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27 June - 11 July 2018

Observers: F. Simpson



For our staycation this year we headed home to Ayrshire for two weeks. With the Mediterranean weather, it felt just like Spain or Greece, without the more exotic birds though. The main birding activity involved surveying two farmland Red List species: Yellowhammer and Tree Sparrow. Focusing on an area of 106 square kilometres from Kilmarnock west to Irvine and south to Troon and Symington, 112 singing male Yellowhammers were located. A slightly larger area, taking in areas on the east side of Kilmarnock, located 40 pairs of Tree Sparrows. All of this was completed by bike (185 miles), utilising all roads, unclassified country back roads and cyclepaths. This network allowed me to cover a large area however the true numbers for both species will hopefully be higher as many farms are only accessible via private roads, so for Tree Sparrow in particular, many nests would be unlocated. Below is a list of all species recorded in the farmland, as well as those from other habitats visited for more general birding.


Ayrshire Trip Reports:  2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 |


Ayrshire Bird Surveying by Bike © Fraser Simpson Ayrshire bird surveys by bike


Annick Water, north of Cunninghamhead © Fraser Simpson Annick Water, north of Cunninghamhead, Ayrshire


Main area of surveying and more general birding in Ayrshire 27 June - 11 July 2018 © Fraser Simpson Main area of surveying and more general birding in Ayrshire 27 June - 11 July 2018



 Species List

Mute Swan  Cygnus olor

pr + b/2, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 06/07.

ad, River Irvine, Rivergate Shopping Centre (NS 319387), 08/07.

pr + b/7, 'Magnum Pond', Irvine Beach Park (NS 307377), 08/07.

pr + b/5, Ladyton Loch (NS 487373), 09/07.


Little Grebe  Tachybaptus ruficollis

juv, Oldhall Pools SWT (NS 337364), 06/07.

pr incubating, Ladyton Loch (NS 487373), 09/07.


Oldhall Ponds SWT, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson Oldhall Ponds SWT


Great Crested Grebe  Podiceps cristatus

ad + juv, Tarryholme Pond (NS 329377), 08/07. Successful breeding at one of the few Ayrshire sites for this species.


Tarryholm Pond, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson Tarryholme Pond - one of the few sites for breeding Great Crested Grebe in Ayrshire


Great Cormorant  Phalacrocorax carbo

1 N, Langlands Farm (NS 387428), 01/07.

1, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377-NS 341372), 06/07.

3, circling over Dreghorn old pit bings, between A71 & River Irvine (NS 347371), 06/07.


Grey Heron  Ardea cinerea

1, circling over Crosshouse and calling, 23:50h, 28/06.

2, circling over South Woodhill (NS 410395), 30/06.

1, Carmel Water, Knockentiber Viaduct (NS 404396), 30/06.

2, Capringstone (NS 357389), 02/07.

2, River Irvine, Laigh Milton Viaduct (NS 383370), 03/07.

juv, Capringstone (NS 357389), 06/07.

juv, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377-NS 341372), 06/07.

2 juvs, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 06/07.

2, fishing at 22:34h, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-GSK, 07/07.

1, Carmel Water, Knockentiber Viaduct (NS 403396), 09/07.

River Irvine, downstream of Holmsford Bridge, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson River Irvine, downstream of Holmsford Bridge


Canada Goose  Branta canadensis

pr + b/3, north-east corner of Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 351360), 06/07.


Mandarin Duck  Aix galericulata

f + 2 juvs, Capringstone (NS 357389), 02/07.

f + 2 juvs, Capringstone (NS 357389), 06/07.


Eurasian Wigeon  Anas penelope

m, 'Magnum Pond', Irvine Beach Park (NS 307377), 08/07. Presumably an early returning individual.


Magnum Pond, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson Magnum Pond, Irvine Beach Park



Mallard  Anas platyrhynchos

2, Capringstone (NS 357389), 02/07.

9 (inv 7 juvs), Capringstone (NS 357389), 06/07.

f + b/6, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377-NS 341372), 06/07.

3, Oldhall Pools SWT (NS 337364), 06/07.

15, Tarryholme Pond (NS 329377), 08/07.

28, River Irvine, Rivergate Shopping Centre (NS 319387), 08/07.

10, Ladyton Loch (NS 487373), 09/07.


Tufted Duck  Aythya fuligula

pr, 'Magnum Pond', Irvine Beach Park (NS 307377), 08/07.


Goosander  Mergus merganser

f + b/12, River Irvine, Laigh Milton Mill (NS 382373), 03/07.


Grey Partridge  Perdix peridx

Rare, compared with 25 years ago.

1, calling east of Walston (NS 467406), 09/07.


Pheasant  Phasianus colchicus

1 crowing m, Muirhouses (NS 356398), 30/06.

1 crowing m, near Broomhill (NS 372338), 02/07.

1 crowing m, Wallace's Monument, Barnweil Hill (NS 406294), 04/07.

1 crowing m, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377-NS 341372), 06/07.

1 crowing m, Ladyton Loch (NS 487373), 09/07.


Sparrowhawk  Accipiter nisus

f, mobbed by Swallows, River Irvine, Laigh Milton Mill (NS382372), 29/06.

Buzzard  Buteo buteo

1, Cualdhame (NS 378378), 29/06.

1, Bonnyton-Knockentiber disused railway line (NS 419387-NS 400397), 30/06.

1, over disused railway line at Fergushill (NS 388404), 01/07.

1, Stacklawhill (NS 372437), 01/07.

1, Barnahill (NS 374428), 01/07.

2, Haghouse Bridge-Shaw Bridge (NS 422420-NS 423419), 01/07.

1, Kirktoun (NS 417407), 01/07.

1, North Woodhill (NS 410398), 01/07.

1, near Broomhill (NS 372338), 02/07.

1, Catcraig Plantation (NS 373327), 02/07.

1, Townend of Caprington (NS 409349), 02/07.

pr, with nest of well-grown young, Coodham, 04/07.

1, Craigie (NS 427324), 04/07.

1, Todrigs Bridge-Caprington Mains (NS 405357), 04/07.

3, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377-NS 341372), 06/07.

1, north-east corner of Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 351360), 06/07.

1, Oldhall Pools SWT (NS 337364), 06/07.

1, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 06/07.

1, Warwickhill, 08/07.

1, Ladyton-Milton (NS 478375), 09/07


 Common Buzzard  Buteo buteo

Sonogram of Common Buzzard calls

Coodham, Ayrshire, Scotland  4 July 2018

Calls from Common Buzzard nestlings with an adult overhead.

[File name: buzzard115061e] Click here for the MP3 file




Gatehead to Earlston road at Caprington, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson Gatehead to Earlston road at Caprington


Kestrel  Falco tinninculus

1, north side of Crosshouse Hospital (NS 403387), 30/06.

1, Bonnyton-Knockentiber disused railway line (NS 419387-NS 400397), 30/06.

1, Auchenharvie Castle, Torranyard (NS 363443), 01/07.

1, Craigie (NS 427324), 04/07.


Moorhen  Gallinula chloropus

pr + b/4, Capringstone (NS 357389), 06/07.

pr, north-east corner of Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 351360), 06/07.

1 calling, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 06/07.

ad + 2 juvs, Tarryholme Pond (NS 329377), 08/07.

2 prs (b/2, b/1), Ladyton Loch (NS 487373), 09/07.


Coot  Fulica atra

pr, Ladyton Loch (NS 487373), 09/07.


Ladyton Loch, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson Ladyton Loch


Oystercatcher  Haematopus ostralegus

1, Townend of Caprington-Ditton (NS 409345), 29/06.

pr, Busbie Holdings (NS 396387), 30/06.

1, North Woodhill (NS 411398), 30/06.

pr + b/1, Altonhill (NS 418398), 01/07.

1, River Irvine, Laigh Milton Viaduct (NS 383370), 03/07.

6, Templeton (NS 394347), 04/07.

1, over Crosshouse (NS 393380), 06/06.

1, over Crosshouse (NS 393380), 08/06.

2 S, Gailes Marsh SWT (NS 326356), 08/07.


Lapwing  Vanellus vanellus

1, mobbing passing corvids, Craig Cottage (NS 385375), 29/06.

8 ad + b/2, Capringstone (NS 357389), 06/07.


Curlew  Numenius arquata

1, North Woodhill (NS 411398), 30/06.

1 S, Irvine Beach Park-Gailes (NS 311371), 08/07.


Black-tailed Godwit  Limosa limosa

1, Capringstone (NS 357389), 02/07.


Common Sandpiper  Actitis hypoleucos

pr + b/3, River Irvine, Laigh Milton Mill (NS 382373), 29/06.

1, River Irvine, Laigh Milton Viaduct (NS 383370), 03/07.


Laigh Milton Viaduct, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson River Irvine at Laigh Milton Viaduct (World's oldest surviving public railway viaduct)


Sandwich Tern  Sterna sandvicensis

1 S, Irvine Beach Park-Gailes (NS 311371), 08/07.


Black-headed Gull  Larus ridibundus

7 ads + juv, Capringstone (NS 357389), 06/07.

ad + juv, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 06/07.

ad, Tarryholme Pond (NS 329377), 08/07.

10, 'Magnum Pond', Irvine Beach Park (NS 307377), 08/07.


Common Gull  Larus canus

4, 'Magnum Pond', Irvine Beach Park (NS 307377), 08/07.


Lesser Black-backed Gull  Larus fuscus

One or two overhead in most areas.

5, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 30/06.

13, Capringstone (NS 357389), 06/07.

c30, Ayrshire Recycling Centre, Shewalton (NS 336365), 06/07.

10, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 06/07.

Probably nesting on the roof of South Newmoor Industrial Estate (NS 337387), 08/07.

10, Tarryholme Pond (NS 329377), 08/07.

Nesting (chicks seen), Rivergate Shopping Centre, Irvine (NS 319387), 08/07.

152 (4 fledglings), 'Magnum Pond', Irvine Beach Park (NS 307377), 08/07.


Herring Gull  Larus argentatus

A few overhead in most areas.

22, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 30/06.

c300, Ayrshire Recycling Centre, Shewalton (NS 336365), 06/07.

189, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 06/07.

Probably nesting on the roof of South Newmoor Industrial Estate (NS 337387), 08/07.

3, Tarryholme Pond (NS 329377), 08/07.

Nesting (chicks seen), Rivergate Shopping Centre, Irvine (NS 319387), 08/07.

37, 'Magnum Pond', Irvine Beach Park (NS 307377), 08/07.


Great Black-backed Gull  Larus marinus

2, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 06/07.

1, 'Magnum Pond', Irvine Beach Park (NS 307377), 08/07.


Shewalton sand pit, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson Shewalton sand pit


Feral Pigeon  Columba livia

Common around farms and urban areas.


Stock Dove  Columba oenas

1, Arrothill (NS 400360), 29/06.

pr, Kilmarnock Abattoir unclassified road, N of Caprington Estate (NS 411365).

1, Bonnyton-Knockentiber disused railway line (NS 419387-NS 400397), 30/06.

1 singing m, beeches near Springside end, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 375395), 06/07.

pr, Dreghorn old pit bings, between A71 & River Irvine (NS 347371), 06/07.


Wood Pigeon  Columba palumbus

Common. Singing birds included:

3 singing mm, Bonnyton-Knockentiber disused railway line (NS 419387-NS 400397), 30/06.

7 singing mm, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397-NS 370392), 30/06.


Collared Dove  Sreptopelia decaocto



Tawny Owl  Strix aluco

ad, Corsehill Mount (NS 360384), 22:12h, 07/07.


Swift  Apus apus

4, screaming party over Kilmaurs Road, Altonhill, Kilmarnock (NS 423397), 30/06.

2, over Crosshouse most nights (NS 393380), 28/06-10/07.

8, Dreghorn (NS 358379), 08/07.

4, Grassyards Road, Kilmarnock, 09/07.

1, Walston (NS 467407), 09/07.


Kingfisher  Alcedo atthis

pr, at one site on River Irvine.

3 prs located on Annick Water.


River Irvine, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson River Irvine


River Irvine, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson River Irvine


Great Spotted Woodpecker  Dendrocopus major

1, in lone hedgerow ash, Craigrethill (NS 372309), 02/07.

1, Coodham, 04/07.

1, Craigie (NS 427324), 04/07.

1, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377-NS 341372), 06/07.

1, Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 337357-NS 352360), 06/07.

1, Oldhall Ponds (NS 338364), 08/07.


Skylark  Alauda arvensis

1 singing m, Carmel Bank (NS 388378), 29/06.

1 singing m, Muirhouse (NS 387370), 29/06.

2 singing mm, Earlston (NS 411347), 29/06.

1 singing m, Fortacres (NS 399341), 29/06.

1 singing m, Busbie Cottages (NS 393388), 30/06.

2 singing mm, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397-NS 370392), 30/06.

1 singing m, Shaw Bridge (NS 423418), 01/07.

1 singing m, Townend of Caprington (NS 409349), 02/07.

1 singing m, West Moorfield Cottage (NS 395373), 02/07.

1 singing m, south-west side of Crosshouse (NS 392377), 03/07.

1 singing m, Burnbank (NS 402313), 04/07.

1 singing m, Laigh Langside (NS 413313), 04/07.

1 singing m, Knockentiber-West Plann (NS395394), 06/07.

3 singing mm, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397-NS 370392), 08/07.

1 singing m, Gailes Marsh SWT (NS 326356), 08/07.


Sand Martin  Riparia riparia

2, Garrier Burn, West Plann (NS388395), 30/06.

40+, Annick Water, Rashillhouse (NS 384433), 01/07.

2, Carmel Water, Shaw Bridge (NS 423418), 01/07.

6 AON, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377-NS 341372), 06/07.

9+, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377-NS 341372), 06/07.

6, Dreghorn old pit bings, between A71 & River Irvine (NS 347371), 06/07.

1, north-east corner of Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 351360), 06/07.

7, confluence of Annick Water/River Irvine (NS 325377), 08/07.

Min 12 AON (60 holes in total), Gailes Marsh SWT (NS 326356), 08/07.

6, Ladyton Loch (NS 487373), 09/07.

5, Milton-Grougar Row (NS 475375-NS 473377), 09/07.


Gailes Marsh SWT, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson Artificial Sand Martin bank - Gailes Marsh SWT


Swallow  Hirundo rustica

Pairs noted around most farms.

12, River Irvine, Laigh Milton Mill (NS382372), 29/06.

8, Arrothill (NS 400360), 29/06.

22, inc fledged juvs, Earlston (NS 407351), 29/06.

9, inc fledged juvs, Townend of Caprington-Ditton (NS 409345), 29/06.

5, Templeton (NS 393345), 29/06.

10, Bonnyton-Knockentiber disused railway line (NS 419387-NS 400397), 30/06.

20, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397-NS 370392), 30/06.

16+, Muirhouses (NS 356398), 30/06.

16, inc juvs, Springside (NS 373393), 02/07.

24, inc juvs, Kerrix, Symington (NS 375308), 02/07.

34, Craigie (NS 427324), 04/07.

pr + b/4, Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 337357-NS 352360), 06/07.

29, pre-roosting gathering, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line, 21:54h, 07/07.


House Martin  Delichon urbicum

Scarcer then Swallow. Highest counts:

c12, over Crosshouse most nights (NS 393380), 28/06-10/07.

15, north-east corner of Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 351360), 06/07.


Meadow Pipit  Anthus pratensis

Within pastoral farmland, restricted to sites with rough/undisturbed grassland.

1 singing m, in Juncus rush marsh in farmland, Peatland (NS 391350), 29/06.

1 singing m, over rough grassland, West Plann (NS 392394), 02/07.

1 singing m, near Broomhill (NS 372338), 02/07.

1 singing m, Laigh Langside (NS 413313), 04/07.

1 singing m, over rough grazing, Plewlands-Caldrongill (NS 423308), 04/07.

1, east side of Busbiehill (NS 390393), 06/07.

3 singing mm, Dreghorn old pit bings, between A71 & River Irvine (NS 347371), 06/07.

1, with food for young, Dreghorn old pit bings, between A71 & River Irvine (NS 347371), 06/07.

1 singing m, Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 337357-NS 352360), 06/07.

2, Irvine Beach Park-Gailes (NS 311371), 08/07.


Grey Wagtail  Motacilla cinerea

pr + b/2, River Irvine, Laigh Milton Mill (NS 382372), 29/06.

ad + b/4, Garrier Burn, West Plann (NS 388395), 30/06.

ad, Annick Water, Rashillhouse (NS 384433), 01/07.

1, flew downstream, Kilmarnock Water, Kilmarnock Viaduct (NS 431382), 09/07.


Pied Wagtail  Motacilla alba

1, with food for young, Warwickdale (NS 368403), 30/06.

1, Southhook Bridge (NS 387398), 02/07.

1 m, Corraith (NS 365318), 02/07.

ad + 2 juvs, River Irvine, Laigh Milton Mill (NS 383373), 03/07.

1 m, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 370392-NS 360388), 06/07.

4 juvs, Capringstone (NS 357389), 06/07.


Nuthatch  Sitta europaea

1, Wallace's Monument, Barnweil Hill (NS 406294), 04/07.

1, Townholm, Kilmarnock (NS 436389), 09/07.


Wallace's Monument, Barnweil Hill, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson Post-breeding dispersal site of Nuthatch - Wallace's Monument, Barnweil Hill (isolated patch on a hill)


Wren  Troglodytes troglodytes

Encountered on most farms, except in excessively cropped hedgerows. Still a few individuals singing.

8 singing mm, Bonnyton-Knockentiber disused railway line (NS 419387-NS 400397), 30/06.

7 singing mm, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397-NS 370392), 30/06.

1, carrying faecal sac, Haysmuir (NS 380437), 01/07.

Fledged brood, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397-NS 370392), 07/07.


Dipper  Cinclus cinclus

juv, Kilmarnock Water, Kilmarnock Viaduct (NS 431382), 09/07.


Robin  Erithacus rubecula

Encountered on farms with scrub and overgrown hedgerows. Still a few individuals singing.

1, carrying faecal sac, Bonnyton-Knockentiber disused railway line (NS 419387-NS 400397), 30/06.

Fledged brood, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377-NS 341372), 06/07.


Stonechat  Saxicola rubicola

juv, Irvine Beach Park-Gailes (NS 311371), 08/07.


Dunnock  Prunella modularis

3 singing mm, Bonnyton-Knockentiber disused railway line (NS 419387-NS 400397), 30/06.

2 singing mm, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397-NS 370392), 30/06.


Blackbird  Turdus merula

Common. Still a few individuals singing.

2 singing mm, Annick Water, Rashillhouse (NS 384433), 01/07.

1, with food for young, Ayrshire Recycling Centre, Shewalton (NS 336365), 06/07.

1 singing m, Capringstone (NS 355387), 08/07.


Song Thrush  Turdus philomelus

Encountered on farms with mature or overgrown hedgerows. Still a few individuals singing.

1 singing m, Bonnyton-Knockentiber disused railway line (NS 419387-NS 400397), 30/06.

1 singing m, disused railway line at Fergushill (NS 388404), 01/07.

1 singing m (inc Oystercatcher mimicry), Capringstone (NS 357389), 06/07.

1 singing m, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 06/07.

1 singing m, Corsehill Mount, 22:15h, 07/07.


Mistle Thrush  Turdus viscivorus

2, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377-NS 341372), 06/07.

2, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 06/07.


Grasshopper Warbler  Locustella naevia

1 singing m, Shewalton Wood SWT, 23:10h, 07/07.

1 singing m, Whitelee Forest, NE of Moscow (NS 506418), 09/07.


Shewalton Wood SWT, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson Shewalton Wood SWT


Sedge Warbler  Acrocephalua schoenobaenus

Still a few (presumably unpaired) individuals singing.

1 singing m, in Typha marsh, Moorfield Industrial Estate (NS 403368), 29/06.

1 singing m, in Phragmites/Typha marsh, Moorfield North Industrial Estate (NS 403373), 29/06.

1 singing m, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397-NS 370392), 30/06.

1 calling, Carmel Water, Shaw Bridge (NS 423418), 01/07.

1 calling, from willowherb patch, Knockentiber-West Plann (NS395394), 06/07.

2 calling, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377-NS 341372), 06/07.

3 singing mm, Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 337357-NS 352360), 06/07.

2 juvs, Oldhall Pools SWT (NS 337364), 06/07.

1 singing m, in full song at 23:43, Greenside Avenue, Springside, 07/07.

1 singing m, confluence of Annick Water/River Irvine (NS 325377), 08/07.

1 calling, Irvine Beach Park-Gailes (NS 311371), 08/07.

1 singing m, Ladyton Loch (NS 487373), 09/07.


Whitethroat  Sylvia communis

Still a few individuals singing.

1, alarm calling, Townend of Caprington-Ditton (NS 409345), 29/06.

1 singing m, West Moorfield Cottage (NS 395373), 29/06.

2 singing mm, Bonnyton-Knockentiber disused railway line (NS 419387-NS 400397), 30/06.

2 singing mm, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397-NS 370392), 30/06.

1 singing m, Warwickdale (NS 368403), 30/06.

1 singing m, Langlands Farm (NS 387428), 01/07.

1 singing m, Annick Water, Rashillhouse (NS 384433), 01/07.

1 singing m, Brownlee/Craigs (NS 373330), 02/07.

2 singing mm, Whitelees (NS 399317), 04/07.

1 singing m, Heughmill (NS 403308), 04/07.

1 singing m, Wallace's Monument, Barnweil Hill (NS 406294), 04/07.

1 singing m, Fairwells (NS 440311), 04/07.

1 singing m, Broadyards Farm (NS 437316), 04/07.

Fledged brood, Whitelee Forest, NE of Moscow (NS 500414), 09/07.

f, Dundonald Castle (NS 363344), 10/07.


Blackcap  Sylvia atricapilla

Still a few individuals singing.

Fledged brood, Bonnyton-Knockentiber disused railway line (NS 419387-NS 400397), 30/06.

2 singing mm, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397-NS 370392), 30/06.

1 singing m, Carmel Water, Crosshouse (NS 394385), 01/07.

1 singing m, Dreghorn (NS 359386), 02/07.

2 singing mm, Corsehill Mount (NS 359282), 02/07.

1 singing m, Coodham, 04/07.

1 singing m, Barnweil (NS 411303), 04/07.

1 singing m, in crab apple/elderflower, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 370392-NS 360388), 06/07.

2 singing mm, Corsehill Mount (NS 359282), 06/07.

1 singing m, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377-NS 341372), 06/07.

3 singing mm, Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 337357-NS 352360), 06/07.

1 singing m, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 06/07.

5 singing mm, Dreghorn-Irvine disused railway line, 08/07.

1 singing m, Milgarholm Park, Irvine (NS 327380), 08/07.

3 singing mm, confluence of Annick Water/River Irvine (NS 325377), 08/07.

2 singing mm, Tarryholme Pond (NS 329377), 08/07.

1 singing m, Townholm, Kilmarnock (NS 434388), 09/07.

1 singing m, Whitelee Forest, NE of Moscow (NS 506418), 09/07.

1 singing m, Loudoun Kirk (NS 492373), 09/07.

1 singing m, Ladyton Loch (NS 487373), 09/07.


Loudoun Kirk, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson Loudoun Kirk


Chiffchaff  Phylloscopus collybita

1 singing m, Caprington Mains (NS 404359), 29/06.

1 singing m, Greenhill (NS 400390), 30/06.

1 singing m, Catcraig Plantation (NS 373327), 02/07.

1 singing m, Coodham, 04/07.

1 calling, Wallace's Monument, Barnweil Hill (NS 406294), 04/07.

1 singing m, Craigie quarry (NS 424325), 04/07.

1 singing m, Oldhall Pools SWT (NS 337364), 06/07.

1 singing m, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400396), 09/07.

1 singing m, Whitelee Forest, NE of Moscow (NS 506418), 09/07.

2 singing mm, Dundonald Castle (NS 363344), 10/07.


Willow Warbler  Phylloscopus trochilus

1 singing m, Fardalehill (NS 409384), 30/06.

7 singing mm, Bonnyton-Knockentiber disused railway line (NS 419387-NS 400397), 30/06.

6 singing mm, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397-NS 370392), 30/06.

Fledged broods (inc b/5), Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397-NS 370392), 30/06.

1 singing m, Warwickdale (NS 368403), 30/06.

1 singing m, Busbiehill (NS 392393), 30/06.

1 singing m, disused railway line at Fergushill (NS 388404), 01/07.

1 calling, Carmel Water, Shaw Bridge (NS 423418), 01/07.

1 singing m, Corsehill Mount (NS 359282), 02/07.

2 singing mm, Catcraig Plantation (NS 373327), 02/07.

1 singing m, disused railway line at Fergushill (NS 388404), 06/07.

Several fledged broods, Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 337357-NS 352360), 06/07.

3 singing mm + fledged brood, Whitelee Forest, NE of Moscow (NS 506418), 09/07.


 Willow Warbler  Phylloscopus trochilus

Sonogram of Willow Warbler fledgling calls

Knockentiber - Springside Disused Railway Line, Ayrshire, Scotland  55º 37' 32.1'' N  04º 33' 40.4'' W

30 June 2018

Calls from a brood of five recently fledged juveniles.

[File name: willowwarbler115052ecut] Click here for the MP3 file



Goldcrest  Regulus regulus

Away from areas of conifers, some males were hearding singing from single, isolated conifers on farms.

1 singing m, Paddocklaw (NS 374407), 30/06.

Fledged brood, Dreghorn (NS 359386), 02/07.

Fledged brood, Corsehill Mount (NS 359282), 02/07.

1 singing m, in garden, Earlston (NS 407354), 02/07.

1 singing, Heughmill (NS 403305), 04/07.

2 singing mm, Todrigs Bridge-Caprington Mains (NS 405357), 04/07.

3 singing mm, Corsehill Mount (NS 359282), 06/07.

Several fledged broods, Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 337357-NS 352360), 06/07.

Fledged brood, Loudoun Kirk (NS 492373), 09/07.


Spotted Flycatcher  Muscicapa striata

1, Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 337357-NS 352360), 06/07.


Long-tailed Tit  Aegithalos caudatus

2 fledged broods, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397-NS 370392), 30/06.

22, flew over B7081 west of Dreghorn Roundabout (NS 359386), 02/07.

Fledged brood, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377-NS 341372), 06/07.

12+, Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 337357-NS 352360), 06/07.

Fledged brood, confluence of Annick Water/River Irvine (NS 325377), 08/07.


Coal Tit  Periparus ater

Heard, Caprington Mains (NS 404359), 29/06.

Heard, Todrigs Bridge-Caprington Mains (NS 405357), 04/07.

Fledged brood, in pines, Capringstone (NS 357389), 06/07.

Fledged brood, Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 337357-NS 352360), 06/07.

2 singing mm, Whitelee Forest, NE of Moscow (NS 500414), 09/07.


Blue Tit  Cyanistes caeruleus


Fledged brood, Bonnyton-Knockentiber disused railway line (NS 419387-NS 400397), 30/06.

Fledged brood, Annick Water, Rashillhouse (NS 384433), 01/07.

Fledged brood, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 370392-NS 360388), 06/07.

Fledged brood, Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 337357-NS 352360), 06/07.


Great Tit  Parus major


Fledged brood, Craig Cottage (NS 385375), 29/06.

Fledged brood, Bonnyton-Knockentiber disused railway line (NS 419387-NS 400397), 30/06.

Fledged brood, Annick Water, Rashillhouse (NS 384433), 01/07.

Fledged brood, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 370392-NS 360388), 06/07.

Fledged brood, Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 337357-NS 352360), 06/07.


Treecreeper  Certhia familiaris

pr + b/3, Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 352359), 06/07.

Fledged brood, Dreghorn-Irvine disused railway line (NS 359386), 08/07.

Fledged brood, Gailes Marsh SWT (NS 326356), 08/07.

Fledged brood, Kilmarnock Water, Lauder Bridge, Dean Park (NS 435391), 09/07.

Fledged brood, Milton-Grougar Row (NS 475375-NS 473377), 09/07.


Jay  Garrulus glandarius

1, Whitelee Forest, NE of Moscow (NS 506418), 09/07.


Magpie  Pica pica


Fledged brood, Bonnyton-Knockentiber disused railway line (NS 419387-NS 400397), 30/06.


Busbiehill, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson Busbiehill, from Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line


Jackdaw  Corvus monedula        


147, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 370392-NS 360388), 06/07.

c40, Ayrshire Recycling Centre, Shewalton (NS 336365), 06/07.



Rook  Corvus frugilegus


Fledglings still dependent on adults.

110, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line/Southhook (NS 384399), 02/07.

160, West Raws (NS 474396), 09/07.


Carrion Crow  Corvus corone


pr + b/3, Bonnyton-Knockentiber disused railway line (NS 419387-NS 400397), 30/06.

pr + b/3, Old Middleton (NS 363409), 30/06.


Raven  Corvus corax

1, Earlston (NS 407351), 29/06.

1, Bonnyton-Knockentiber disused railway line (NS 419387-NS 400397), 30/06.

1, Busbiehill (NS 385393), 30/06.

2, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377-NS 341372), 06/07.

2, over Crosshouse, 08/07.

1, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 396397), 08/07.

1, over Dundonald Castle, 10/07.


Dundonald Castle, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson Dundonald Castle


Starling  Sturnus vulgaris


160 juvs, Haysmuir (NS 380437), 01/07.

60 juvs, Southook Bridge, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 387398), 06/07.

80 juvs, Hillhouse (NS 457401), 09/07.


House Sparrow  Passer domesticus



Tree Sparrow  Passer montanus

A scarce breeding bird in Ayrshire, with the stronghold in the centre of the county. Possibly overlooked elsewhere.

Total of 40 pairs located.

pr, nesting Carmel Bank (NS 388378), 29/06.

pr, nesting in dead oak, Rowanhill (NS 390344), 29/06.

pr, nesting in ash, Knockentiber-Altonhill unclassified road (NS 400392), 30/06.

pr nesting, in dead tree near start of Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 396397), 30/06.

6 prs, in beeches at Springside end, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397-NS 370392), 30/06.

pr, Paddocklaw (NS 374407), 30/06.

pr, nesting in ash, Paddocklaw-Southhook (NS 379405), 30/06.

pr, Warwickdale (NS 368403), 30/06.

6 prs, nesting in ash/oak/beech, Fergushill-Busbie Mains-Laigh Langmuir (NS 388404-NS 395414), 01/07.

2 prs, Alton Bridge (NS 390422), 01/07.

6 prs, Aulton-Aultonhead (NS 390421-NS 385423), 01/07.

pr, nesting in roadside ash, south of Girgenti Farm (NS 373431), 01/07.

2 prs, Barnahill (NS 374428), 01/07.

pr, nesting in ash, Buistonend Cottage (NS 412431), 01/07.

2 prs, Buistonend (NS 415432), 01/07.

2 prs, Bellsland Farm (NS 420417), 01/07.

pr, Wallace's Monument, Barnweil Hill (NS 406294), 04/07.

pr, nesting in ash, Ladyton-Milton (NS 478375), 09/07

2 prs, Milton-Grougar Row (NS 475375-NS 473377), 09/07.

pr, nesting in beech, Tawthorn (NS 467389), 09/07.


 Tree Sparrow breeding habitat, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson Tree Sparrow breeding habitat (Ash/Beech) - Fergushill > Busbie Mains > Laigh Langmuir


 Tree Sparrow site in dead tree, Knockentiber, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson Tree Sparrow breeding site in dead tree - Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line


Tree Sparrow site in Ash, Paddocklaw to Southhook, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson Typical Tree Sparrow breeding site in central Ayrshire - a lone Ash tree in hedgerow - Paddocklaw to Southhook


 Eurasian Tree Sparrow  Passer montanus

Sonogram of Tree Sparrow calls

Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line   55º 37' 28.7'' N  04º 37' 28.7'' W   8 July 2018

Calls from one bird of a pair (bird #1) perched near the nest hole, calling continuously, while its mate returned frequently with food for nestlings.

[File name: treesparrow115091ecut1] Click here for the MP3 file


Sonogram of Tree Sparrow calls

Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line   55º 37' 28.7'' N  04º 37' 28.7'' W   8 July 2018

Alarm calls from one bird of a pair (bird #1), when a Magpie landed close to the nest hole.

[File name: treesparrow115092ecut1] Click here for the MP3 file


Sonogram of Tree Sparrow calls

Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line   55º 37' 28.7'' N  04º 37' 28.7'' W   8 July 2018

Calls from the second bird of a pair (bird #2) returning with food for nestlings - harder, lower pitched chirps than bird #1.

[File name: treesparrow115091ecut2] Click here for the MP3 file


Sonogram of Tree Sparrow calls

Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line   55º 37' 28.7'' N  04º 37' 28.7'' W   8 July 2018

Lower-pitched calls from (bird #2) outside the nest hole.

[File name: treesparrow115092ecut2] Click here for the MP3 file




Chaffinch  Fringilla coelebs

Fairly common.


Greenfinch  Carduelis chloris

Scarce - all records listed below:

pr, Muirhouse (NS 387370), 29/06.

1 singing m, Earlston (NS 407351), 29/06.

1 singing m, Carmel Water, Knockentiber Viaduct (NS 404396), 30/06.

1 singing m, Old Middleton (NS 363409), 30/06.

1 singing m, Harperland (NS 374358), 02/07.

2 singing mm, Craigie (NS 427324), 04/07.

1 singing m, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 370392-NS 360388), 06/07.

1, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377-NS 341372), 06/07.

1 singing m, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 06/07.

1 singing m, confluence of Annick Water/River Irvine (NS 325377), 08/07.


Goldfinch  Carduelis carduelis

Common - present around most farms.

3 singing mm, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 400397-NS 370392), 30/06.


Siskin  Carduelis spinus

4, Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 337357-NS 352360), 06/07.

Fledged brood, Whitelee Forest, NE of Moscow (NS 500414), 09/07.

1 singing m, Dundonald Castle (NS 363344), 10/07.


Linnet  Carduelis cannabina

pr + singing m, Carmel Bank (NS 388378), 29/06.

pr, Earlston (NS 411347), 29/06.

pr + b/4, in rough grassland claimed for house building, near Fardalehill (NS 409384), 30/06.

1 m, Harperland (NS 374358), 02/07.

pr, Low Wexford (NS 371307), 02/07.

pr, Broadyards Farm (NS 437316), 04/07.

pr + singing m, Craigie (NS 427324), 04/07.

1 singing m, east side of Busbiehill (NS 390393), 06/07.

4, West Plann, (NS 390396), 06/07.

2 prs, Dreghorn old pit bings, between A71 & River Irvine (NS 347371), 06/07.

1, Shewalton sand pit, Meadowhead Road (NS 333360), 06/07.

pr + juv, 'Magnum Pond', Irvine Beach Park (NS 307377), 08/07.


Lesser Redpoll  Carduelis cabaret

6 + 1 singing m, Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 337357-NS 352360), 06/07.

2, Irvine Beach Park-Gailes (NS 311371), 08/07.

1, Oldhall Ponds (NS 338364), 08/07.

6, Whitelee Forest, NE of Moscow (NS 506418), 09/07.


Whitelee Forest, Moscow, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson Southern edge of Whitelee Forest, north-east of Moscow


Crossbill  Loxia curvirostra

2, Whitelee Forest, NE of Moscow (NS 506418), 09/07.


Bullfinch  Pyrrhula pyrrhula

2 juvs, Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line (NS 370392-NS 360388), 30/06.

Fledged brood, Drybridge (NS 359365), 02/07.

pr + 2 juvs, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 376393), 06/07.

1, Corsehill Mount (NS 359282), 06/07.

pr + b/3, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 357377-NS 341372), 06/07.

5, Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 337357-NS 352360), 06/07.

1 calling, Corsehill Mount (NS 359282), 08/07.

pr + b/4, Whitelee Forest, NE of Moscow (NS 506418), 09/07.


Yellowhammer  Emberiza citrinella

A widespread breeding bird in lowland Ayrshire with the highest densities associated with arable farming in the centre of the county. Decline noted in past 30 years.

112 singing males were located on the western side of Kilmarnock.

Of 106 square kilometres surveyed, 54 contained Yellowhammers.

In terms of habitat, 22% were found in arable, 53% in pastoral, and 25% in mixed arable/pastoral.

Still singing at 22:00h, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line, 07/07.

Locations of singing mm:  Carmel Bank, Craig Cottage, Gatehead (3), Earlston, Townend of Caprington (3), Ditton (2), Galrigside, Peatland, New Bogside (2), West Moorfield Cottage (2), West Gatehead, Cauldhame, Cambuskeith Cottage, Abbatoir-Caprington (2), Fardalehill (2), Crosshouse-N side, Busbie Cottages, South Woodhill (3), North Woodhill, Fardalehill, West Plann, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway (11), Springside-Dreghorn disused railway line, Overton (2), Paddocklaw, Warwickdale, Busbiehill area (9), Knockentiber-Cunninghamhead disused railway line (2), Fergushill (3), Langside, Busbie Mains (3), Laigh Langmuir, Aulton, Altonhead, Langlands Farm, Buistonend, Newlands, Bellsland Farm, Jocksthorn, Altonhill, West Plann, Holmes (2), Drybridge-Shewalton Road, Girtridge, Ploughland (2), Harperland (5), Fairlie Cottages, Highlee Mount (4), Broomhill, Brownlee/Craigs, Southside, Kerrix, Craigrethill, Bogend, Muirhouse (2), Stafflar, Laigh Milton Viaduct, Burnbank, Heughmill (2), Barnweil Hill, Underhills, Midton, Caldrongill-Plewlands (2), Fairwells, Laigh Borland

Yellowhammer breeding density 2018 Kilmarnock west area, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson

Yellowhammer breeding density, Jun-Jul 2018, Kilmarnock west area, Ayrshire



Localities of 112 singing males Yellowhammers in 106 Km2 checked (present in 51% of squares) on the west side of Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, 29 June - 5 July 2018, © Fraser Simpson

Localities of 112 singing males Yellowhammers in 106 Km2 checked (present in 51% of squares) on the west side of Kilmarnock, Ayrshire


Yellowhammer breeding habitat, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson Yellowhammer breeding habitat (barley, mature hedgerow, rough verges) - Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line, Ayrshire


Yellowhammer breeding habitat, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson Yellowhammer breeding habitat - between Crosshouse Hospital and Kilmarnock, Ayrshire


Yellowhammer breeding habitat, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson Yellowhammer breeding habitat - Fergushill to Langside area, Ayrshire


Examples of Yellowhammer songs:

Phrases 2 and 3 form local and regional dialects, whereas phrase 1 is often specific to the individual (Hansen, 1985, Schön 1989, Hansen 1999, Rutkowska-Guz & Osiejuk 2004, Caro et al. 2009).

Most males in this area have two song types.


Yellowhammer  Emberiza citrinella

 Sonogram of Yellowhammer song - 2 song types from one male

Knockentiber - Springside Disused Railway Line, Ayrshire, Scotland  55º 37' 32.1'' N  04º 33' 40.4'' W   18 April 2017

Two song types from one male. Singing bird produced 12-15 strophes on one song type before switching to the second song type, and repeating.


Song Type 1

[File name: yellowhammer114117ecut1] Click here for the MP3 file


Song Type 2

[File name: yellowhammer114117ecut2] Click here for the MP3 file


Yellowhammer  Emberiza citrinella

Sonogram of Yellowhammer song

Sonogram of Yellowhammer song

Earlston-Symington, Ayrshire, Scotland  55° 34' 39.87" N  04° 31' 38.40" W  29 June 2018

Two song types from one male, approximately 5.8 kilometres from the male above, recorded in a different year.


    Yellowhammer - change your settings to allow Flash to play the mp3 file

    [File name: yellowhammer115033ecut_2018_YH8]


Reed Bunting  Emberiza schoeniclus

Within farmland, restricted to patches of Juncus rush marsh, rough fields with some Juncus, or along small well-vegetated water courses. Total of 40 singing males located,

1 singing m, in farmland hedgerow, Muirmill (NS 392337), 29/06.

1 singing m, in Juncus rush marsh in farmland, Peatland (NS 391350), 29/06.

1 singing m, in Juncus rush marsh in farmland, Galrigside (NS 390351), 29/06.

1 singing m, in Typha marsh, Moorfield Industrial Estate (NS 403368), 29/06.

2 singing mm, in Phragmites/Typha marsh, Moorfield North Industrial Estate (NS 401375, NS 403373), 29/06.

1 singing m, in Juncus rush marsh, Bonnyton-Knockentiber disused railway line (NS 419387-NS 400397), 30/06.

1 singing m, Garrier Burn, West Plann (NS 388395), 30/06.

1 singing m, south of Stacklawhill (NS 372437), 01/07.

1 singing m, in Juncus rush field, north of Stacklawhill (NS 370433), 01/07.

1 singing m, in rushy pasture, Barnahill (NS 374428), 01/07.

1 singing m, in rushy pasture, Townhead of Lambroughton (NS 401437), 01/07.

4 singing mm, Haghouse Bridge-Shaw Bridge (NS 422420-NS 423419), 01/07.

1 singing m, in farmland hedgerow, West Plann (NS 392394), 02/07.

2 singing mm, Juncus rush marsh along Harperland Burn, A759 near entrance to Fairlie Mains (NS 381354), 02/07.

1 singing m, in farmland hedgerow, Carmel Bank (NS 389379), 03/07.

1 singing m, east of Holm (NS 390381), 04/07.

1 singing m, in Juncus rush field, Cragie (NS 423320), 04/07.

1 singing m, Garrier Burn, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 377394), 06/07.

1 singing m, in rank grassland, River Irvine, Holmsford Bridge-Shewalton (NS 353373), 06/07.

4 singing mm, Dreghorn old pit bings, between A71 & River Irvine (NS 347371), 06/07.

b/4, Dreghorn old pit bings, between A71 & River Irvine (NS 344371), 06/07.

2 singing mm, south corner of Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 339340), 06/07.

2 singing mm, north-east corner of Shewalton Wood SWT (NS 351360, NS 349361), 06/07.

1 singing m, Juncus marsh near start, Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line (NS 396397), 08/07.

1 singing m, in rank grassland with Giant Hogweed, confluence of Annick Water/River Irvine (NS 325377), 08/07.

1 singing m, Tarryholme Pond (NS 329377), 08/07.

1 singing m, Gailes Marsh SWT (NS 326356), 08/07.

1 singing m, in Juncus, S of Rushaw (NS 492415), 09/07.

2 singing mm, Ladyton Loch (NS 487373), 09/07.


Song Thrush anvil, Dundonal Woods, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson

Song Thrush anvil - Dundonald Woods


European Cave Spider (Meta menardi), Dundonal Castle, Ayrshire © Fraser Simpson

European Cave Spider (Meta menardi) - Dundonald Castle



 Sound recordings of Orthoptera


Field Grasshopper  Chorthippus brunneus

Sonogram of Field Grasshopper stridulation

Shewalton sand pit, Ayrshire, Scotland  55° 35' 19.0" N  04° 38' 45.3" W  6 July 2018

Song/stridulation from two to three males on short, rabbit grazed grassland of former sand-extraction pit. A continuous series of short, harsh chirps of 1.0-1.3 seconds in duration.

[File name: fieldgrasshopper115080e] Click here for the MP3 file



Common Green Grasshopper  Omocestus viridulus

Sonogram of Common Green Grasshopper stridulation

Knockentiber-Springside disused railway line, Ayrshire, Scotland  55° 37' 27.8" N  04° 32' 43.2" W  30 Jun 2018

Song/stridulation from a male in long grassland along the course of a former railway line. A series oh high-pitched clicks (~19/sec), begining quietly then increasing in volume, in long bursts of up to 20 seconds.

[File name: commongreengrasshopper115044e] Click here for the MP3 file



Mottled Grasshopper  Myrmeleotettix maculatus

Sonogram of Mottled Grasshopper stridulation

Irvine Beach Park-Gailes, Ayrshire, Scotland  55° 35' 41.4" N  04° 40' 35.7" W  8 July 2018

Song/stridulation from a male in rabbit-grazed grassland behind Marram Grass dune system. A 12 second series of 0.4 sec soft, buzzes, increasing in volume before abruptly ending.

[File name: mottledgrasshopper115117e] Click here for the MP3 file





1. Birds of Conservation Concern: the Red List for Birds

Caro, S. P., Keulen, C. & Poncin, P. 2009. Song repertoires in a Western European population of Yellowhammers Emberiza citrinella. Acta Ornithol. 44: 9–16.

Hansen, P. 1985. Geographic song variation in the Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella). Nat. Jutl. 21: 209–219.

Hansen, P. 1999. Long-term stability of song elements in the Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella. Bioacoustics 9: 281–295.

Rutkowska-Guz, J. M. & Osiejuk, T. S. 2004. Song structure and variation in Yellowhammers Emberiza citrinella from Western Poland. Polish J. Ecol. 52: 333–345.

Schön, R. 1989. Dialekte, Individualität und Gesangslernen bei der Goldammer (Emberiza citrinella L.). Unpublished D. Phil. thesis. Universität Wien.



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