raba, Estonia 58º
51' 52.0'' N 26º 12' 39.0'' E 22
May 2010 1518h
Advertising song from open, mature spruce and deciduous
woodland with rank herb layer of Globeflower. The acoustic
properties of the environment here help create the echo
- compare with the recording from an open habitat below.
Creag na Cuinneige, Glen Brerachan,
45' 28.51" N 3° 35' 32.91" W8
June 2016
Song and calls from a male and female together. Advertising song from the
male (green), followed by harsh calls from the male
(blue), and bubbling trill from the female (red).
Reservoirs, London, England 51°
34' 47.1'' N 00° 03' 30.4'' W 10
May 2009, 2110h
Female's rippling/bubble call (up to 2.25 kHz) following
male's last disyllabic phrase (alternating at approximately
0.75kHz and 0.58 kHz). The male then flew off in pursuit
of the female to one of the islands.
Perthshire, Scotland11 June 2008, 0430h