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Kindrogan Field Centre

Perthshire · Scotland


8 -15 June 2018

Observers: F. Simpson




This was my sixthteenth trip on an undergraduate university field course to the Field Studies Council's Kindrogan Field Centre near Enochdhu in Strathardle, Perthshire. The field centre is set in an old Victorian estate with a small area of mixed woodland along the banks of the River Ardle at the foot of Kindrogan Hill, largely cloaked in spruce forestry plantation with smaller areas of larch. Strathardle is dominated by pastoral farmland in the glen and moorland on the higher ground. Further to the west lies Glen Brerachan with heather moorland and small patches of open birch woodland. This trip report details the birds found mainly around the field centre.


Blencathra Trip Reports:  2021 | 2019 |

Kindrogan Trip Reports:  2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 |

Location Guide to LocationsSummary 2005-2018

 View of Strathardle from Creag na Cuinneige © Fraser Simpson

The north-west end of Strathardle, looking south-east from Creag na Cuinneige. Straloch Loch is in the foreground, Kindrogan Hill on the right (hover over image for further locations)


Pale Prominent, Buff-tip, Beautiful Golden Y, White Ermine, Kindrogan Field Centre, Enochdhu, Perthshire © Fraser Simpson

Moths, Kindrogan Field Centre, Enochdhu, Perthshire

(Pale Prominent, Buff-tip, Beautiful Golden Y, White Ermine)





Map of Kindrogan and Strathardle


Dawn Chorus Chronologies, Kindrogan Field Course, 2004-2018 © Fraser Simpson



Kindrogan Field Centre & environs, Strathardle, Perthshire                                        Approx. sunrise 0426h, sunset 2202h


Mute Swan  Cygnus olor

1, Straloch Loch, 12/06.


Little Grebe  Tachybaptus ruficollis

4 prs (inc b/5, b/2), Straloch Loch 12/06.

1, Tullochcurran Loch, Cateran Trail, 14/06.


Grey Heron  Ardea cinerea

ad, Straloch Loch, 12/06.


Canada Goose  Branta canadensis

19 ads, Straloch Loch, 12/06.


Eurasian Teal  Anas crecca

None seen on Straloch Loch this year.


Mallard  Anas platyrhynchos

8, in a pool, Glenshee, 11/06.

m, River Ardle, Kindrogan Field Centre, 12/06.

b/5, b/4, b/3, b/1, Straloch Loch, 12/06.


Tufted Duck  Aythya fuligula

None seen on Straloch Loch this year.


Goosander  Mergus merganser

1, Spittal of Glenshee, 11/06.

1, flew over front lawn, then circling, River Ardle, Kindrogan Field Centre, 15/06.


Red Grouse  Lagopus scotica

7, trail to Carn an Tuirc, 11/06.


 Red Grouse  Lagopus scotica

Sonogram of Red Grouse call

Carn an Tuirc, Cairngorms, Scotland   56° 54' 36.35" N   03° 22' 38.06" W   11 June 2018

Wing beats and call from a Red Grouse flushed on the trail to Carn an Tuirc.

[File name: redgrouse114979e]

    Red Grouse - change your settings to allow Flash to play the mp3 file


Ptarmigan  Lagopus muta millaisi

2, Carn an Tuirc (1019m), 11/06.


Black Grouse  Tetrao tetrix

6, at one site in Glen Brerachan, 12/06 (TB).

Red-legged Partridge  Phasianus colchicus

1, flew over front lawn into the woodland around the walled garden, Kindrogan Field Centre, 10/06.

2, along B950, east of Kirkmichael, 11/06.

1, Strathardle Inn, Kirkmichael, 11/06.

1, A924 Straloch-Enochdhu, 12/06.

1, Davan, 14/06.


Pheasant  Phasianus colchicus

Fairly common in Strathardle and Glen Brerachan.

Noted, Glenshee, 11/06.

Heard 'crowing' from 04:01h on 12/06, 03:36 on 13/06.

4 singing mm, A924 Straloch-Enochdhu, 12/06.


Sparrowhawk  Accipiter nisus

m, flew past walled garden, Kinddrogan Field Centre, 10/06.

f, mobbed by Mistle Thrush, curling pond, 14/06.


Goshawk  Accipiter gentilis

1, calling from Kindrogan Wood, 12/06.

Buzzard  Buteo buteo

1, Moulin Moor, 08/06.

Regular over the field centre, 09/06-14/06.

1, between Enochdhu and Kirkmichael, 11/06.

2, along B950, east of Kirkmichael, 11/06.

1, Glenshee, 11/06.

1, trail to Carn an Tuirc, 11/06.

4, east end of Glen Brerachan, 12/06.

1, Straloch Loch, 12/06.


Common Buzzard  Buteo buteo

Sonogram of Common Buzzard calls

Kindrogan Field Centre, Perthshire, Scotland  56° 44' 47.85" N  03° 32' 45.66" W  13 June 2018

Call from a Common Buzzard flying over clearfell.

[File name: buzzard115003e]

    Common Buzzard - change your settings to allow Flash to play the mp3 file


Kestrel  Falco tinninculus

1, Moulin Moor, 08/06.

1, Glenshee, 11/06.


Moorhen  Gallinula chloropus

1 (heard), Straloch Loch 12/06.


Coot  Fulica atra

None seen on Straloch Loch this year.


Oystercatcher  Haematopus ostralegus

1, Moulin Moor, 08/06.

2, along B950, east of Kirkmichael, 11/06.

5 prs, noted from minibus, Glenshee, 11/06.

pr, with one bird apparently incubating between Kindrogan Field Centre and A924, 12/06.

pr, River Ardle, Kindrogan Bridge, 12/06.


Lapwing  Vanellus vanellus

1, Glenshee, 11/06.

pr + b/1, in cut hay field between Kindrogan Field Centre and A924, 12/06.


Woodcock  Scolopax rusticola

None heard this year.


Snipe  Gallinago gallinago

1 yikkering, Gharbh-choire, burn along trail to Carn an Tuirc (+3 seen TB), 11/06.


Curlew  Numenius arquata

2, seen from minibus, Moulin Moor, 08/06.

1, seen from minibus, Glenshee, 11/06.

1, fields adlacent to curling pond, 12/06.

2, seen from minibus, Moulin Moor, 15/06.


Common Sandpiper  Actitis hypoleucos

pr + b/2, Kindrogan Bridge, River Ardle, 09/06-14/06.

2, Gharbh-choire, burn along trail to Carn an Tuirc, 11/06.


Black-headed Gull  Larus ridibundus

Birds regularly flying over Strathardle.

Noted in Glenshee, 12/06.


Black-headed Gull  Larus ridibundus

 Sonogram of calls from Black-headed Gull colony

Loch Curran, Perthshire, Scotland  56° 43' 27.9" N  3° 33' 32.7" W  9 June 2016

Calls from a small breeding colony of 30 pairs on a remote lochan.

[File name: blackheadedgull113809ecut]

      Black-headed Gull - change your settings to allow Flash to play the mp3 file


Common Gull  Larus canus

Birds regularly flying over Strathardle.

Nesting along the Shee Water, Glenshee, north of Spittal, 11/06.

28 SE, Straloch Loch, 12/06.


Lesser Black-backed Gull  Larus fuscus

Noted over Pitlochry.

1, Brerachan Meadows, 15/06.

Noted over Pitlochry, 15/06.


Herring Gull  Larus argentatus

Noted over Pitlochry, 15/06.


Feral Pigeon  Columba livia

A few noted in Strathardle most days.

29, in cut hay field between Kindrogan Field Centre and A924, 12/06.


Wood Pigeon  Columba palumbus

Fairly common.

Singing at field centre from 04:14h on 12/06 (overcast with low mist).

23, in cut hay field between Kindrogan Field Centre and A924, 12/06.


Collared Dove  Sreptopelia decaocto

Noted in Kirkmichael and Pitlochry.

Noted, Glenshee, 11/06.


Cuckoo  Cuculus canorus

Less obvious or vocal in the second week of June.

Singing at field centre from 03:35h on 12/06, 04:03 on 13/06.

1 singing m, north-west of Kindrogan Field Centre, 12/06.

1 singing m, Straloch Loch, 12/06.


Common Cuckoo  Cuculus canorus

 Sonogram of Cuckoo song

Creag na Cuinneige, Glen Brerachan, Perthshire, Scotland  56° 45' 28.51" N  3° 35' 32.91" W  8 June 2016

Song and calls from a male and female together. Advertising song from the male (green), followed by harsh calls from the male (blue), and bubbling trill from the female (red). Also Rooks calling.

[File name: cuckoo113797e]

    Cuckoo - change your settings to allow Flash to play the mp3 file


Tawny Owl  Strix aluco

3, fledged chicks begging each evening, beech wood between field centre and walled garden. One owlet had moved across the lawn and main track to the track up Kindrogan Hill. Adult seen in daylight on 09/06.


 Tawny Owl  Strix aluco

  Sonogram of Tawny Owl fledgling begging calls

Kindrogan Field Centre, Perthshire, Scotland  56° 44' 56.4'' N  03° 32' 49.4'' W  11 June 2017  23:30

Begging calls from three fledged chicks. Older chick with louder, more advanced vocals.

[File name: tawnyowl114681ecut]

    Tawny Owl - change your settings to allow Flash to play the mp3 file


 Woodland passerines mobbing a Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) fledgling

Sonogram of Blackbird, Chaffinch, Great Tit & Robin mobbing a Tawny Owl fledgling

Kindrogan Field Centre, Perthshire, Scotland  56° 45' 13.68" N  3° 34 '12.49" W  13 June 2018

Calls from Blackbird, Chaffinch, Great Tit and Robin mobbing a Tawny Owl fledgling at dusk.

[File name: mobbing115022ecut ]

    Calls from a Blackbird, Chaffinch, Great Tit and Robin mobbing a Tawny Owl fledgling - change your settings to allow Flash to play the mp3 file


Swift  Apus apus

2, circling Kindrogan Field Centre, 09/06.

2, circling Kindrogan Field Centre, 21:12h, 11/06.


Green Woodpecker  Picus viridis

pr, cemetery clearfell, Kindrogan Hill, all week. Noted around nest hole, 09/06.


 Green Woodpecker  Picus viridis

  Sonogram of Green Woodpecker calls

Kindrogan Field Centre, Perthshire, Scotland  56° 44' 29.6" N  03° 32' 31.6" W  13 June 2017

Calls from adult close to the nest site in lone Sitka Spruce stump in forestry clearfell.

[File name: greenwoodpecker114687ecut]

    Green Woodpecker - change your settings to allow Flash to play the mp3 file


Great Spotted Woodpecker  Dendrocopus major

Fairly common. Regular at feeding stations, Kindrogan Field Centre.

1, walled garden, Kindrogan Field Centre, 10/06.

1, Enochdhu, 11/06.

ad + 2 juvs, curling pond, Kindrogan Field Centre, 11/06.

1, Tigh na Croft, 12/06.

1, Beech wood near curling pond, 14/06.

1, Davan, 14/06.


Skylark  Alauda arvensis

1, seen from minibus, Moulin Moor, 07/06.

1 singing m, east end of Glen Brerachan, 14/06.


Sand Martin  Riparia riparia

1, Brerachan Water, West Lodge, 12/06.

1, Straloch Loch, 12/06.

4, east end of Glen Brerachan, 14/06.


Swallow  Hirundo rustica

Smaller feeding flocks in Strathardle in 2018. Feeding low under large sycamores on lawn during frequent rain showers.

Active from 03:15 on 14/06.

Only 1 AON, The Steading/Coppock Building - 7-8 older nests from 2017.

5, along B950, east of Kirkmichael, 11/06.

5, seen from minibus, Glenshee, 11/06.

2 prs, active around The Steading/Coppock Building, Kindrogan Field Centre, 12/06.

4, Davan, 12/06.

7, A924 Straloch-Enochdhu, 12/06.

8, Woodend, 12/06.

2, curling pond, 14/06.

8, Davan, 14/06.

12, Moulin, 15/06.


House Martin  Delichon urbicum

Noted around human habitation including Straloch, Enochdhu, Kirkmichael and Pitlochry.

2 AON + 3rd pair prospecting, rear of Kindrogan House.

8, along B950, east of Kirkmichael, 11/06.

2, Straloch Loch, 12/06.

4, Dalreoch, 13/06.

7, over new trackside clearfell, just east of Kindrogan Field Centre, 14/06.


Tree Pipit  Anthus trivialis

8 singing mm, Kindrogan Hill, 13/06.

Also in recently felled forestry where isolated birches have been left standing.

1 singing m, curling pond, 12/06.

1 singing m, West Lodge, 12/06.

1 singing m, Tullochcurran Loch, Cateran Trail, 14/06.


Meadow Pipit  Anthus pratensis

Noted from minibus, Moulin Moor, 08/06.

Common, trail to Carn an Tuirc, 12/06.

Fairly common, east end of Glen Brerachan, 14/06.


Grey Wagtail  Motacilla cinerea

f + b/3, River Ardle, Kindrogan Field Centre, 10/06.

3, Gharbh-choire, burn along trail to Carn an Tuirc, 11/06.


Pied Wagtail  Motacilla alba

1, recently fledged juvenile, Kindrogan Field Centre, 09/06-14/06.

pr, copulating, Kindrogan Field Centre, 15/06 (TB).

1 singing m, on dry stane dyke, curling pond, 12/06.

pr + juv, Balnald, 12/06.

1, Straloch Loch, 12/06.

4, A924 Straloch-Enochdhu, 12/06.

pr, front lawn at Kindrogan Field Centre, 15/06.


Dipper  Cinclus cinclus

1, Brerachan Water, east end of Glen Brerachan, 08/06.

ad + juv, River Ardle, upstream of East Lodge, 09/06 (TB/AZ).

1, River Ardle, between Enochdhu and Kirkmichael, 11/06.

1, Gharbh-choire, burn along trail to Carn an Tuirc, 11/06.

juv, River Ardle, below front lawn, Kindrogan Field Centre, 12/06.


Wren  Troglodytes troglodytes

Fairly common.

Singing at field centre from 03:58h on 12/06 - probably missed earlier; 03:42 on 13/06.

2 singing mm, Kindrogan Field Centre to West Lodge, 12/06.

1 singing mm, A924 Straloch-Enochdhu, 12/06.



 Eurasian Wren   Troglodytes troglodytes

 Sonogram of Eurasian Wren song

Kindrogan Field Centre, Perthshire, Scotland  56° 44' 29.6" N  03° 32' 31.6" W  13 June 2017

Territorial song from a large clear-felled Sitka Spruce forest, in a naturally regenerating area dominated by Picea, Betula, Juncus, and Rubus idaeus, bordering restock. The first stophe is ~8 seconds in length.

[File name: wren114692ecut]

    Wren - change your settings to allow Flash to play the mp3 file


Dunnock  Prunella modularis

Fairly common from Enochdu to West Lodge, Straloch, Tulloch, Tigh na Croft, Dalreoch and clear-fell/re-stock/forest edge around Kindrogan Hill.

6 singing mm, in ~10y.o. Sitka Spruce restock, Kindrogan Hill, 13/06.


Robin  Erithacus rubecula

Common. Several fledged broods noted.

Singing at field centre from 03:07h on 12/06, 03:13 on 13/06 (both mornings overcast with low mist).

6 singing mm, Kindrogan Field Centre to West Lodge, 12/06.

4 singing mm, A924 Straloch-Enochdhu, 12/06.


Redstart  Phoenicurus phoenicurus

1 singing m, birch wood near Ceanghline, east end of Glen Brerachan, 14/06.


Whinchat  Saxicola rubetra

pr, near West Lodge, east end of Glen Brerachan, 12/06 (TB).

f, near West Lodge, east end of Glen Brerachan, 12/06.

pr, near West Lodge, east end of Glen Brerachan, 14/06.


> Whinchat mimicking 15 other species


Wheatear  Oenanthe oenanthe

1 displaying m, at 1019m on Carn an Tuirc, 11/06.

1, Glenshee, 11/06.


Northern Wheatear  Oenanthe oenanthe 

  Sonogram of Northern Wheatear song in flight

Creag na Cuinneige, Glen Brerachan, Perthshire, Scotland  56° 45' 28.51" N  3° 35' 32.91" W  8 June 2016

Song uttered in two separate song flights over rocks at the foot of a steep sheep-grazed slope.

[File name: wheatear113795ecut]

    Northern Wheatear2 - change your settings to allow Flash to play the mp3 file


Sonogram of Northern Wheatear song (perched)

Creag na Cuinneige, Glen Brerachan, Perthshire, Scotland  56° 45' 28.51" N  3° 35' 32.91" W  8 June 2016

Song uttered from rocks at the foot of a steep sheep-grazed slope.

[File name: wheatear113789ecut1]

    Northern Wheatear3 - change your settings to allow Flash to play the mp3 file


Sonogram of Northern Wheatear song (perched)

Creag na Cuinneige, Glen Brerachan, Perthshire, Scotland   56° 45' 28.51" N  3° 35' 32.91" W  8 June 2016

Song uttered from rocks at the foot of a steep sheep-grazed slope. More distant, but more musical whistles.

[File name: wheatear113789ecut2]

    Northern Wheatear4 - change your settings to allow Flash to play the mp3 file


Ring Ouzel  Turdus torquatus

1 singing m, + 1 ~1 Km along trail, A93 Old Military Road to Carn an Tuirc (1019m), 11/06.


Blackbird  Turdus merula


Singing at field centre from 03:22h on 12/06; 03:28 on 13/06 (both mornings overcast with low mist).

Adult female feeding a fledgling, Kindrogan Field Centre, 09/06.

4 singing mm, Kindrogan Field Centre-West Lodge, 12/06.


Song Thrush  Turdus philomelus

Common. Heard mimicking Oystercatcher, Jackdaw, and Green Woodpecker.

Singing at field centre from 03:17h on 12/06; 03:17 on 13/06 (both mornings overcast with low mist).

pr, collecting food for young, Kindrogan Field Centre front lawn, 09/06-15/06.


 Song Thrush  Turdus philomelos

Sonogram of Song Thrush song

Kindrogan, Perthshire, Scotland  56° 44' 22.39" N  03° 32' 38.79" W  13 June 2018

Territorial song from a Sitka Spruce re-stock plantation. Loud and varied with characteristic motifs of repeated 2-4 elements or phrases, interspered with single more complex/unique phrases. Very short and few pauses between phrases from this individual. Frequency ranging between 1.2 and 10.4 kHz.

[File name: songthrush115017ecut]

    Song Thrush - change your settings to allow Flash to play the mp3 file


Sonogram of Song Thrush flight call

Kindrogan, Perthshire, Scotland  56° 44' 22.39" N  03° 32' 38.79" W  13 June 2018

Calls from a Song Thrush in flight, flying low through a Sitka Spruce re-stock plantation. A short, sharp, but soft tzip at 6.7-9.5 kHz.

[File name: songthrush115016e]

    Song Thrush - change your settings to allow Flash to play the mp3 file



Mistle Thrush  Turdus viscivorus

Noted at Kindrogan Field Centre, Enochdhu, curling pond, Balnald, Davan, West Lodge, Straloch & Tullochcurran Loch, Moulin Moor.


Grasshopper Warbler  Locustella naevia

None heard this year.


Sedge Warbler  Acrocephalua schoenobaenus

1 singing m, east end of Glen Brerachan, 12/06 (TB).


Whitethroat  Sylvia communis

None heard this year.


Garden Warbler  Sylvia borin

1 singing m, East Lodge, all week.


Blackcap  Sylvia atricapilla

Heard at the walled garden (KFC), Davan, Straloch, Enochdhu (2), East Lodge, Tulloch.

b/4, in regenerating Rhododendrons, River Ardle, east of Kindrogan Field Centre, 13/06.


Blackcap  Sylvia atricapilla

Sonogram of Backcap fledgling calls

Kindrogan, Perthshire, Scotland  56° 44' 47.58" N  03° 32' 38.41" W  13 June 2018

Calls from a recently fledged brood of Blackcaps in regenerating Rhododendron scrub on the bank of the River Ardle. Calls consisting of a polyphonic wheeze and an adult-like tack.

[File name: blackcap114988ecut]

    Blackcap - change your settings to allow Flash to play the mp3 file


Chiffchaff  Phylloscopus collybita

1 singing m, East Lodge, 09/06-14/06.

1 singing m, Kindrogan Field Centre, 09/06-15/06.


Willow Warbler  Phylloscopus trochilus

Fairly common.

Pair with food for young at curling pond and walled garden, 14/06.

Singing at field centre from 04:01h on 12/06.

10 singing mm, Kindrogan Field Centre-West Lodge, 12/06.

8 singing mm, A924 Straloch-Enochdhu, 12/06.


Willow Warbler  Phylloscopus trochilus

Sonogram of Willow Warbler song

Kindrogan Hill, Enochdhu, Perthshire, Scotland  56° 44' 45.8" N  03° 32' 49.7" W  9 June 2015

Territorial song from c5 years old Sitka Spruce re-stock in clear-fell.

[File name: willowwarblerLS113356ecut]

    Willow Warbler4 - change your settings to allow Flash to play the mp3 file


Goldcrest  Regulus regulus

Common in forested areas of Kindrogan Hill.

3 singing mm, in mixed woodland around the walled garden, 09/06.

Singing at field centre from 03:38h, 12/06; 03:46, 13/06.


Spotted Flycatcher  Muscicapa striata

Singing mm or pairs noted this year at Kindrogan Field Centre (Pine Marten hide), cemetery clearfell, curling pond, Davan, West Lodge, Straloch Parish Church.

New territory in recent clear-fell just east of entrance to Kindrogan Field Centre.

1, on roof of Kindrogan House, 10/06.

Singing at field centre from 04:14h on 12/06.


Long-tailed Tit  Aegithalos caudatus

Brood, heard along main track at Kindrogan Field Centre, 12/06.


Coal Tit  Periparus ater

Fairly common in coniferous areas in Strathardle and Kindrogan Hill.

Regular at feeding stations, Kindrogan Field Centre.

Pair nesting in the ground, Kindrogan Field Centre.

Fledged brood, Tulloch, 12/06.


Blue Tit  Cyanistes caeruleus


Using nest boxes and feeders around the field centre.

Fledged brood, Tulloch, 12/06.


Great Tit  Parus major


Using nest boxes and feeders around the field centre..


Treecreeper  Certhia familiaris

Less common this year. No song heard this year.

1, walled garden redwoods, Kindrogan Field Centre, 10/06.

pr + b/3, curling pond, 12/06.



Eurasian Treecreeper  Certhia familiaris

Sonogram of Treecreeper song

Kindrogan Field Centre, Perthshire, Scotland  56° 44' 45.8" N  03° 32' 49.7" W  7 June 2016

Calls from a recently fledged bird foraging with parents and siblings.

[File name: treecreeper113747ecut]

    Eurasian Treecreeper - change your settings to allow Flash to play the mp3 file


Jay  Garrulus glandarius

1, cemetery clearfell, Kindrogan Hill, 09/06 (AZ).


Magpie  Pica pica

2, Pitlochry, 15/06. 


Jackdaw  Corvus monedula        

At least 8 prs nesting in chimneys of Kindrogan House and in natural holes and nest-boxes in the adjacent beech wood.

12, Glenshee, 11/06.

13, A924 Straloch-Enochdhu, 12/06.

pr, nesting in chimney, Enochdhu, 12/06.


Rook  Corvus frugilegus

Common in Glen Brerachan. Nestlings already fledged.


Carrion Crow  Corvus corone

A few pairs in the north-west end of Strathardle.

4 prs, noted from minibus, Glenshee, 11/06.

pr, Enochdhu, 12/06.


Raven  Corvus corax

1, Glenshee, 11/06.

1, over Kindrogan Field Centre, 12/06.

2, east end of Glen Brerachan, 14/06.


Starling  Sturnus vulgaris

Common in Kirkmichael and Pitlochry.

pr, nesting in Kindrogan House, Kindrogan Field Centre, 08/06-15/06.

10, Glenshee, 11/06.

2, Straloch Loch, 12/06.


House Sparrow  Passer domesticus

Noted in Pitlochry, 07/06, 15/06.

2, Straloch Loch, 12/06.

pr, Straloch PS, 12/06.

pr, Tigh na Croft, 12/06.

Several pairs, Enochdhu, 12/06.


Tree Sparrow  Passer montanus

1 juvenile, Tulloch, 12/06.


Chaffinch  Fringilla coelebs

Less common than usual, though song much reduced compared with first week of June (in previous years). Only two singing mm around walled garden, compared with 5-6 in good years.

Singing at field centre from 04:09h, 12/06; 04:10, 13/06 (both mornings overcast with low mist).

5 singing mm, Kindrogan Field Centre to curling pond, 11/06.

7 singing mm, Kindrogan Field Centre to West Lodge, 12/06.

4 singing mm, A924 Straloch-Enochdhu, 12/06.

Fledged brood, Davan, 14/06.



Kindrogan Field Centre, Perthshire, Scotland  56° 44' 45.8" N  03° 32' 49.7" W  7 June 2016

Edited sample of a singing male with three song types, playing A-A-A B-B-B C-C-C.

Of 173 song strophes sung in 20 minutes, 78 were type A (medium, 2.49 sec), 50 type B (long, 2.82 sec) and 45 type c (short, 2.11 sec) with 31 switches between each type.

[File name: chaffinch113757ecut]

    Chaffinch song types - change your settings to allow Flash to play the mp3 file


Greenfinch  Carduelis chloris

1 singing m, Kindrogan Field Centre, 08/06-15/06.

1 E, over walled garden, Kindrogan Field Centre, 10/06.

2 singing mm, Enochdhu, 12/06.

1 singing m, Dalreoch, 13/06.


Goldfinch  Carduelis carduelis

More common than usual this year.

pr, Kindrogan Field Centre, 08/06-15/06.

1 singing m, West Lodge, 12/06.

2 prs, Straloch Loch, 12/06.

7, A924 Straloch-Enochdhu, 12/06.

1 singing m, Enochdhu, 12/06.

1 singing m, Dalreoch, 12/06.

1 singing m, Davan, 14/06.


Siskin  Carduelis spinus

Common. Juveniles noted.

1 singing m, over walled garden, Kindrogan Field Centre, 10/06.

1 singing m, curling pond, Kindrogan Field Centre, 11/06.

9, Kindrogan Field Centre-West Lodge, 12/06.

1 singing m, Balnald, 12/06.

3, Straloch Loch, 12/06.

8, A924 Straloch-Enochdhu, 12/06.

20, Balnald, 14/06.


Linnet  Carduelis cannabina

pr, east end of Glen Brerachan, 14/06.


Lesser Redpoll  Carduelis cabaret

1, cemetery clearfell, Kindrogan Field Centre, 09/06.

2, curling pond, Kindrogan Field Centre, 12/06.

3, A924 Straloch-Enochdhu, 12/06.

2, Davan, 14/06.

4, east end of Glen Brerachan, 14/06.


Crossbill  Loxia curvirostra

Encountered daily, in small numbers - more registrations than usual.

Flock heard over the walled garden, Kindrogan Field Centre, 09/06.

2 mm + f/juv, in Sycamore, Kindrogan Bridge, Enochdhu, 09/06.

2 NE, over Kindrogan Field Centre, 10/06.

2 E, over walled garden, Kindrogan Field Centre, 10/06.

5 E, Kindrogan Field Centre, 12/06.

16, Kindrogan Field Centre-east end of Glen Brerachan, 12/06 (TB).

4, Kindrogan Field Centre-West Lodge, 12/06.

f, drinking from trackside ditch, just east of Kindrogan Field Centre, 12/06.

5, over Kindrogan Field Centre, 15/06.


Bullfinch  Pyrrhula pyrrhula

Much less common this year. Pairs noted only at Kindrogan Field Centre and the cemetery clearfell on Kindrogan Hill (2).


Reed Bunting  Emberiza schoeniclus

1 singing m, east end of Glen Brerachan, 12/06 (TB).

1 singing m, east end of Glen Brerachan, 14/06.

1 singing m, Tullochcurran Loch, Cateran Trail, 14/06.



Kindrogan Field Centre © Fraser Simpson Kindrogan Field Centre, Enochdhu, Perthshire

River Ardle and bankside trail © Fraser Simpson River Ardle and bankside trail, Kindrogan Field Centre, Enochdhu, Perthshire

Kindrogan Field Centre - The Steading © Fraser Simpson The Steading, Kindrogan Field Centre, Enochdhu, Perthshire

Kindrogan Hill © Fraser Simpson Restock and regenerating clearfell, Kindrogan Hill

Loch Curran © Fraser Simpson

Loch Curran

Track between field centre and curling pond © Fraser Simpson Track between Kindrogan Field Centre and Curling Pond

Curling Pond © Fraser Simpson Curling Pond, Kindrogan Field Centre

Track between Curling Pond and Davan © Fraser Simpson Track between Curling Pond and Davan


Davan area © Fraser Simpson

Davan area


Straloch Loch © Fraser Simpson

Straloch Loch


Birch slopes, Glen Brerachan © Fraser Simpson

Birch slopes, Glen Brerachan


Tullochcurran Loch © Fraser Simpson

Tullochcurran Loch


Cateran Trail, Enochdhu-Kirkmichael   © Fraser Simpson

Cateran Trail, Enochdhu-Kirkmichael


View from Carn an Tuirc © Fraser Simpson

View to the east, from the summit of Carn an Tuirc


View from lower slopes of Carn an Tuirc © Fraser Simpson

View to the west, from the lower slopes of Carn an Tuirc


BIOL2002 field course, Kindrogan Field Centre  © Fraser Simpson 2017





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