Rybnik, Trebon, Czech Republic 48º
59' 11.1'' N 14º 44' 58.4'' E23
Territorial song of male on
edge of a small reedbed.
Lots of mimicry of other species starting with Quail,
Blackbird, Jackdaw, Sedge Warbler, Common Tern, Starling...
Potamia Valley, Lesvos,
Greece 39°
12' 44.2" N 26° 10' 01.7" E 26
May 2017
migrant singing from an olive grove with dry, barren
ground layer, next to a river.
composed of a continuous output of phrases of repeated
elements at mid-tempo, occasionally speeding up with
more excitable phrases, with barely any pauses. Phrases
comprised of up to eight repeated elements based on
short whistles, wheezes, nasal churrs, squeaky syllables
and harder chitts and tacks - seemingly
endless variation. Containing mimicry including
regular Barn Swallow and Blackbird. Part of a 14 minute