Sunday 1 February 2004
Fishers Green, River Lee Country Park, Essex
Blue sky > partly cloudy, mild, strong W wind, cooler later & heavy rain at dusk.
Sunny Gardens Road (TQ 231897)
Dunnock (2 singing mm), Song Thrush (singing m), Mistle Thrush (1), Robin (2 singing mm), Blackbird, Magpie (2), Blue Tit (singing m) and
Great Tit (singing m). Hendon Park (TQ 233887): Grey Heron at the ornamental fish pond, Fieldfare (2 o/h), and Blackbird.
Cheshunt Lake (TL 368027)
Pochard (19+), Grey Wagtail (o/h), Mute Swan (pr), Gadwall (2), Goldeneye (pr), Goldcrest, Collared Dove (4) and Treecreeper.
North Met Pit (TL 368031)
Black-headed Gull (100+), Canada Goose, Coot, Moorhen, Mallard, Goldeneye (4), Shoveler, Tufted Duck, Pochard, Cormorant and Grey Heron.
Usual congregation of tamer birds at the south-west corner.
Seventy Acres Lake (TL 373028)
Two groups of Smew (2mm/2ff + 5mm/5ff) joined up near the Long-eared Owl roost islands. Some of the males were displaying, kicking their
heads back. Another male nearby heading towards the Bittern Hide. A bizarre sight was a pair of Great Crested Grebes with two chicks
approximately three weeks old. Another grebe nearby appeared to be incubating. Great Spotted Woodpecker calling. Group of three Moorhens
displaying. Territorial behaviour also noted between Coots. Lapwing (20) in flight over the lake and two on one of the flattened islands being
converted to reedbed. Shoveler, Pochard, Mallard, Teal, Tufted Duck, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Common Gull, Cormorant, and Grey Heron.
Bittern Watchpoint (TL 375031)
A single Bittern appeared at the near edge of the reedbed after about 20 minutes. It didn't venture out any further but it could be seen fishing
in the flooded reeds. Little Grebe (3) and Reed Bunting (1).
Hayes Hill Farm (TL 383033)
Jay (3), Kestrel (o/h), Redwing (c70), Fieldfare (c45), Song Thrush (2), House Sparrow (c25).
Hide looking out to Holyfield Hill Farm (TL 382034)
Brambling (2mm + 1f) in hedgerow either side of the hide, occasionally flying down to a seed hopper situated on the ground at the edge of the
field. Stock Dove (65) feeding in a stubble field with (200+) Wood Pigeons, Rook (20+), Long-tailed Tit (2), Wren (1), Robin (2), Carrion Crow
(200+), Moorhen (4), Black-headed Gull, Common Gull, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Chaffinch, Dunnock (4) and Magpie (c30).
Holyfield Goosefield from the Crannum Hide (TL 379039)
Barnacle Goose (5) of unknown origin, unringed and behaved like wild birds - probably
feral though. Wigeon (55), Fieldfare (51), Jay calling, Pied
Wagtail (4), Canada Goose (57), Greylag Goose (1), Gadwall (c15), Shoveler (c10), Teal (c40), Linnet (2 o/h), Reed Bunting (3) in hedgerow
nearby, Shelduck (3) flew in, Yellowhammer (1), and Meadow Pipit (1).
Grand Weir Hide (TL 377042)
Great Crested Grebe (3 pairs visible), Goldeneye (2), Cormorant (14), and Black-headed Gull (70+).
Bittern Hide, 1610h:
Water Rail showing in the pool below the hide. Great Crested Grebe caught a small Perch in the same pool. Reed Bunting (2) and Long-tailed
Tit. Kingfisher along the Horsemill Stream at Seventy Acres Lake just before dusk.