Hartslock Nature
Reserve, Oxfordshire,
30' 40.7" N 01° 06' 47.3" E24 August 2019
Calling song/stridulation from a male Stripe-winged
Grasshopper (Stenobothrus lineatus) in calcareous grassland
on chalk downland at 82 metres.
High-frequency, slow, pulsating hiss (recorded at ~28°C) repeated
in bursts of up to 15-16 seconds. Begins quietly,
increasing in volume, ending abruptly.
Hartslock Nature
Reserve, Oxfordshire,
30' 40.7" N 01° 06' 47.3" E24 August 2019
Oscillogram of calling song/stridulation from a male
Grasshopper (Stenobothrus lineatus) in calcareous grassland
on chalk downland at 82 metres.