Grey Bush-cricket (Platycleis albopunctata), Sandwich
Bay, Kent, England, Sep 2020
Sandwich Bay, Kent,, England51° 16' 59" N 01° 22'
44" E5 September 2020
Calling song/stridulation from a maleGrey
Bush-cricket (Platycleis albopunctata) in low dune marram
grassland close to the shoreline (also heard further
inland in fixed dunes and on the golf course).
A long sequence of high-pitched echemes, consisting
of two per second at 18°C. Each echeme consisting of
3-5 syllables, mostly 4). Largely inaudible to my ears,
a bat detector set at 30kHz was essential in locating
this cryptic orthopteran.
Sandwich Bay, Kent,, England51° 16' 59" N 01° 22'
44" E5 September 2020
Oscillogram of calling song/stridulation from a male
Bush-cricket (Platycleis albopunctata) in low
dune marram grassland close to the shoreline.
Indoor recording
in terrarium7 September 2020
Calling song/stridulation from a single captive male
Bush-cricket (Platycleis albopunctata) in a
A long sequence of high-pitched echemes, consisting
of one to two per second. Each echeme consisting of
4-5 syllables, mostly 5) (at 23.6°C
ambient room temp, no heat lamp or direct sun).