Heath Grasshopper (Chorthippus vagans),
St Catherine's Hill, Dorset, England, Aug 2020
Heath Grasshopper (Chorthippus vagans),
St Catherine's Hill, Dorset, England, Aug 2020
Heath Grasshopper (Chorthippus vagans),
St Catherine's Hill, Dorset, England, Aug 2020
Heath Grasshopper (Chorthippus vagans),
St Catherine's Hill, Dorset, England, Aug 2020
St Catherine's Hill, Christchurch,
Dorset, England50° 45' 49" N 01° 48'
05" W8 August 2020
Calling song/stridulation from a male Heath
Grasshopper (Chorthippus vagans) in Dwarf Gorse
among Bell Heather/Bristle Bent mix on lowland
dry heath. A 5-10 second series of buzzes (pulses), with around
7 audible elements per second at 33°C. Quieter and softer
than other Chorthippus species.
St Catherine's Hill, Christchurch,
Dorset, England50° 45' 49" N 01° 48'
05" W8 August 2020
Oscillogram of calling song from a male Heath
Grasshopper (Chorthippus vagans) in Dwarf
Gorse among Bell Heather/Bristle Bent mix on lowland
dry heath.
St Catherine's Hill, Christchurch,
Dorset, England50° 45' 49" N 01° 48'
05" W8 August 2020
Stridulations from male Heath
Grasshoppera (Chorthippus vagans) in Dwarf Gorse among Bell Heather/Bristle
Bent mix on lowland dry heath. Shorter sequences from a group of two to three males
St Catherine's Hill, Christchurch,
Dorset, England50° 45' 49" N 01° 48'
05" W8 August 2020
Oscillogram of shorter sequences from a group of two
to three male Heath
Grasshoppers (Chorthippus vagans) interacting in Dwarf Gorse among Bell
Heather/Bristle Bent mix on lowland dry heath.