Tørrvann, Finnmark, Norway
27' 50.8" N 29° 01' 07.3" E 22
June 2019
Snipe over tundra marshland: territorial/advertising
song, created by tail feather
vibration (sonation).
composed of 2.6-2.9 sec strophes repeated in diving
and rising display flight: a strident, wavering humming,
increasing slightly in frequency before abruptly stopping.
Barwick, Biebrza National Park,
22' 14.5'' N 22º 33' 32.4'' E
3 July 2009, 2025h
Advertising sound of a bird in aerial display flight
(drumming) - a non-vocal sound produced by the rush of air over
the bird's outer tail feathers. Flying a circuit c100 metres in
diametre and 'diving' 4-5 times per minute. Note the striking pattern
created by the harmonics from 0.22 kHz to over 8 kHz.