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Elveden Forest Center Parcs



13-17 Jan 2020

Observers: F. Simpson, L. Simpson, J. Simpson



This was a family break for our five-year-old's birthday to Center Parcs Elveden Forest in Suffolk. The focus was on relaxation, fresh air and birthday celebrations. We packed some bird seed, peanuts and the i-Spy books, and set up a feeding station at our lodge in the Pine zone. Point-blank views of various woodland birds were a continuous feature with Marsh Tit, Nuthatch, Jay and Great Spotted Woodpecker the obvious highlights. Mammals included the ubiquitous Grey Squirrels and Reeves' Muntjac Deer, and a Stoat which ran past our lodge on the first day. Birds were present throughout the site (comprised mainly of Scots and Corsican Pine with a deciduous understorey) and seemed quite habituated to humans. Below is a list of counts (including the peak counts at our feeding station) at specific times but birds, including the Marsh Tits, were a feature throughout the site. In 2021 we stayed at another Center Parcs site at Whinfell Forest.


Center Parcs, Elveden Forest, Suffolk © Fraser Simpson Cycling, Center Parcs Elveden Forest, Suffolk


Center Parcs, Elveden Forest, Suffolk © Fraser Simpson Wildlife Observation Hide, Center Parcs Elveden Forest, Suffolk


Center Parcs, Elveden Forest, Suffolk © Fraser Simpson Our lodge, Center Parcs Elveden Forest, Suffolk


Center Parcs Trip Reports:  2022 | 2021 | 2020



 Species List

Great Crested Grebe  Podiceps cristatus

4, SE corner of main lake, 14-Jan.

2, NE lake in Maple zone, 15-Jan.

1, NW corner of main lake, 16-Jan.


Cormorant  Phalacrocorax carbo

8, SE corner of main lake, 14-Jan.

4, NE lake in Maple zone, 15-Jan.

2, NW corner of main lake, 16-Jan.


Grey Heron  Ardea cinerea

1 (heard), on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.

1, NE lake in Maple zone, 15-Jan.


Canada Goose  Branta canadensis

Noted on train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.

3, NE lake in Maple zone, 15-Jan.

1, in autumn-sown cereal field on edge of Pine zone, 16-Jan

3 Barnacle x Canada hybrids, NE lake in Maple zone, 15-Jan.

3 Barnacle x Canada hybrids, in autumn-sown cereal field on edge of Pine zone, 16-Jan


Barnacle Goose  Branta leucopsis

57 free-flying feral birds, NE lake in Maple zone, 15-Jan.

47 free-flying feral birds, in autumn-sown cereal field on edge of Pine zone, 16-Jan


Greylag Goose  Anser anser

2, NE lake in Maple zone, 15-Jan.

2, NW corner of main lake, 16-Jan.

13, NE lake in Maple zone, 17-Jan.


Mallard  Anas platyrhynchos

Noted on train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.

15, SE corner of main lake, 14-Jan.

31, NE lake in Maple zone, 15-Jan.


Shoveler  Anas clypeata

pr, NE lake in Maple zone, 15-Jan.


Pochard  Aythya ferina

Noted on train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.

1 m, NE lake in Maple zone, 15-Jan.


Tufted Duck  Aythya fuligula

95, NE lake in Maple zone, 15-Jan.


Goosander  Mergus merganser

1 m, NE lake in Maple zone, 17-Jan.


Pheasant  Phasianus colchicus

1 (heard), near our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 14-Jan.

2 mm, Wildlife Observation Hide, 17-Jan.


Marsh Harrier  Circus aeruginosus

Noted on train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.


Sparrowhawk  Accipiter nisus

1 f, NE lake in Maple zone, 17-Jan.


Kestrel  Falco tinnunculus

9, train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.


Buzzard  Buteo buteo

Noted on train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.

1, calling over NW corner, 15-Jan.


Moorhen  Gallinula chloropus

3, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 14-Jan.

11, SE corner of main lake, 14-Jan.

3, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 15-Jan.

20+, noted on cycle through Pine & Cedar zones, 15-Jan.

1, on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.

40+, NE lake in Maple zone, 15-Jan.

3, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 16-Jan.

2, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 17-Jan.


Coot  Fulica atra

Noted on train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.

4, SE corner of main lake, 14-Jan.

20+, NE lake in Maple zone, 15-Jan.


Black-headed Gull  Larus ridibundus

1, over our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 14-Jan.

12, SE corner of main lake, 14-Jan.

1, over our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 15-Jan.

c70, NE lake in Maple zone, 15-Jan.

40+, NE lake in Maple zone, 17-Jan.


Common Gull  Larus canus

Noted on train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.

1, NE lake in Maple zone, 17-Jan.


Herring Gull  Larus argentatus

Noted on train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.


Feral Pigeon  Columba livia domest.

Noted on train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.


Stock Dove  Columba oenas

Noted on train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.

4 (inc singing m), Wildlife Observation Hide, 17-Jan.


Wood Pigeon  Columba palumbus

Noted on train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.

10, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 14-Jan.

3, Wildlife Observation Hide, 14-Jan.

13, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 15-Jan.

21 (inc 6 singing), on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.

17, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 16-Jan.

8, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 17-Jan.

2, Wildlife Observation Hide, 17-Jan.


Collared Dove  Sreptopelia decaocto

Noted on train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.


Tawny Owl  Strix aluco

1 m, calling, Pine 251 lodge, 15-Jan.

1, calling, near Pine 251 lodge on the cycle to swimming, 15-Jan.


Great Spotted Woodpecker  Dendrocopus major

1 f, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 14-Jan.

2, Wildlife Observation Hide, 14-Jan.

1 f, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 15-Jan.

1, on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.

1 f, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 16-Jan.

1 f, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 17-Jan.

1 m, Wildlife Observation Hide, 17-Jan.


Woodlark  Lullula arborea

1 (heard), on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.


Skylark  Alauda arvensis

1 (heard), on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.


Grey Wagtail  Motacilla cinerea

1, NE lake in Maple zone, 17-Jan.


Pied Wagtail  Motacilla alba

1, NE lake in Maple zone, 15-Jan.

1, over our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 16-Jan.


Wren  Troglodytes troglodytes

1, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 15-Jan.

3 (inc 1 singing), on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.

1, Wildlife Observation Hide, 17-Jan.


Robin  Erithacus rubecula

1, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 14-Jan.

8 (inc 5 singing), on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.

2, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 15-Jan.

1, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 16-Jan.

1, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 17-Jan.

1, Wildlife Observation Hide, 17-Jan.


Dunnock  Prunella modularis

1, Wildlife Observation Hide, 14-Jan.

1, on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.

1, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 17-Jan.


Blackbird  Turdus merula

2 (ad m, 1-cy m), at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 14-Jan.

3 (ad m, ad f, 1-cy m), at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 15-Jan.

1 (ad m), at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 16-Jan.

2 (ad m, 1-cy m), at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 17-Jan.


Redwing  Turdus iliacus

Heard, after dark, passing over, Pine 251 lodge, 16-Jan.


Song Thrush  Turdus philomelus

2, on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.


Goldcrest  Regulus regulus

4, on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.

2, NE lake in Maple zone, 15-Jan.

1, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 16-Jan.


Long-tailed Tit  Aegithalos caudatus

9, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 15-Jan.

6, on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.

8, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 16-Jan.

10, Wildlife Observation Hide, 17-Jan.


Blue Tit  Cyanistes caeruleus

4, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 14-Jan.

18, Wildlife Observation Hide, 14-Jan.

6, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 15-Jan.

6, on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.

3, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 16-Jan.

4, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 17-Jan.

16, Wildlife Observation Hide, 17-Jan.


Great Tit  Parus major

3, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 14-Jan.

12, Wildlife Observation Hide, 14-Jan.

5, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 15-Jan.

11, on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.

6, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 16-Jan.

5, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 17-Jan.

11, Wildlife Observation Hide, 17-Jan.


Coal Tit  Periparus ater

6, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 14-Jan.

7, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 15-Jan.

16 (inc 6 singing), on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.

4, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 16-Jan.

6, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 17-Jan.

13, Wildlife Observation Hide, 17-Jan.


Marsh Tit  Poecile palustis

2, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 14-Jan.

2, Wildlife Observation Hide, 14-Jan.

2, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 15-Jan.

11, on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.

2, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 16-Jan.

2, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 17-Jan.

2, Wildlife Observation Hide, 17-Jan.

2, NE lake in Maple zone, 17-Jan.

2, near check-in, 17-Jan.


Nuthatch  Sitta europaea

3, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 14-Jan.

1, Wildlife Observation Hide, 14-Jan.

2, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 15-Jan.

2, on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.

1, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 16-Jan.

1, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 17-Jan.

2, Wildlife Observation Hide, 17-Jan.


Treecreeper  Certhia familiaris

1, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 14-Jan.

2, on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.

1, Wildlife Observation Hide, 17-Jan.


Jay  Garrulus glandarius

2, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 14-Jan.

1, Wildlife Observation Hide, 14-Jan.

1, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 15-Jan.

4, on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.

1, NE lake in Maple zone, 15-Jan.

3, NW corner of main lake, 16-Jan.

1, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 17-Jan.


Magpie  Pica pica

Noted on train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.

1, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 14-Jan.

2, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 15-Jan.

4, on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.

2, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 16-Jan.


Jackdaw  Corvus monedula

Noted on train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.

6, over the Wildlife Observation Hide, 14-Jan.

2, on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.

4, Wildlife Observation Hide, 17-Jan.

c35, over main car park at entrance, 17-Jan.


Rook  Corvus frugilegus

Noted on train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.


Carrion Crow  Corvus corone

Noted on train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.

3, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 14-Jan.

1, Wildlife Observation Hide, 14-Jan.

9, on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.


Starling  Sturnus vulgaris

Noted on train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.

c4000, over Thetford, 17-Jan.


House Sparrow  Passer domesticus

Noted, Thetford, 17-Jan.


Chaffinch  Fringilla coelebs

8, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 14-Jan.

19, Wildlife Observation Hide, 14-Jan.

14, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 15-Jan.

6, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 16-Jan.

8, at our feeding station, Pine 251 lodge, 17-Jan.

4, Wildlife Observation Hide, 17-Jan.


Goldfinch  Carduelis carduelis

Noted on train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.

2, NE lake in Maple zone, 15-Jan.


Siskin  Carduelis spinus

Noted on train/bus, Essex-Thetford, 13-Jan.

2, on 60 min walk north then east around perimeter fence from Pine 251 lodge to golf course, 15-Jan.

c40, flew over, Pine 251 lodge, 16-Jan.


Crossbill  Loxia curvirostra

3-4, heard passing over, Pine 251 lodge, 16-Jan.



Our lodge in the Pine zone, Center Parcs Elveden Forest, Suffolk  © Fraser Simpson

Our lodge in the Pine zone, Elveden Forest, Suffolk


View from our lodge, Elveden Forest © Fraser Simpson

Muntjac Deer, Grey Squirrel & Moorhen, Elveden Forest, Suffolk


Wildlife observation from our lodge, Elveden Forest © Fraser Simpson

Wildlife observation from our lodge, Elveden Forest, Suffolk


Keep your door shut - alien invaders - Grey Squirrel, Elveden Forest, Suffol © Fraser Simpson

Keep your door shut - alien invaders - Grey Squirrel, Elveden Forest, Suffolk


View from the Wildlife Observation Hide, Elveden Forest © Fraser Simpson

View from the Wildlife Observation Hide, Elveden Forest, Suffolk


Feral Barnacle Geese at the NE lake in Maple zone, Elveden Forest © Fraser Simpson

The north-eastern lake in the Maple zone appeared to be the most productive for birds with

Goosander, Shoveler, Pochard, Tufted Duck, Great Crested Grebe and Sparrowhawk.


Feral Barnacle Geese at the NE lake in Maple zone, Elveden Forest © Fraser Simpson

Feral Barnacle Geese at the NE lake in Maple zone, Elveden Forest, Suffolk


Center Parcs, Elveden Forest © Fraser Simpson


Center Parcs, Elveden Forest © Fraser Simpson

The Birthday Boy, Center Parcs, Elveden Forest, Suffolk


Center Parcs, Elveden Forest © Fraser Simpson





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