 1-Jan.

5, Warwickdale (NS 366402), 1-Jan.

1, West Plann (NS 388395), 1-Jan.


Wood Pigeon  Columba palumbus

15, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

17, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

3, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

1, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

43, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

1, Corsehill Mount, Dreghorn (NS 359282), 29-Dec.

20, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

4, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

3, Milton Farm (NS 475375), 30-Dec.

10, Loudoun Kirk (NS 492373), 30-Dec.

1, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

1, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.

2, Tarryholme (NS 330376), 31-Dec.

27, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 1-Jan.


Collared Dove  Sreptopelia decaocto

2, feeding on cereal, in garden. Gatehead Road, Crosshouse, 26-27 Dec.

1 singing m, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

3, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

1, Springside Farm (NS 371388), 29-Dec.

2, Springside Library, 29-Dec.

2, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

1 singing m, Caprickhill Farm (NS 465380), 30-Dec.

2, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.

8, Crosshouse (NS 393379), 1-Jan.

1, Knockentiber Viaduct, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 1-Jan.


Tawny Owl  Strix aluco

1, Dreghorn (NS 359386), 31-Dec.


Kingfisher  Alcedo atthis

1, Garrier Burn, West Plann, (NS 390396), Knockentiber, 27-Dec.

1, Garrier Burn, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 28-Dec.

1, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

1, Eglinton Loch (NS 325422), 1-Jan.


Great Spotted Woodpecker  Dendrocopus major

1 f, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

1, calling Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 27-Dec.

1, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

1, Corsehill Mount, Dreghorn (NS 359282), 29-Dec.

2, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

1, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.

1, Milgarholm Park, Irvine (NS 330383), 31-Dec.

1, Knockentiber Viaduct, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 1-Jan.

1, Berryhill Avenue, Lawthorn (NS 347407), 1-Jan.


Skylark  Alauda arvensis

17, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 27-Dec.

12, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

1, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

1, Dreghorn old pit bings, between A71 & River Irvine (NS 347371), 29-Dec.

200+, on stubble, Monkton (NS 361281), 31-Dec.

23, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 1-Jan.

26, Eglinton Country Park (NS 325424), 1-Jan.


Meadow Pipit  Anthus pratensis

4, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

2, Dreghorn Roundabout (NS 360385), 29-Dec.

2, Dreghorn old pit bings, between A71 & River Irvine (NS 347371), 29-Dec.

1, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

1, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec.

3, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.

2, Dundonald Camp (NS 335343), 31-Dec.


Rock Pipit  Anthus petrosus

9, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec.

2, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.

1, Troon harbour (NS 308316), 31-Dec.


Grey Wagtail  Motacilla cinerea

1, Garrier Burn, West Plann, (NS 390396), Knockentiber, 27-Dec.

2, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

2, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

1, Kay Park pond, Kilmarnock (NS 435383), 30-Dec.

1, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

1, Caprickhill Farm (NS 465380), 30-Dec.

1, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.

1, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec.


Pied Wagtail  Motacilla alba

1, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

1, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

1, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

2, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

6, New Farm Loch (NS 443387), 30-Dec.

1, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

1, Loudoun Kirk (NS 492373), 30-Dec.

1, Loudoun Kirk sluices (NS 491370), 30-Dec.

12, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec.

3, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.

1, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.

1, Dundonald Camp (NS 335343), 31-Dec.

1, Crosshouse (NS 393379), 1-Jan.


Wren  Troglodytes troglodytes

1, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

20, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

2, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

4, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

1, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

2, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

2, Oldhall Ponds SWT (NS 337364), 29-Dec.

4, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

2, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.

1, West Raws (NS 473394), 30-Dec.

1, Bringan Ford (NS 450401), 30-Dec.

1, Borland Bridge (NS 443405), 30-Dec.

1, Northcraig Reservoir (NS 439414), 30-Dec.

1, Symington (NS 394320), 31-Dec.

5, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.

3, Pow Burn mouth (NS 340280), 31-Dec.

1, Gailes-Irvine Beach Park, 31-Dec.

1, Tarryholme (NS 330376), 31-Dec.

2, Annick Water-River Irvine confluence (NS 325375), 31-Dec.

1, Milgarholm Park, Irvine (NS 330383), 31-Dec.

1, Dreghorn-Irvine disused railway line (NCN Route 73) (NS 339381 - NS 330385), 31-Dec.

6, Eglinton Country Park (NS 339417), 1-Jan.

2, Eglinton Loch (NS 325422), 1-Jan.

6, Warwickdale (NS 366402), 1-Jan..


Dipper  Cinclus cinclus

1, Carmel Water, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

1, Carmel Water, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 28-Dec.

1 singing, Annick Water, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

1 singing, Kilmarnock Water, Kilmarnock Viaduct, Kay Park (NS 430381), 30-Dec.

1 singing, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

1 singing, Milton Mill (NS 467377), 30-Dec.

1 singing, River Irvine, Loudoun Kirk (NS 491370), 30-Dec.

1 singing, Bringan Ford (NS 450401), 30-Dec.

pr, inc singing, Annick Water, Dreghorn (NS 337385), 31-Dec.


Robin  Erithacus rubecula

1, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

20, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

3, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

3, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

1, Corsehill Mount, Dreghorn (NS 359282), 29-Dec.

2, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

6, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

1, Loudoun Kirk (NS 492373), 30-Dec.

1, Little Raws (NS 471399), 30-Dec.

1, Fortacres (NS 397341), 31-Dec.

2, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.

9, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

2, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.

1, Three Stanes Roundabout, Gailes (NS 329363), 31-Dec.

4, Gailes-Irvine Beach Park, 31-Dec.

3, Tarryholme (NS 330376), 31-Dec.

1, Annick Water-River Irvine confluence (NS 325375), 31-Dec.

1, Dreghorn-Irvine disused railway line (NCN Route 73) (NS 339381 - NS 330385), 31-Dec.

2, Perceton Row (NS 358395), 1-Jan.

1, Sourlie Wood (NS 342417), 1-Jan.


Stonechat  Saxicola rubicola

1, Dreghorn old pit bings, between A71 & River Irvine (NS 347371), 29-Dec.

pr, East Holmes Marsh (NS 479368), 30-Dec.

2, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.

2, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.

1, Eglinton Country Park (NS 339417), 1-Jan.


Dunnock  Prunella modularis

2, Gatehead Road, Crosshouse. 24-Dec to 3-Jan.

1 singing, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

15, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

2, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

1, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

1, Corsehill Mount, Dreghorn (NS 359282), 29-Dec.

1, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

1, Oldhall Ponds SWT (NS 337364), 29-Dec.

1, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

2, Caprickhill Farm (NS 465380), 30-Dec.

2, Milton Mill (NS 467377), 30-Dec.

1, West Raws (NS 473394), 30-Dec.

2, Northcraig Reservoir (NS 439414), 30-Dec.

5, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.

3, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

3, Gailes-Irvine Beach Park, 31-Dec.

3, Dreghorn-Irvine disused railway line (NCN Route 73) (NS 339381 - NS 330385), 31-Dec.

1, Warwickdale (NS 366402), 1-Jan.


Blackbird  Turdus merula

2, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

42, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

11, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

4, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

4, Corsehill Mount, Dreghorn (NS 359282), 29-Dec.

4, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

1, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 29-Dec.

6, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

4, Caprickhill Farm (NS 465380), 30-Dec.

2, Milton Farm (NS 475375), 30-Dec.

4, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.

2, Loudoun Kirk (NS 492373), 30-Dec.

2, Loudoun Kirk sluices (NS 491370), 30-Dec.

1, East Holmes Marsh (NS 479368), 30-Dec.

1, Little Raws (NS 471399), 30-Dec.

8, Bringan Ford (NS 450401), 30-Dec.

1, Borland Bridge (NS 443405), 30-Dec.

1, Symington (NS 394320), 31-Dec.

1, Monkton (NS 361281), 31-Dec.

2, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.

7, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

1, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.

1, Gailes-Irvine Beach Park, 31-Dec.

1, Tarryholme (NS 330376), 31-Dec.

2, Milgarholm Park, Irvine (NS 330383), 31-Dec.

5, Dreghorn-Irvine disused railway line (NCN Route 73) (NS 339381 - NS 330385), 31-Dec.

3, Perceton Row (NS 358395), 1-Jan.

3, Sourlie Wood (NS 342417), 1-Jan.

7, Eglinton Country Park (NS 339417), 1-Jan.

1, Eglinton Loch (NS 325422), 1-Jan.


Fieldfare  Turdus pilaris

40, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

130 N, Crosshouse Hospital, 27-Dec.

49, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 27-Dec.

284, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

6, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

35, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

4, Dreghorn Roundabout (NS 360385), 29-Dec.

27, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

160, Milton Farm (NS 475375), 30-Dec.

22, Loudoun Kirk (NS 492373), 30-Dec.

2, Little Raws (NS 471399), 30-Dec.

325 N, Greenside (NS 459402), 30-Dec.

19, Sourlie Wood (NS 342417), 1-Jan.

5, Eglinton Country Park (NS 339417), 1-Jan.

13, Warwickdale (NS 366402), 1-Jan.


Redwing  Turdus iliacus

17, over Crosshouse, 27-Dec.

90, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

115 N, Crosshouse Hospital, 27-Dec.

51, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 27-Dec.

163, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

45, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

24, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

3, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

2, New Farm Loch (NS 443387), 30-Dec.

3, Crookedholm (NS 447379), 30-Dec.

45, Milton Farm (NS 475375), 30-Dec.

3, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.

6, Loudoun Kirk (NS 492373), 30-Dec.

16, Northcraig Reservoir (NS 439414), 30-Dec.

9, Three Stanes Roundabout, Gailes (NS 329363), 31-Dec.

3, Dreghorn-Irvine disused railway line (NCN Route 73) (NS 339381 - NS 330385), 31-Dec.

3, Knockentiber Viaduct, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 1-Jan.

12, Sourlie Wood (NS 342417), 1-Jan.

4, Eglinton Country Park (NS 339417), 1-Jan.

27, Cunninghamhead (NS 366413), 1-Jan.

34, Warwickdale (NS 366402), 1-Jan.


Song Thrush  Turdus philomelus

2, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 27-Dec.

7, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

1, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

2, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

1, Oldhall Ponds SWT (NS 337364), 29-Dec.

1, New Farm Loch (NS 443387), 30-Dec.

1, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.

1, Northcraig Reservoir (NS 439414), 30-Dec.

2, Monkton (NS 361281), 31-Dec.

1, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.

3, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

1, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec.

1, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.

1, Milgarholm Park, Irvine (NS 330383), 31-Dec.

1, Dreghorn-Irvine disused railway line (NCN Route 73) (NS 339381 - NS 330385), 31-Dec.

1, Knockentiber Viaduct, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 1-Jan.

2, Sourlie Wood (NS 342417), 1-Jan.

2, Eglinton Country Park (NS 339417), 1-Jan.


Mistle Thrush  Turdus viscivorus

1, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 27-Dec.

1, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

1, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

1, Dreghorn Roundabout (NS 360385), 29-Dec.

3, Kay Park pond, Kilmarnock (NS 435383), 30-Dec.

1, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

1, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

1, Gailes-Irvine Beach Park, 31-Dec.


Chiffchaff  Phylloscopus collybita

1, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

1, Eglinton Loch (NS 325422), 1-Jan.


Goldcrest  Regulus regulus

1, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 27-Dec.

9, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

2, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

2, Corsehill Mount, Dreghorn (NS 359282), 29-Dec.

2, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

2, Oldhall Ponds, 29-Dec.

2, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 29-Dec.

4, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

2, Milton Mill (NS 467377), 30-Dec.

1, Bringan Ford (NS 450401), 30-Dec.

1, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

1, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.

2, Milgarholm Park, Irvine (NS 330383), 31-Dec.

1, Dreghorn-Irvine disused railway line (NCN Route 73) (NS 339381 - NS 330385), 31-Dec.


Long-tailed Tit  Aegithalos caudatus

17, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

6, Corsehill Mount, Dreghorn (NS 359282), 29-Dec.

10+, Oldhall Ponds SWT (NS 337364), 29-Dec.

2, Symington (NS 394320), 31-Dec.

8, Laigh Hillhouse, Barassie (NS 337333), 31-Dec.

7, Tarryholme (NS 330376), 31-Dec.

16, Eglinton Country Park (NS 339417), 1-Jan.

4, Warwickdale (NS 366402), 1-Jan.


Coal Tit  Periparus ater

1, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

1, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

4, Corsehill Mount, Dreghorn (NS 359282), 29-Dec.

1, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

2, Milton Mill (NS 467377), 30-Dec.

2, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

1, Dreghorn-Irvine disused railway line (NCN Route 73) (NS 339381 - NS 330385), 31-Dec.


Blue Tit  Cyanistes caeruleus

2, Gatehead Road, Crosshouse, 27-Dec.

2, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

21, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

2, Springside Farm (NS 371388), 29-Dec.

5, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

2, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

8, Corsehill Mount, Dreghorn (NS 359282), 29-Dec.

6, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

4, Milton Farm (NS 475375), 30-Dec.

1, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.

5, Bringan Ford (NS 450401), 30-Dec.

2, Borland Bridge (NS 443405), 30-Dec.

1, Northcraig Reservoir (NS 439414), 30-Dec.

3, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

2, Tarryholme (NS 330376), 31-Dec.

4, Milgarholm Park, Irvine (NS 330383), 31-Dec.

3, Dreghorn-Irvine disused railway line (NCN Route 73) (NS 339381 - NS 330385), 31-Dec.


Great Tit  Parus major

10, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

5, Corsehill Mount, Dreghorn (NS 359282), 29-Dec.

2, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

7, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

2, Caprickhill Farm (NS 465380), 30-Dec.

3, Milton Mill (NS 467377), 30-Dec.

2, Milton Farm (NS 475375), 30-Dec.

2, Loudoun Kirk (NS 492373), 30-Dec.

2, West Raws (NS 473394), 30-Dec.

2, Bringan Ford (NS 450401), 30-Dec.

4, Borland Bridge (NS 443405), 30-Dec.

1, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

2, Tarryholme (NS 330376), 31-Dec.

2, Milgarholm Park, Irvine (NS 330383), 31-Dec.


Treecreeper  Certhia familiaris

3, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

1, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

3, Corsehill Mount, Dreghorn (NS 359282), 29-Dec.

2, Oldhall Ponds SWT (NS 337364), 29-Dec.

1, Milgarholm Park, Irvine (NS 330383), 31-Dec.


Jay  Garrulus glandarius

3, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

1, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

1, Bringan Ford (NS 450401), 30-Dec.


Magpie  Pica pica

2, feeding on turkey scraps, in garden Gatehead Road, Crosshouse, 26-Dec.

2, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

38, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

3, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

5, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

10, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

3, Corsehill Mount, Dreghorn (NS 359282), 29-Dec.

12, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

2, Ayrshire Recycling Centre, Shewalton (NS 336365), 29-Dec.

4, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 29-Dec.

1, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

2, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.

2, Loudoun Kirk sluices (NS 491370), 30-Dec.

1, Bringan Ford (NS 450401), 30-Dec.

3, Borland Bridge (NS 443405), 30-Dec.

4, Monkton (NS 361281), 31-Dec.

5, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.

9, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

3, Three Stanes Roundabout, Gailes (NS 329363), 31-Dec.

3, Gailes-Irvine Beach Park, 31-Dec.

7, Annick Water-River Irvine confluence (NS 325375), 31-Dec.

2, Dreghorn-Irvine disused railway line (NCN Route 73) (NS 339381 - NS 330385), 31-Dec.

2, Perceton Row (NS 358395), 1-Jan.

5, Eglinton Country Park (NS 339417), 1-Jan.

1, Warwickdale (NS 366402), 1-Jan.


Jackdaw  Corvus monedula

c30, feeding on turkey scraps, in garden Gatehead Road, Crosshouse, 26-Dec.

4, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

424, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 27-Dec.

538, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

74, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

11, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

19, Dreghorn Roundabout (NS 360385), 29-Dec.

18, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

150, Ayrshire Recycling Centre, Shewalton (NS 336365), 29-Dec.

36, Kay Park pond, Kilmarnock (NS 435383), 30-Dec.

17, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

2, Caprickhill Farm (NS 465380), 30-Dec.

55, Milton Farm (NS 475375), 30-Dec.

540, over to roost, Northcraig Reservoir (NS 439414), 30-Dec.

5, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

4, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.

2, Dundonald Camp (NS 335343), 31-Dec.

2, Tarryholme (NS 330376), 31-Dec.

160, Dreghorn Roundabout (NS 360385), 31-Dec.

30, Crosshouse (NS 393379), 1-Jan.

7, Knockentiber Viaduct, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 1-Jan.

23, Perceton Row (NS 358395), 1-Jan.

19, Muirhouses (NS 356399), 1-Jan.

200, Eglinton Country Park (NS 325424), 1-Jan.


Rook  Corvus frugilegus

2, feeding on turkey scraps, in garden Gatehead Road, Crosshouse, 26-Dec.

34, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

470, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 27-Dec.

648, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

36, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

5, Corsehill Mount, Dreghorn (NS 359282), 29-Dec.

2, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

160, Milton Farm (NS 475375), 30-Dec.

43, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.

46, Muirhouses (NS 356399), 1-Jan.


Carrion Crow  Corvus corone

5, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

10, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

4, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

2, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

2, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

2, Corsehill Mount, Dreghorn (NS 359282), 29-Dec.

2, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

42, Ayrshire Recycling Centre, Shewalton (NS 336365), 29-Dec.

3, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

2, Milton Mill (NS 467377), 30-Dec.

2, Loudoun Kirk (NS 492373), 30-Dec.

5, Loudoun Kirk sluices (NS 491370), 30-Dec.

5, Bringan Ford (NS 450401), 30-Dec.

2, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.

2, Pow Burn mouth (NS 340280), 31-Dec.

3, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

27, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.

3, Gailes-Irvine Beach Park, 31-Dec.

2, Eglinton Country Park (NS 325424), 1-Jan.


Raven  Corvus corax

2, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 27-Dec.

1, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

1, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

1, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.


Starling  Sturnus vulgaris

c30, feeding on turkey scraps, in garden Gatehead Road, Crosshouse, 26-Dec.

9, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

60, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 27-Dec.

202, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

17, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

40, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

5, Ayrshire Recycling Centre, Shewalton (NS 336365), 29-Dec.

38, New Farm Loch (NS 443387), 30-Dec. Vocal mimicry of Swift heard.

75, Milton Farm (NS 475375), 30-Dec.

25, Bringan Ford (NS 450401), 30-Dec.

5, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

23, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec.

7, Troon, Ballast Bank area (NS 314306 - NS 307312), 31-Dec.

45, Crosshouse (NS 393379), 1-Jan.


House Sparrow  Passer domesticus

c20, feeding on cereals, in garden Gatehead Road, Crosshouse, 26-Dec.

10+, Southhook Farm, 27-Dec.

22, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

13, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

50, New Farm Loch (NS 443387), 30-Dec.

35, Crookedholm (NS 447379), 30-Dec.

20, West Raws (NS 473394), 30-Dec.

5, Greenside (NS 459402), 30-Dec.

17, Fortacres (NS 397341), 31-Dec.

2, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

9, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec.

10+, Perceton Row (NS 358395), 1-Jan.


Tree Sparrow  Passer montanus

16, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

4, Springside Farm (NS 371388), 29-Dec.

12, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 1-Jan.


Chaffinch  Fringilla coelebs

5, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

27, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

8, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 29-Dec.

7, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

1, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

26, Corsehill Mount, Dreghorn (NS 359282), 29-Dec.

5, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

1, Caprickhill Farm (NS 465380), 30-Dec.

2, Milton Farm (NS 475375), 30-Dec.

1, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.

4, West Raws (NS 473394), 30-Dec.

7, Little Raws (NS 471399), 30-Dec.

2, Symington (NS 394320), 31-Dec.

2, Milgarholm Park, Irvine (NS 330383), 31-Dec.


Brambling  Fringilla montifringilla

f, Corsehill Mount, Dreghorn (NS 359282), 29-Dec.


Greenfinch  Carduelis chloris

Scarce - all records listed below:

4, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

2, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

1, Annick Water-River Irvine confluence (NS 325375), 31-Dec.


Goldfinch  Carduelis carduelis

30, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

35, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

8, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

8, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

3, Corsehill Mount, Dreghorn (NS 359282), 29-Dec.

2, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

1, New Farm Loch (NS 443387), 30-Dec.

2, Milton Mill (NS 467377), 30-Dec.

1, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.

2, Little Raws (NS 471399), 30-Dec.

2, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

2, Troon, south beach (NS 326298), 31-Dec.

16, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.

2, Gailes-Irvine Beach Park, 31-Dec.

1, Knockentiber Viaduct, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 1-Jan.

2, Eglinton Loch (NS 325422), 1-Jan.

17, West Plann (NS 388395), 1-Jan.


Siskin  Carduelis spinus

12, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 27-Dec.

25, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

6, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

1, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

3, Dreghorn Roundabout (NS 360385), 29-Dec.

4, Corsehill Mount, Dreghorn (NS 359282), 29-Dec.

5, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377 - NS 341372), 29-Dec.

5, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 29-Dec.

11, Ladyton Loch (NS 486373), 30-Dec.

31, Loudoun Kirk sluices (NS 491370), 30-Dec.

2, Little Raws (NS 471399), 30-Dec.

2, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

12, Gailes-Irvine Beach Park, 31-Dec.

5, Berryhill Avenue, Lawthorn (NS 347407), 1-Jan.

2, Sourlie Wood (NS 342417), 1-Jan.

4, Eglinton Country Park (NS 339417), 1-Jan.

19, Eglinton Loch (NS 325422), 1-Jan.


Linnet  Carduelis cannabina

2, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

2, Pow Burn (NS 343276), 31-Dec.

2, Pow Burn mouth (NS 340280), 31-Dec.

4, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

7, Barassie (NS 324323), 31-Dec.


Lesser Redpoll  Carduelis cabaret

3, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

2, Loudoun Kirk (NS 492373), 30-Dec.

3, Eglinton Country Park (NS 339417), 1-Jan.


Bullfinch  Pyrrhula pyrrhula

3, Knockentiber Viaduct, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 402395), 27-Dec.

10, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

2, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

1, Capringstone (NS 355387), 29-Dec.

2, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 29-Dec.

2, Bonnyton, Kilmarnock (NS 421386), 30-Dec.

2, Crookedholm (NS 447379), 30-Dec.

3, River Irvine, Hurlford Bridge-Templetonburn (NS 454369 - NS 455380), 30-Dec.

5, Laigh Hillhouse, Barassie (NS 337333), 31-Dec.

2, Three Stanes Roundabout, Gailes (NS 329363), 31-Dec.

3, Sourlie Wood (NS 342417), 1-Jan.

4, Cunninghamhead (NS 366413), 1-Jan.


Yellowhammer  Emberiza citrinella

2, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 27-Dec.

2, Southhook Farm, 27-Dec.

7, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

1, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 369391 - NS 360387), 29-Dec.

1, West Raws (NS 473394), 30-Dec.

2, Northcraig Reservoir (NS 439414), 30-Dec.

4, Fortacres (NS 397341), 31-Dec.

5, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 1-Jan.

1, Muirhouses (NS 356399), 1-Jan.

1, West Plann (NS 388395), 1-Jan.


Reed Bunting  Emberiza schoeniclus

1, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397 - NS 370392), 27-Dec.

5, Kilmarnock-Springside disused railway line (NS 419386 - NS 369391), 28-Dec.

1, Northcraig Reservoir (NS 439414), 30-Dec.

1, Fortacres (NS 397341), 31-Dec.

1, Prestwick Airport-Troon, NCN Route 7 (NS 347280 - NS 335299), 31-Dec.

2, Annick Water-River Irvine confluence (NS 325375), 31-Dec.

1, Eglinton Loch (NS 325422), 1-Jan.



Carmel Water from Knockentiber Viaduct, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson

Carmel Water from Kockentiber Viaduct, Ayrshire

Species on this visit inc Goosander, Dipper, Stock Dove, Bullfinch, Redwing, Fieldfare, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Siskin, Teal, Mallard, Raven, Sparrowhawk & Buzzard


Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson

Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line, Ayrshire

Species on this visit inc Tree Sparrow, Yellowhammer, Pink-footed Goose, Kingfisher, Stock Dove, Bullfinch, Redwing, Fieldfare, Reed Bunting, Chiffchaff, Treecreeper, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Snipe, Teal, Raven, Peregrine, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel & Buzzard


Capringstone Flash & Annick Water, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson

Capringstone Flash & Annick Water, Ayrshire

Species on this visit inc Dipper, Mediterranean Gull, Wigeon, Teal, Curlew, Lapwing, Grey Heron, Buzzard, Siskin & Bullfinch


Corsehill Mount, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson

Corsehill Mount, Ayrshire

Species on this visit inc Brambling, Siskin, Treecreeper, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Long-tailed Tit, Coal Tit & Goldcrest


River Irvine, between Dreghorn and Shewalton, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson

River Irvine between Dreghorn and Shewalton, Ayrshire

Species on this visit inc Goosander, Snipe, Stonechat, Raven, Moorhen, Teal, Grey Heron, Siskin & Goldcrest


Kay Park pond, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson

Kay Park pond, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire

Species on this visit inc Mediterranean Gull, Goosander, Tufted Duck, Mallard, Coot, Moorhen, Mute Swan & Grey Wagtail


River Irvine between Hurlford and Templetonburn, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson

River Irvine between Hurlford and Templetonburn, Ayrshire

Species on this visit inc Dipper, Kingfisher, Grey Wagtail, Bullfinch, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Goldcrest & Coal Tit


Ladyton Loch, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson

Ladyton Loch, Ayrshire

Species on this visit inc Water Rail, Great Black-backed Gull, Raven, Siskin, Grey Heron & Mute Swan


North Craig Reservoir, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson

the former North Craig Reservoir, Ayrshire

Species on this visit inc Jack Snipe, Common Snipe, Stonechat, Reed Bunting, Yellowhammer, Grey Heron & Buzzard 


Pow Burn, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson

Pow Burn, Ayrshire

Species on this visit inc Little Egret, Greenshank, Whooper Swan, Redshank, Curlew, Oystercatcher, Shag, Eider,

Red-breasted Merganser, Wigeon, Teal, Grey Wagtail & Linnet


Ballast Bank, Troon, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson

Ballast Bank, Troon, Ayrshire

Species on this visit inc Purple Sandpiper, Turnstone, Knot, Golden Plover, Rock Pipit, Red-throated Diver,

Black Guillemot & Long-tailed Duck


Barassie, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson

Barassie, Ayrshire

Species on this visit inc Mediterranean Gull, Scaup, Common Scoter, Eider, Redshank, Curlew, Oystercatcher, Linnet & Stonechat


Irvine harbour mouth, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson

Irvine harbour mouth, Ayrshire

Species on this visit inc Sanderling, Knot, Shag, Red-breasted Merganser, Goldeneye & Wigeon


Eglinton Loch, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson

Eglinton Loch, Ayrshire

Species on this visit inc Pochard, Goldeneye, Wigeon, Tufted Duck, Little Grebe, Reed Bunting, Siskin, Kingfisher & Chiffchaff


Rabbit Hutch Spider (Steatoda bipunctata), Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson

Rabbit Hutch Spider (Steatoda bipunctata), Ayrshire

One of the false widow spiders, disturbed from the attic over Christmas



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