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Zahara de los Atunes

Costa de la Luz

Andalucía · Spain


9-19 April 2019

Observers: F. Simpson




This was another university field course trip on ecological genetics based around the small town of Zahara de los Atunes, situated on the Costa de la Luz in the Strait of Gibraltar in Cádiz province, Andalucía. Much of the time was spent around Zahara de los Atunes, Barbate and the Valle de Ojén in the Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales. Some time was possible for birding but in general the following notes document the observations at the various student study sites.

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Map with Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) drawing © Fraser Simpson


 Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) © Fraser Simpson

Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus), Playa de Zahara




Great Egret, Spoonbill, Northern Bald Ibis, Glossy Ibis, Black-crowned Night-Heron, Greater Flamingo, Griffon Vulture, Short-toed Eagle, Booted Eagle, Montagu's Harrier, Lesser Kestrel, Purple Swamphen, Collared Pratincole, Slender-billed Gull, Audouin's Gull, Gull-billed Tern, Lesser Crested Tern, Caspian Tern, Little Swift, Turtle Dove, Greater Short-toed Lark, Calandra Lark, Tawny Pipit, Red-rumped Swallow, Black-eared Wheatear, Iberian Chiffchaff, Western Bonelli's Warbler, Western Subalpine Warber, Spanish Sparrow.





Day 01       09/04/19     London Luton Airport > Malaga > Algeciras > Tarifa > Zahara de los Atunes
Day 02       10/04/19     Zahara de los Atunes
> Atlanterra > Conil de la Frontera
Day 03       11/04/19     Zahara de los Atunes
> Atlanterra > Cabo de Gracia > Barbate
Day 04       12/04/19     Zahara
> Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales
Day 05       13/04/19     Zahara de los Atunes
> La Breña de Barbate > Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales
Day 06       14/04/19     
Zahara de los Atunes > Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales
Day 07       15/04/19     
Zahara de los Atunes > Valle de Ojén, P.N. de los Alcornocales > Marismas del Barbate
Day 08       16/04/19     Zahara de los Atunes
> Valle de Ojén > La Janda > Marismas del Barbate
Day 09       17/04/19     Zahara de los Atunes
> Marismas del Barbate > La Janda
Day 10       18/04/19     Zahara de los Atunes
> Marismas del Barbate > La Barca de Vejer

Day 11       19/04/19     Zahara de los Atunes > Tarifa > Algeciras > Malaga



Map of main locations visited 2003-2019

Map of Locations, SE Costa de la Luz, Cádiz Provence, Andalucía, Spain  ·

 1. Zahara de los Atunes & Río del Cachón (Zahara estuary)

 2. Playa de Zahara (Theba and beetle study site)

 3. Atlantera, Faro de Camarinal & Cabo de Gracia  (Cistus and beetle study site)

 4. La Zarzuela & El Almarchal (Polistes & Theba and beetle study site)

 5. Bolonia

 6. Cueva del Moro

 7. Embalse de Almodóvar, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales

 8. Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales (Aquarius & Asphodelus study site)

 9. Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales (Lavandula study site)

10. El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate

11. Marismas del Barbate

12. Río Barbate (river mouth) & Playa del Cañillo

13. West side of the Río Barbate, Marismas del Barbate

14. La Breña de Barbate (Lavandula study site)

15. Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera)

16. La Barca de Vejer

17. Casa la Palmera, Conil (Polistes study site)

18. La Janda - entrance opposite Venta de Retín to Canal Colector del Este (Río Almodóvar)

19. Itinerario Ecuestre IE-027.2 (marsh at start of horse track)

20. Oxbow, near Benalup

21. La Janda - entrance at Km-47 on the N-340

22. Sendero Colada de la Costa, Tarifa



Day 1                                                                                                                              
Tuesday 9 April 2019
London Luton Airport > Malaga > Algeciras > Tarifa > Zahara de los Atunes
Partly cloudy, Wind 7mph WSW in afternoon, max 18°C around Tarifa

Drive from Malaga to Zahara, via Tarifa
Very little noted in terms of migration. Highlight was two pairs of Monk Parakeets on the edge of Malaga.

Mirador del Estrecho
A very strong westerly meant virtually no raptors were moving across the strait.

Strait of Gibraltar, from Mirador de Estrecho © Fraser Simpson

View south over the Strait of Gibraltar to Jebel Musa, Morocco from Mirador del Estrecho, Spain


Zahara de los Atunes  36° 08' 07.8'' N  05° 50' 48.0'' W
Had our introductory talk on the roof of Hotel Gran Sol.




Day 2                                                                                                                              
Wednesday 10 April 2019
Zahara de los Atunes > Atlanterra > Conil de la Frontera
Cloudy with showers in the morning, brighter in the afternoon: wind 7-20 mph W to WSW, min 12°C, max 18°C

Glossy Ibis, Griffon Vulture, Short-toed Eagle, Audouin's Gull, Gull-billed Tern, Calandra Lark, Woodchat Shrike.

Castillo de las Almadrabas > Playa de Zahara
Out at first light before breakfast at 07:35. Walked the boardwalk from the castle south-east through the dunes. Due to the clear skies overnight there was virtually no migrants in the dunes or scrub.

Zahara de los Atunes, Castillo de las Almadrabas, Playa de Zahara, Sierra de la Plata, from the roof of Hotel Gran Sol © Fraser Simpson

View south-east over the Castillo de las Almadrabas towards the Sierra de la Plata from Zahara de los Atunes


Hotel Gran Sol © Fraser Simpson

Hotel Gran Sol



Map of Zahara de los Atunes & Río del Cachón © Fraser Simpson

Map of Zahara de los Atunes & Río del Cachón


1. Río del Cachón - river mouth: a few waders/terns/egrets inc Caspian Tern

2. Sierra de Retín: end of the ridge good for raptors inc Griffon Vulture; Little Owls in outcrop above the road; Northern Bald Ibis occasionally pass.

3. Río del Cachón - upriver of bridge: tidal mud and saltmarsh holds small numbers of waders/egrets/wagtails, inc Black-winged Stilt and occasional Spoonbill.

4. Castillo de las Almadrabas: Spotless Starling, Pallid Swift with regular Crag Martin and Red-rumped Swallow; occasional Blue Rock Thrush and Black Redstart on castle wall; roof of Gran Sol Hotel good for observing diurnal passage of many species - occasional Little Swift.

5. Playa de Zahara: low dunes good for arriving passerines inc Woodchat Shrike, Nightingale, Subalpine Warbler, Hoopoe, wheatears; breeding Kentish Plover and migrant Sanderling; offshore movements of gulls (inc Audouin's), terns (inc Gull-billed), Balearic & Cory's Shearwater, Gannet, skua, auks & waders. Exhausted raptors in strong easterly winds.

6. Río del Cachón -  bridge NE of town: marsh and grazing good for raptors, egrets and other migrants.


Zahara de los Atunes © Fraser Simpson

Avenida de la Playa, Zahara de los Atunes

Playa de Zahara (1st beetle study site) 36° 7' 5.26" N  5° 49' 59.19" W
Low dune system backed by Pistachia and Juniperus scrub. Usual Sardinian Warblers chattering and Crested Larks singing their mournful songs. A few migrant passerines were moving overhead including finches, White Wagtail, Tree Pipit, Yellow Wagtail, and a Greater Short-toed Lark. A Glossy Ibis arrived in off the sea while Audouin's Gull, Gull-billed Tern and Sandwich Tern were moving along the coast past the Almadraba.

Low dune system, Zahara de los Atunes © Fraser Simpson

low dune system, Zahara de los Atunes


Antlion (Synclisis baetica), Zahara de los Atunes © Fraser Simpson

Antlion (Synclisis baetica) larva, Zahara de los Atunes

Faro de Camarinal, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra (Cistus study site around lighthouse) 36° 05' 24.5'' N  5° 48' 37.1'' W
Apart from the abundant Sardinian Warblers in the garrigue, bird activity was low, but I found and photographed a Common Digging Grasshopper (Acrotylus insubricus) and a Spanish Festoon (Zerynthis rumina).

Common Digging Grasshopper (Acrotylus insubricus) © Fraser Simpson

Common Digging Grasshopper (Acrotylus insubricus)


Track from lighthouse up to Sierra de la Plata © Fraser Simpson

track from lighthouse up to Sierra de la Plata


Common Maquis Grasshopper (Pezotettix giornae) © Fraser Simpson

Common Maquis Grasshopper nymph (Pezotettix giornae)


Casa la Palmera (Polistes study site near Conil de la Frontera)  36° 15' 10.71" N  6° 3' 53.18" W
Three years on and the Opuntia cactus hedges had not recovered from the hemiptera-transmitted infection which has devastated the region. In fact, the decaying vegetation of the hedges had all but disappeared. Three Calandra Larks were song-flighting over the near fields and four migrant Yellow Wagtails passed overhead. Several Green-striped Whites (Euchloe belemia) were restlessly flying around from flower to flower. Lamenting or White-banded Grasshoppers (Eyprepocnemis plorans) were found on bramble scrub and several European Field Crickets (Gryllus campestris) were singing.


Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera © Fraser Simpson

Casa la Palmera


Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera © Fraser Simpson

Casa la Palmera


Hotel Gran Sol, Zahara de los Atunes © Fraser Simpson

Hotel Gran Sol

Playa de Zahara (1st beetle study site) 36° 7' 5.26" N  5° 49' 59.19" W
In the evening, two Woodchat Shrike and a Western Subalpine Warbler were present. Found two Mediterranean House Geckos (Hemidactylus turcicus) (or Turkish Gecko) in an old brick ruin along the beach dune trail (part of route GR145 Sendero Europeo Arco Atlánitico).



Day 3                                                                                                                              
Thursday 11 April 2019
Zahara de los Atunes > Atlanterra > Cabo de Gracia > Barbate
Blue sky, wind 6-9 mph WSW, min 12°C, max 20°C

Rock Bunting, Red-rumped Swallow, Blue Rock Thrush, Cirl Bunting, Bee-eater, Crag Martin, Greater Flamingo, Northern Bald Ibis, Greater Short-toed Lark, Black-winged Stilt.

Faro de Camarinal, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra (Cistus study site around lighthouse) 36° 05' 24.5'' N  5° 48' 37.1'' W
Hot, blue sky and light winds so little visible migration though a flock of 15 Greater Flamingos flew NW over the sea and a loose group of 14 Bee-eaters arrived in off the sea.The track from the lighthouse inland to the Sierra de la Plata produced Rock Bunting, Red-rumped Swallow and Blue Rock Thrush. Concentrated on identifying some orthoptera. Good butterflies included Two-tailed Pasha (Charaxes jasius) and Spanish Festoon (Zerynthia rumina). Many Spanish Psammodromus (Psammodromus hispanicus) lizards were seen. Three Turkish Geckos around the lighthouse and steps.

Atlanterra and Bahia de la Plata © Fraser Simpson

Atlanterra and Bahia de la Plata


Puissant's Green-winged Grasshopper (Aiolopus puissanti), Atlanterra © Fraser Simpson

Puissant's Green-winged Grasshopper (Aiolopus puissanti) - fairly common in garrigue/mattoral habitat around the lighthouse


Migratory Locust (Locusta migratoria), Atlanterra © Fraser Simpson

male Migratory Locust (Locusta migratoria) - in garrigue/mattoral habitat around the lighthouse



Shrubby Pimpernel (Anagallis monelli), Cabo de Gracia © Fraser Simpson

Shrubby Pimpernel (Anagallis monelli), Cabo de Gracia


Punta Camarinal, from Cabo de Gracia © Fraser Simpson

Punta Camarinal, from Cabo de Gracia


Barbate (Theba study transect) 36° 10' 50'' N  05° 54' 14'' W
Re-visited this old transect starting south-east of the river mouth near the Restaurante Kcurro. A Northern Bald Ibis was feeding in the low dune vegetation and single Great Short-toed Lark and Griffon Vulture passed overhead. A quick look at the nearby lagoon at El Cañillo produced 20 Greater Flamingo and 12 Black-winged Stilt.



Day 4                                                                                                                              
Friday 12 April 2019
Zahara de los Atunes > Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales
Blue sky, wind 3mph N to 9 mph W, min 12°C, max 19°C

Pallid Swift, Thekla Lark, Western Bonelli's Warbler, Short-toed Treecreeper, Black Kite, Iberian Chiffchaff, Balearic Shearwater.

Playa de Zahara (1st beetle study site) 36° 7' 5.26" N  5° 49' 59.19" W
Low dune system backed by Pistachia and Juniperus scrub. Re-set the beetle trap grid. Quiet in terms of bird migration. A pair of territorial Kentish Plovers were located on the beach and an adult Gannet was offshore.

Playa de Zahara © Fraser Simpson

Playa de Zahara

Embalse de Almodovar, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales  36° 09' 29'' N  05° 38' 33'' W
Brief stop here while we re-grouped before passing the padlocked gate. Thekla Lark, Nightingale and Corn Bunting singing with 40+ Pallid Swifts and a Griffon Vulture overhead. Clouded Yellow (Colias croceus) buterflies particulary common here.

Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales
(Aquarius study site) 36° 08' 54.8'' N  5° 34' 57.1'' W
Los Alcornocales is a huge area of oak-cloaked hillsides and valleys with Cork, Holm and Algerian Oak. Plenty of bird song on arrival from Blackcap, Firecrest, Short-toed Treecreeper, Western Bonelli's Warbler, and Woodlark as well as Robin, Chaffinch, Great Tit and Cuckoo. Few raptors in the skies so I concentrated on insects. Good butterflies included Moroccan Orange Tip (Anthocharis belia), Cleopatra (Gonepteryx cleopatra), Provence Hairstreak (Tomares ballus) and Spanish Festoon.

Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales © Fraser Simpson

Valle de Ojen, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales


White-banded Grasshopper (Eyprepocnemis plorans), Valle de Ojén © Fraser Simpson

White-banded Grasshopper (Eyprepocnemis plorans) - common in grassland along the Arroyo del Tiradero


Mediterranean Banded Centipede, Valle de Ojén © Fraser Simpson

Mediterranean Banded Centipede (Scolopendra cingulata), Arroyo del Tiradero, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales


Red-striped Oil Beetle (Berberomeloe majalis), Valle de Ojén © Fraser Simpson

Red-striped Oil Beetle (Berberomeloe majalis), Arroyo del Tiradero, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales


Iberian Mantis (Apteromantis aptera), Valle de Ojén © Fraser Simpson

Iberian Mantis (Apteromantis aptera), Arroyo del Tiradero, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales



Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén © Fraser Simpson

Arroyo del Tiradero, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales


Puerto de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales  36° 08' 38'' N  05° 35' 38'' W
Brief stop here to check on potential Asphodel sites. A distant Mole Cricket was singing and 14 Bee-eaters were overhead.

Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco  36° 09' 57'' N  05° 34' 58'' W
Iberian Chiffchaff and Western Bonelli's Warblers were singing around the start of the track. Spanish Festoons were particularly abundant here.

Playa de Zahara (1st beetle study site) 36° 7' 5.26" N  5° 49' 59.19" W
A pair of Red-rumped Swallows were nest-building in small derelict building. Three Balearic Shearwaters were offshore.



Day 5                                                                                                                        
Saturday 13 April 2019
Zahara de los Atunes > La Breña de Barbate > Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales
Blue sky, wind 3mph N to 9 mph W, min 12°C, max 19°C

Serin, Hawfinch, Firecrest, Bee-eater, Thekla Lark, Booted Eagle, Sardinian Warbler.

La Breña de Barbate  36° 10' 43.6'' N  05° 58' 24.1'' W
Umbrella Pine (Pinus pinea) forest which is now being selectively thinned in some areas which should improve plant diversity. Visited our plant study sites along the Sendero Torre del Tajo and had lunch at the tower. Typically quiet bird-wise but nice to see plenty of Greenfinches and Serins song-flighting everywhere. Also Hoopoe, Short-toed Treecreeper, and Sardinian Warbler. Bee-eaters and Raven heard passing overhead. Yellow-legged Gull and Jackdaw nesting on the sandstone cliffs. A Swallowtail (Papilio machaon) was flying around the cliff top.

La Breña de Barbate © Fraser Simpson

Umbrella Pines (Pinus pinea), La Breña de Barbate


Cliffs below Torre del Tajo, Barbate © Fraser Simpson

Cliffs below Torre del Tajo, Barbate


La Breña de Barbate © Fraser Simpson

Umbrella Pines (Pinus pinea), La Breña de Barbate

Embalse de Almodovar, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales  36° 09' 29'' N  05° 38' 33'' W
Brief stop on the reservoir causeway while we re-grouped before passing the padlocked gate. Thekla Lark and Red-legged Partridge noted near the reservoir.

Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales
(Aquarius study site) 36° 08' 54.8'' N  5° 34' 57.1'' W
It was quite hot when we arrived at 16:10 and European Field Crickets were singing everywhere. Two Vineyard Mole-crickets (Gryllotalpa vineae) were heard producing a continuous churring drone distantly on a nearby hillside and on tracking them down the sound was near-deafening at close range! These insects sing from burrows and this one was observed at some distance with binoculars. Only once I had returned home and examined the spectrogram could I confirm it was G. vineae. Found several of the very cool looking Earthling Stone Grasshopper (Euryparyphes terrulentus).

Earthling Stone Grasshopper (Euryparyphes terrulentus), Valle de Ojén © Fraser Simpson

Earthling Stone Grasshopper (Euryparyphes terrulentus) - fairly common in grassland along the Arroyo del Tiradero



 Vineyard Mole-cricket  Gryllotalpa vineae

Sonogram of Mole Cricket stridulation

Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain

36° 08' 55.57" N   05° 35' 13.84" W  13 Apr 2019

Calling song a continuous churring around 3.4 kHz at 22°C from rough, cattle-grazed Asphodel hill pasture. Audible at least 250 metres away.

[File name: molecricket115730ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Oscillogram of Mole Cricket stridulation

Oscillogram of Mole Cricket stridulation

Oscillogram of Mole Cricket stridulation

Oscillograms at three scales from the same recording.


Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén © Fraser Simpson

Arroyo del Tiradero


Moorish Gecko (Tarentola mauritanica) © Fraser Simpson

Moorish Gecko (Tarentola mauritanica), Zahara de los Atunes




Day 6                                                                                                                              
Sunday 14 April 2019
Zahara > Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales
Blue sky, wind <10 mph W in morning; to 11 mph E later in afternoon, min 21°C, max 21°C

White Stork, Griffon Vulture, Western Bonelli's Warbler, Pallid Swift, Red-rumped Swallow, Kingfisher.

Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales
(Aquarius study site) 36° 08' 54.8'' N  5° 34' 57.1'' W
Back at the pond skater site. Spent some time sound recording, including a Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) just by chance, and identifying orthoptera. Good butterflies included Desert Orange Tip (Colotis evagore), Moroccan Orange Tip (Anthocharis belia), Southern Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides feisthamelii) and Large Tortoiseshell (Nymphalis polychloros).

Broad Green-winged Grasshopper (Aiolopus strepens) © Fraser Simpson

Broad Green-winged Grasshopper (Aiolopus strepens), Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales


Earthling Stone Grasshopper (Euryparyphes terrulentus), Valle de Ojén © Fraser Simpson

Earthling Stone Grasshopper (Euryparyphes terrulentus) - fairly common in grassland along the Arroyo del Tirado, Valle de Ojén


Sound recording with Clippy Stereo EM172 microphone, Arroyo del Tiradero,  Valle de Ojén © Fraser Simpson

Sound recording with Clippy Stereo EM172 microphone, Arroyo del Tirado, Valle de Ojén



 European Roe Deer  Capreolus capreolus

Sonogram of European Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) barks

Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Spain

36° 09' 31.9" N  5° 35' 15.2" W  16 April 2019

Alarm call barks from a female/doe in Cork Oak forest.

[File name: roedeer115819cut] Click here for the MP3 file



 Iberian Water Frog  Pelophylax perezi

Sonogram of Iberian Water Frog song

Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain

36° 08' 45.9" N   05° 35' 04.8" W  14 Apr 2019

Chorus of songs from several males on the Arroyo del Tiradero.

[File name: iberianwaterfrog115747ecut] Click here for the MP3 file



 European Field Cricket  Gryllus campestris

  Sonogram of European Field Cricket song

Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, Andalucia, Spain  36° 08' 46.4" N   05° 35' 04.3" W  9 Apr 2019 22°C

Calling song from grassland in open Cork Oak woodland.

[File name: fieldcricket115741e] Click here for the MP3 file


Oscillogram of European Field Cricket song

Oscillogram of European Field Cricket song

Oscillograms at two scales from the same recording.



European Paper Wasp (Polistes dominula), Valle de Ojén © Fraser Simpson

European Paper Wasp (Polistes dominula), Arroyo del Tirado, Valle de Ojén



Day 7                                                                                                                              
Monday 15 April 2019
Zahara de los Atunes > Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales > Marismas del Barbate
Partly cloudy, rain early in the morning, wind max 15 mph WSW, min 7°C, max 16°C

Turtle Dove, Short-toed Eagle, Black-eared Wheater, Slender-billed Gull, Spoonbill, Collared Pratincole, Audouin's Gull, Stone Curlew, Spanish Sparrow, Calandra Lark, Caspian Tern, Lesser Crested Tern.

Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales
(Aquarius study site) 36° 08' 54.8'' N  5° 34' 57.1'' W
Back at the pond skater site. Several Wood Crickets (Nemobius sylvestris) were found in the leaf litter below the cork oak trees and a Berger's Clouded Yellow (Colias alfacariensis) on the pasture. A couple of Western Three-toed Skink (Chalcides striatus) were glimpsed slithering rapidly into cover.

Cork Oaks, Arroyo del Tiradero © Fraser Simpson

Cork Oaks (Quercus suber), Arroyo del Tiradero


Embalse de Almodovar, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales  36° 09' 29'' N  05° 38' 33'' W
Back at the reservoir gates a re-grouping stop produced a Turtle Dove, Short-toed Eagle, Woodchat Shrike, and a Black-eared Wheatear. Four Wild Boar (Sos scrofa) were having a drink.

Marismas del Barbate (south-east side)

Map of Marismas de Barbate area - where to find birds in April

Map of Barbate showing the river, marshes, lagoons and old saltpans (Marismas del Barbate) © Fraser Simpson

Barbate: map showing the river, marshes, lagoons and old saltpans


1. Itinerario el Cañillo: Turn onto the track at km-3.2 on the A-2231. Bald Ibis often at the roadside. Follow through farm buildings to edge of lagoon for Greater Flamingo, waders (inc Collared Pratincole, Black-winged Stilts & Stone Curlew), gulls (inc Slender-billed), terns, egrets, herons & wagtails.

2. Itinerario el Cañillo: Continue for Calandra & Short-toed Lark, Tawny Pipit, Quail, Bee-eater. The tamarisks can hold migrant passerines.

3. Rio Barbate mouth: Turn onto track/rough parking area for gulls (including Audouin's & Mediterranean), terns (including Caspian), and waders.

4. Sports Stadium: Acess the estuary behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes (off Avenida Joaquín Blume) for best view of the main channel with waders (inc Marsh Sandpiper in 2008), gulls, terns (inc Lesser Crested in 2007 & 2019), herons, egrets, wheatears, wagtails and hirundines


Marismas del Barbate (south-east side) from main bridge over the river © Fraser Simpson

Marismas del Barbate/Río Barbate

Itinerario el Cañillo (Km 3.2 on A-2231) 36° 10' 28.6'' N  05° 53' 34.6'' W
The southern track along the reformed lagoons and old salt pans is getting in poor condition and I didn't progress further than about 1000 metres. There is a new sign-posted route through the middle lagoons. While this does get you closer to many of the birds, progressing along it inevitably causes some disturbance. Highlights on this visit included Slender-billed Gull, Audouin's Gull, Black-winged Stilt, Collared Pratincole, Stone Curlew, Great Egret, Short-toed and Calandra Larks.

Marismas del Barbate (south-east side) - Itinerario el Cañillo © Fraser Simpson

Marismas del Barbate - Itinerario del Cañillo

Marshes view from behind the sports stadium 36° 11' 45.7'' N  05° 54' 40.9'' W
This vantage point allows an alternative view on the west side of the Río Barbate. Pleased to find two Lesser Crested Terns on the mud along with six Caspian Terns.



Day 8                                                                                                                              
Tuesday 16 April 2019
Zahara de los Atunes > Valle de Ojén > La Janda > Marismas del Barbate
Calm at dawn before the wind picked up and showers moved in, including a hail storm! Wind max 8-17 mph W, min 8°C, max 15°C

Northern Bald Ibis, Tawny Pipit, Collared Pratincole, Crested Tit, Iberian Chiffchaff, Woodlark, Lesser Kestrel, Melodious Warbler, Spanish Sparrow.

Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales
(Aquarius study site) 36° 08' 54.8'' N  5° 34' 57.1'' W
Usual species seen earlier in week.

nymph of probable Smooth Striped Bush-cricket (Odontura glabricauda) © Fraser Simpson

nymph of probable Smooth Striped Bush-cricket (Odontura glabricauda), Arroyo del Tiradero, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales

Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales
(Lavandula/Asphodelus study site) 36° 09' 47.4'' N  5° 34' 56.7'' W
Birdsong output from Iberian Chiffchaff, Short-toed Treecreeper, Western Bonelli's Warbler, Firecrest, Wren, Robin, Blackbird, Chaffinch, Crested Tit, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Wood Pigeon, drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker and a distant Golden Oriole. Three Cirl Bunting were perched on roadside barbed wire at the Puerto de Ojen and a Tawny Pipit was seen at Embalse de Almodovar. Four Wild Boar (Sos scrofa) piglets were trotting through the forest and passed within a few feet before they discovered me sitting quietly on the ground. Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria) butterflies numerous.

 Wild Boar  Sos scrofa

Sonogram of Wild Boar (Sos scrofa) piglets

Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Spain

36° 09' 31.9" N  5° 35' 15.2" W  16 April 2019

The sound of four Wild Boar piglets passing through a Cork Oak forest.

[File name: wildboar115798cut] Click here for the MP3 file


Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco © Fraser Simpson

Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco

Sendero Marismas del Barbate (Marisma Alta) 36° 14' 01.5'' N  5° 56' 46.8'' W
Accessed from Km 2.2 on the A-314 La Barca de Vejer-Barbate road. This site isn't what it used to be. Mostly dry. Best were two Glossy Ibis, two Lesser Kestrel, two singing Melodious Warblers, two Woodchat Shrike, three Spanish Sparrows and a Northern Bald Ibis. Spanish Pond Turtles (Mauremys leprosa), also known as the Mediterranean Pond Turtle, were still particularly abundant here. 



Day 9                                                                                                                              
Wednesday 17 April 2019
Zahara de los Atunes > Marismas del Barbate > La Janda
Thick overcast cloud, wind max 16 mph WSW a.m., later 27mph SW, min 11°C, max 19°C. Heavy continous rain from 12:30 for 12hrs min.

Iberian Yellow Wagtail, Subalpine Warbler, Black-winged Kite, Montagu's Harrier, Purple Swamphen, Night Heron, Great Reed Warbler, Glossy Ibis, Quail.

Marismas del Barbate (south-east side)

Itinerario el Cañillo (Km 3.2 on A-2231) 36° 10' 28.6'' N  05° 53' 34.6'' W
Good selection of waders present including Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint, Sanderling, Greenshank, Black-winged Stilt, Collared Pratincole and Kentish Plover. At least 271 Greater Flamingos were now present. Migrant Subalpine Warblers were few and far between during the period this year but did find a male here. Obtained a good sound recording of a song-flighting Tawny Pipit.

La Janda (Km-47 entrance on N-34-Canal Colector del Este) 36º 13' 12.2'' N  05º 47' 5.4'' W
The Canal Colector del Este (Río Almodóvar) is mostly fringed with Phragmites and some mud, depending on water levels. The first four kilometres (from the eastern access track opposite the Zahara road end) offer the best visibility, after which the reeds get quite high. However, this track is probably not passable in a normal hire car from the Zahara de los Atunes road-end entrance. Today I entered from Km-47 on the N-340. No water remained from the winter rains and many fields were already tilled for rice cultivation.

Best were Black-winged Kite, Montagu's Harrier, Night Heron, Great Reed Warbler, 39 Glossy Ibis, a singing Quail and a pair of Spanish Sparrows. Many pairs of Cattle Egrets were starting to nest in the willows/poplars along the canal.


Orange-butted Grasshopper (Chorthippus apicalis), La Janda © Fraser Simpson

Orange-butted Grasshopper (Chorthippus apicalis) nymph - La Janda


La Janda © Fraser Simpson

Canal Colector del Este, La Janda


La Janda © Fraser Simpson

Canal Colector del Este, La Janda




Day 10                                                                                                                              
Thursday 18 April 2019
Zahara de los Atunes > Marismas del Barbate > La Barca de Vejer
Partly cloudy, wind max 8-17 mph W, min 9°C, max 16°C

Gull-billed Tern, Audouin's Gull, Collared Pratincole, Spotted Redshank, Kentish Plover, Mediterranean Gull, Greater Flamingo, Black-winged Stilt.

Marismas del Barbate (south-east side)

Itinerario el Cañillo (Km 3.2 on A-2231) 36° 10' 28.6'' N  05° 53' 34.6'' W
Greater Flamingo numbers had risen to 412, Little Terns up to 55 and Collared Pratincoles to at least 25. At least 25 migrant Iberian Yellow Wagtails were feeding up after the recent thunder and lightning. Among the usual species were five Audouin's Gull, three Spoonbill, two Spotted Redshank, 1st-w Mediterranean Gull and and a Gull-billed Tern.

Greater Flamingos in lagoons, Barbate © Fraser Simpson

Greater Flamingos in lagoons, Barbate

La Barca de Vejer 36° 15' 17.5'' N  05° 57' 29.5'' W
Quick look at the nesting Northern Bald Ibises.

La Barca de Vejer © Fraser Simpson

La Barca de Vejer


Sunset, Hotel Gran Sol © Fraser Simpson

Sunset, Hotel Gran Sol




Day 11                                                                                                                              
Friday 19 April 2019
Zahara de los Atunes > Tarifa > Algeciras > Malaga

Zahara de los Atunes
Pre-breakfast sound recording around town. Highlight was two Little Swift over the Castillo de las Almadrabas.

Drive: Zahara de los Atunes > Tarifa > Algeciras > Malaga
Nothing of note on the return to the airport.

Dented Groundhopper (Tetrix depressa) © Fraser Simpson

Dented Groundhopper (Tetrix depressa), Zahara de los Atunes




Systematic List

Zahara de los Atunes & Costa de la Luz  9-19 Apr 2019 [sound recordings from all years]


Mallard  Anas platyrhynchos

1m, Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera, 10-Apr

62+, Embalse de Almodovar, 12-Apr

3, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

2, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

3, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

10, La Janda, 17-Apr

7, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Northern Shoveler  Anas clypeata

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr


Red-legged Partridge  Alectoris rufa

pr, Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera, 10-Apr

1, Embalse de Almodovar, 13-Apr

pr, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

pr, La Janda, 17-Apr


 Red-legged Partridge  Alectoris rufa

Sonogram of Red-legged Partridge calls

La Janda, Andalucia, Spain  36º 13' 49.5'' N  5º 51' 27.0'' W  5 April 2016

Clucking calls from males following a female.

[File name: redleggedpartridgeLS113462ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Sonogram of Red-legged Partridge calls

La Janda, Andalucia, Spain  36º 13' 49.5'' N  5º 51' 27.0'' W  5 April 2016

Calls from a bird in flight.

[File name: redleggedpartridgeLS113465e] Click here for the MP3 file


Common Quail  Coturnix coturnix

1 singing m, La Janda, 17-Apr


Pheasant  Phasianus  colchicus

1, La Janda, 17-Apr


Balearic Shearwater  Puffinus mauretanicus

3, Zahara de los Atunes, 13-Apr


Northern Gannet  Morus bassanus

ad NW, Zahara de los Atunes, 12-Apr


Night Heron  Nycticorax nycticorax

1, Canal Colector del Este, La Janda, 17-Apr


Great Cormorant  Phalacrocorax carbo

1, Rio Barbate mouth, 11-Apr

1, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

1, La Janda, 17-Apr

2, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Cattle Egret  Bubulcus ibis

Noted in most areas of grazed pasture.

Several, flying NW along coast at dawn, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

1, Rio Barbate mouth, 11-Apr

60, Tahivilla, 14-Apr

16, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

7, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

50+, in fields, La Janda, 17-Apr

Many pairs nesting, La Janda, 17-Apr

5, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


 Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) © Fraser Simpson

Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) flying into the nesting colony at dawn


 Cattle Egret  Bubulcus ibis

 Sonogram of breeding calls from a Cattle Egret breeding colony

La Janda, Andalucia, Spain  12 April 2013

Breeding calls from incubating birds in a large heronry.

[File name: cattleegretLS110645ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


 Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) © Fraser Simpson

Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis)


Little Egret  Egretta garzetta

Small numbers daily in areas of freshwater around Zahara, Barbate and La Janda.

3, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

4, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr

5, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

1, La Janda, 17-Apr

11, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) © Fraser Simpson

Little Egret (Egretta garzetta), Río del Cachón, Zahara estuary



Little Egret  Egretta garzetta 

 Sonogram of breeding calls from a Little Egret breeding colony

La Janda, Andalucia, Spain  12 April 2013

Breeding calls from incubating birds in a large heronry.

[File name: littleegretLS1106484ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) drawing © Fraser Simpson

Great Egret  Casmerodius albus

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr


Great Egret (Casmerodius albus) © Fraser Simpson

Great Egret (Casmerodius albus), Marismas del Barbate


Grey Heron  Ardea cinerea

1, Embalse de Almodovar, 12-Apr

1, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

1, La Janda, 17-Apr

4, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


White Stork  Ciconia ciconia

2, Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera, 10-Apr

1 AON, Zahora, 10-Apr

2, circling near Facinas, 14-Apr

5 AON, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

2, La Janda, 17-Apr


Glossy Ibis  Plegadis falcinellus

1, in off the sea, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

2, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

39, La Janda, 17-Apr


Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) © Fraser SimpsonGlossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus), La Barca de Vejer


Glossy Ibis  Plegadis falcinellus

 Sonogram of calls from a Glossy Ibis

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36º 14' 24.6'' N  5º 56' 53.5'' W  3 April 2012  1700h

Calls from a Glossy Ibis taking flight in windy conditons along with a Mallard.

[File name: glossyibis0403170030e] Click here for the MP3 file


Northern Bald Ibis  Geronticus eremita

1, Rio Barbate mouth, 11-Apr

1, over La Barca de Vejer, 16-Apr

1, soaring over Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr


Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) © Fraser Simpson

Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita), La Barca de Vejer


Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) © Fraser Simpson

Jackdaw attempting to steal twigs from Northern Bald Ibis nest


Eurasian Spoonbill  Platalea leucorodia

4, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

1, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

3, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Greater Flamingo  Phoenicopterus roseus

8, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 10-Apr

15 NW, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11-Apr

20, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr

52, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

271, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

412, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus) © Fraser Simpson

Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus), Marismas de Barbate


 Greater Flamingo  Phoenicopterus roseus

  Sonogram of Greater Flamingo calls in flight

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36° 10' 28.6" N  05° 53' 34.6" W  18 April 2019

Grunt calls from a Greater Flamingo in flight.

[File name: greaterflamingo115925ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Eurasian Griffon Vulture  Gyps fulvus

Regularly seen from Zahara over Sierra de Retín & Sierra de la Plata.

13, over Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

1, over Rio Barbate mouth, 11-Apr

1, Embalse de Almodovar, 12-Apr

1, over Facinas, 14-Apr

11, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

2, La Janda, 17-Apr


Eurasian Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) © Fraser Simpson

Eurasian Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus), Sierra de la Plata


Short-toed Eagle  Circaetus gallicus

1, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

2, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1, Embalse de Almodovar, 15-Apr

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr


Booted Eagle  Aquila pennata

2, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 13-Apr


Black Kite  Milvus migrans

4, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1, La Janda, 17-Apr


Black-winged Kite  Elanus caeruleus

1, La Janda, 17-Apr


Western Marsh Harrier  Circus aeruginosus

f, La Janda, 17-Apr


Montagu's Harrier  Circus pygargus

m, La Janda, 17-Apr


Common Buzzard  Buteo buteo

1, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 14-Apr

1, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr


Eurasian Sparrowhawk  Accipiter nisus

1, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 13-Apr


Common Kestrel  Falco tinnunculus

1, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

1, La Janda, 17-Apr


Lesser Kestrel  Falco naumanni

2, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr


Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni) © Fraser Simpson

Lesser Kestrels (Falco naumanni), Tarifa


Lesser Kestrel  Falco naumanni

 Sonogram of Lesser Kestrel calls

Tarifa, Andalucia, Spain  51° 39' 29.9" N  0° 02' 43.9" W  5 April 2016

Two call types from a male returning to the nest with a lizard shortly before the female had departed: repeated high-pitched 3 and 4 element phrases and single and double harsh screeches.

[File name: lesserkestrelLS113455e] Click here for the MP3 file

 Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni) © Fraser Simpson

Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni), Tarifa


Common Moorhen  Gallinula chloropus

8 + brood heard, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

2, La Janda, 17-Apr


Purple Swamphen  Porphyrio porphyrio

2, Canal Colector del Este, La Janda, 17-Apr


Purple Swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio) © Fraser Simpson

Purple Swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio) La Janda


 Purple Swamphen  Porphrio porphyrio 

 Sonogram of Purple Swamphen calls

La Janda, Andalucia, Spain  12 April 2013

Calls (at 1.2 and 10.8 seconds) from a pair in the Canal Colector del Este.

[File name: purpleswamphenLS110621ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Eurasian Stone-curlew  Burhinus eodicnemus

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr


 Stone-curlew  Burhinus oedicnemus

Sonogram of Stone-curlew flight call

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36° 10' 28.6" N  05° 53' 34.6" W  17 April 2015

Single call from a bird passing in flight.

[File name: stonecurlewLS113282e] Click here for the MP3 file


Black-winged Stilt  Himantopus himantopus

12, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 11-Apr

22, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

10, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr

19, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

Noted, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus) © Fraser Simpson


Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus) © Fraser SimpsonBlack-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus) Marismas del Barbate


Black-winged Stilt  Himantopus himantopus

 Sonogram of Black-winged Stilt territorial calls

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36º 14' 24.6'' N  5º 56' 53.5'' W  9 April 2018

Calls from two pairs disputing territory.

[File name: blackwingedstilt114885ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Sonogram of Black-winged Stilt flight calls

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36º 14' 24.6'' N  5º 56' 53.5'' W  3 April 2012  1909h

Calls from a bird in flight over probable breeding site.

[File name: blackwingedstilt0403190950ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Pied Avocet  Recurvirostra avosetta

2, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr


Collared Pratincole  Glareola pratincola

17, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

1, over Tahivilla, 16-Apr

20+, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

25+, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Collared Pratincole (Glareola pratincola) © Fraser Simpson

Collared Pratincole (Glareola pratincola) Marismas del Barbate


Collared Pratincole (Glareola pratincola) © Fraser Simpson

Collared Pratincole (Glareola pratincola) Marismas del Barbate



 Collared Pratincole  Glareola pratincola

 Sonogram of Collared Pratincole flight calls

La Janda, Andalucia, Spain  36º 13' 49.5'' N  5º 51' 27.0'' W  4 April 2012  1307h

Flights calls from a migrant party of 22 birds settling over a ploughed field.

[File name: collaredpratincole0404130729ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Little Ringed Plover  Charadrius dubius

2, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr


Ringed Plover  Charadrius hiaticula

5, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

37, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

Noted, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Kentish Plover  Charadrius alexandrinus

pr, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 12-Apr

5, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

4 prs + 2, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

Noted, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) © Fraser Simpson

Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) Bolonia


 Kentish Plover  Charadrius alexandrinus

Sonogram of Kentish Plover alarm calls

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36° 10' 28.6" N  05° 53' 34.6" W  18 April 2019

Alarm calls from female Kentish Plover before distraction display.

[File name: kentishplover115918ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Sonogram of Kentish Plover

Río del Cachón, Zahara estuary, Andalucia, Spain  36° 08' 16.3" N  05° 50' 57.4" W  16 April 2015

Calls from a pair, possibly in alarm.

[File name: kentishploverLS113228e] Click here for the MP3 file


Grey Plover  Pluvialis squatarola

2, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr

2, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Sanderling  Calidris alba

1, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

40+, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

50+, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr

5, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

Noted, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Sanderling (Calidris alba) © Fraser Simpson

Sanderling (Calidris alba) Marismas del Barbate


Sanderling (Calidris alba) drawing © Fraser Simpson


Whimbrel  Numenius phaeopus

1, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr


Whimbrel (Nunmenius phaeopus) © Fraser Simpson

Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) Marismas del Barbate


Curlew  Numenius arquata

1, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr


Curlew Sandpiper  Calidris ferruginea

3, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

10, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr


Dunlin  Calidris alpina

120+, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

100+, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr

101, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

Noted, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Little Stint  Calidris minuta

4, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr


Common Sandpiper  Actitis hypoleucos

2 prs, Embalse de Almodovar, 12-Apr

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Spotted Redshank  Tringa erythropus

2, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Common Redshank  Tringa totanus

2, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr

2, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

3, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Common Greenshank  Tringa nebularia

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

6, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr

5, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

6, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Slender-billed Gull  Chroicocephalus genei

4, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr


Black-headed Gull  Chroicocephalus ridibundusi

2, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

48, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Yellow-legged Gull  Larus michahellis

20+, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

Common around cliffs, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr

2, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

Noted, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr

12, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr


 Yellow-legged Gull  Larus michahellis

 Sonogram of Yellow-legged Gull alarm call in flight

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36° 10' 28.6" N  05° 53' 34.6" W  18 April 2019

Alarm calls from a pair of Yellow-legged Gulls circling overhead.

Single nasal calls composed of harmonic elements.

[File name: yellowleggedgull115913cut2] Click here for the MP3 file


Lesser Black-backed Gull  Larus fuscus

100+ NW, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

Several moving along the coast, Rio Barbate mouth, 11-Apr

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Audouin's Gull  Larus audouinii

2, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

3, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

2, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

5, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Audouin's Gull  Larus audouinii

Sonogram of Audouin's Gull calls

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36° 10' 28.6" N  05° 53' 34.6" W  18 April 2019

Calls, just audible above the wind and pratincoles, from Audouin's Gull on an island in a large lagoon.

Much lower pitched than Yellow-legged Gull.

[File name: audouinsgull115916ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Mediterranean Gull  Ichthyaetus melanocephalus

1st-w, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Lesser Crested Tern  Thalasseus bengalensis

2, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr


Sandwich Tern  Sterna sandvicensis

8 NW, 10:25-11:50h, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr


Little Tern  Sternula albifrons

3, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

3, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

55, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Gull-billed Tern  Gelochelidon nilotica

3 NW, 10:25-11:50h, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


 Gull-billed Tern  Gelochelidon nilotica

Sonogram of Gull-billed Tern calls

La Janda, Andalucia, Spain  36° 14' 44.8" N  05° 50' 7.1" W  9 April 2018

Calls from birds hawking over old flooded rice paddies.

[File name: gullbilledtern114868e] Click here for the MP3 file


Caspian Tern  Hydroprogne caspia

6, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr


Rock Dove/Feral Pigeon  Columba livia/C. livia domesticated

4, Faro de Camarinal-Sierra de la Plata track, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11-Apr

4, Torre del Tajo, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr

20+, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr


Wood Pigeon  Columba palumbus

1 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

2, Torre del Tajo, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr

1 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 15-Apr

3 singing mm, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr

1, La Janda, 17-Apr


Collared Dove  Streptopelia decaocto

3 singing mm, boardwalk east of Castillo de las Almadrabas, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

2 singing mm, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

1 singing m, Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera, 10-Apr

2 displaying, 1 singing m, Rio Barbate mouth, 11-Apr

1 singing m, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr


European Turtle Dove  Streptopelia turtur

1, Embalse de Almodovar, 15-Apr


Common Cuckoo  Cuculus canorus

1 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr

1, La Janda, 17-Apr


Tawny Owl  Strix aluco

1, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr


Common Swift  Apus apus

2, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr


Pallid Swift  Apus pallidus

40+, Embalse de Almodovar, 12-Apr

10+, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 14-Apr

8, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

63, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr


Little Swift  Apus affinus.

2, Zahara de los Atunes, 19-Apr


Common Kingfisher  Alcedo atthis

1, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 14-Apr

1 heard, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 15-Apr


Common Kingfisher  Alcedo atthis

 Sonogram of Kingfisher calls

Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, Andalucia, Spain  39° 13' 00.7" N  26° 14' 30.2" W  8 Apr 2018

Calls from a bird flying along an Alder-lined stream. Composed of single, sharp, downslurred 'dog whistle-like' piercing element at 4.9-6.6kHz.

[File name: kingfisher114798e] Click here for the MP3 file


Eurasian Hoopoe  Upupa epops

1, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr


Eurasian Hoopoe (Upupa epops) drawing © Fraser Simpson


European Bee-eater  Merops apiaster

2, Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera, 10-Apr

19 flew inland, Faro de Camarinal-Sierra de la Plata track, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11-Apr

9, Embalse de Almodovar, 12-Apr

40+, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

14, Puerto de Ojén, 12-Apr

7, Torre del Tajo, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr

Several heard, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 15-Apr

Heard, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr

2 + 8N, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

2, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

1, La Janda, 17-Apr


 European Bee-eater  Merops apiaster

 Sonogram of European Bee-eater calls

Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 08' 59.4" N   05° 35' 00.6" W  9 Apr 2011, 1533h

Calls from a small feeding party.

[File name: beeeater110409153355e] Click here for the MP3 file


Great Spotted Woodpecker  Dendrocopus major

1 drumming, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1 drumming, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 15-Apr


 Great Spotted Woodpecker  Dendrocopus major

   Sonogram of drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker

Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36º 08' 52.0'' N  05º 35' 01.2'' W  15 Apr 2010  1228h

Territorial drumming on mature Cork Oak; 15-17 taps in each 0.80-0.85 second roll (up to 11 rolls per minute).

[File name: gswoodpecker0415122847ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Eurasian Skylark  Alauda arvensis

1, migrant calling on off the sea, Rio Barbate mouth, 11-Apr


Crested Lark  Galerida cristata

Common in many habitats.

Noted almost everywhere including Zahara, La Zarzuela, El Almarchal, Facinas, La Janda, Benalup, Barbate, Los Caños de Meca, El Palmar, Bolonia.


Crested Lark (Galerida cristata) © Fraser Simpson

Crested Lark (Galerida cristata), Zahara de los Atunes


Thekla Lark  Galerida theklae

1 singing m, Embalse de Almodovar, 12-Apr

1, on track, Embalse de Almodovar, 13-Apr


Woodlark  Lullula arborea

1 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr


Greater Short-toed Lark  Calandrella brachydactyla

1, flew over calling, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

1, flew over calling, Rio Barbate mouth, 11-Apr

2 singing mm, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

7 singing mm, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr


Greater Short-toed Lark  Calandrella brachydactyla 

Sonogram of Greater Short-toed Lark song

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36° 10' 28.6" N  05° 53' 34.6" W  17 April 2015

Territorial/advertising 'short' song uttered in flight composed of one to second phrases of 'dry' warbles, often preceeded by a longer, more 'musical' element.

[File name: greatershorttoedlarkLS113275ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Sonogram of Calandra Lark perched song

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36° 10' 28.6" N  05° 53' 34.6" W  17 April 2015

Short, soft 'chip' calls uttered in flight.

[File name: greatershorttoedlarkLS113277e] Click here for the MP3 file


Calandra Lark  Melanocorypha calandra

3 singing mm, Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera, 10-Apr

1 singing m, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

2 singing mm, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr


Calandra Lark  Melanocorypha calandra

  Sonogram of Calandra Lark aerial song

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36° 10' 28.6" N  05° 53' 34.6" W  17 April 2015

Territorial/advertising song; continuous, melodious outpouring produced in display flight over coastal grassland.

Contains mimicry from several species.

[File name: calandralarkLS113287ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Sonogram of Calandra Lark perched song

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36° 10' 28.6" N  05° 53' 34.6" W  16 April 2015

Territorial/advertising song from a perched bird; varied output of clear, strident/piercing whistles with occasional chirps and wheezes.

[File name: calandralarkLS113254ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


 Sonogram of Calandra Lark calls

Marismas del Barbate, Abdalucia, Spain  36° 10' 28.6" N  05° 53' 34.6" W  16 April 2015

Calls from a bird in flight. Two types: shrill tree elements followed by rolling, electrical-like buzzes.

[File name: calandralarkLS113260e] Click here for the MP3 file


Sand Martin  Riparia riparia

2, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr


Eurasian Crag Martin  Ptyonprogne rupestris

2, Castillo de las Almadrabas, Zahara de los Atunes, 11-Apr


Barn Swallow  Hirundo rustica

10+, boardwalk east of Castillo de las Almadrabas, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

Steady movement of 3-4/min NW, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

25+, Castillo de las Almadrabas, Zahara de los Atunes, 13-Apr

6, Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera, 10-Apr

24, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

Noted, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr

7, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

10, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

Noted, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Red-rumped Swallow  Cecropis daurica

1, Faro de Camarinal-Sierra de la Plata track, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11-Apr

1, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 12-Apr

2, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 14-Apr


House Martin  Delichon urbicum

10+, boardwalk east of Castillo de las Almadrabas, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

14, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

4, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr


House Martin (Delichon urbicum) © Fraser Simpson

House Martin (Delichon urbicum), Zahara de los Atunes


Tawny Pipit  Anthus campestris

1, Puerto de Ojén, 16-Apr

1 singing m, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr


  Tawny Pipit  Anthus campestris

Sonogram of Tawny Pipit song

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36° 10' 28.6" N  05° 53' 34.6" W  17 April 2019

Territorial/advertising song uttered in songflight display over grassland bordering muddy lagoons.

Simple song composed of a repeated complex but short strophe (chirp followed by tir-lee) comprised of 6-7 elements, 2.0-7.0 kHz.

[File name: tawnypipit115900ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Meadow Pipit  Anthus pratensis

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr


Tree Pipit  Anthus trivialis

1, in off the sea, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr


White Wagtail  Motacilla alba

2, in off the sea, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr


Iberian Yellow Wagtail  Motacilla flava iberiae

5, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

8, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

25+, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Yellow Wagtail  Motacilla flava

1, in off the sea, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

4, over, Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera, 10-Apr

2, over Rio Barbate mouth, 11-Apr


 Iberian Yellow Wagtail  Motacilla flava iberiae

Sonogram of Iberian Yellow Wagtail song

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36° 10' 28.6" N  05° 53' 34.6" W  18 April 2019

Territorial/advertising song from male Iberian Yellow Wagtail on the edge of a muddy lagoon.

Simple song composed of a repeated short strophe (up and down slurred screeches) comprised of ~5 elements, 3.8-8.0 kHz.

[File name: iberianyellowwagtail115912ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


 Sonogram of Iberian Yellow Wagtail calls

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36° 10' 28.6" N  05° 53' 34.6" W  17 April 2015

Calls from a perched bird.

[File name: yellowwagtailLS113278ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


European Robin  Erithacus rubecula

Abundant in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, and La Breña de Barbate.

3 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

2 singing m, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

ad + juv, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 13-Apr

1 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 14-Apr

2 singing mm, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 15-Apr

2 singing mm, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr


Common Nightingale  Luscinia megarhynchos

1 singing m, boardwalk east of Castillo de las Almadrabas, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

2 singing mm, Embalse de Almodovar, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr

2 singing mm, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr


  Nightingale  Luscinia megarhynchos

Sonogram of Nightingale song

Montenmedio, Km 42.5 N340 Vejer de la Frontera, Andalucia, Spain  20 April 2010  1324h

c70 second excerpt of song from a continuous five minute bout from deep in evergreen scrub.

[File name: nightingale0420132447ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Northern Wheatear  Oenanthe oenanthe

1, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr


Black-eared Wheatear  Oenanthe hispanica

1, Embalse de Almodovar, 15-Apr


Blue Rock Thrush  Monticola solitarius

pr, Faro de Camarinal-Sierra de la Plata track, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11-Apr


Common Stonechat  Saxicola torquatus

Present in most localities.

1 singing m, Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera, 10-Apr

4 singing mm; pr + b/3, Embalse de Almodovar, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

5 mm, 3 ff, 3 juvs, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

1 singing m, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

Noted (inc juv), La Janda, 17-Apr


 European Stonechat  Saxicola rubicola

Sonogram of Stonechat song

La Janda, Andalucia, Spain  36º 13' 49.5'' N  5º 51' 27.0'' W  4 April 2012  1238h

Territorial song uttered from telegraph wire in a largely treeless landscape.

[File name: stonechat0404123854ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


 Sonogram of female Stonechat and juvenile calls

Valle de Ojén, Andalucia, Spain  36° 0.8' 54.8" N  05° 34' 57.1" W  15 April 2015

Female alarm calling with broadband 'chack' sounds and short whistles at 5.2 kHz. Also weak, burry trills from a fledgling at 2.9, 5.4, 6.1, 8.2 secs.

[File name: stonechatLS113177ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Common Blackbird  Turdus merula

Common in woodland and matorral habitats.

Usually noted at Breña de Barbate, Atlanterra, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, Bolonia.

1 singing m, boardwalk east of Castillo de las Almadrabas, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

1 singing m, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

1 singing m, Atlanterra, 10-Apr

1 singing m, Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera, 10-Apr

1 singing m, Faro de Camarinal, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11-Apr

1 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr

1 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 14-Apr

1 singing m, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr

1 singing m, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr


Common Blackbird (Turdus merula) © Fraser Simpson

Common Blackbird (Turdus merula), Zahara de los Atunes


Blackcap  Sylvia atricapilla

Common in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.

1 singing m, Faro de Camarinal, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11-Apr

2 singing mm, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

3 singing m, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr

1 singing m, Torre del Tajo, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr

3 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 14-Apr

3 singing mm, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 15-Apr

5 singing mm, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr


 Blackcap  Sylvia atricapilla

Sonogram of Backcap song

Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 9' 35.16" N  5° 34' 55.40" W  

15 Apr 2019

Territorial song from cork oak woodland. Comprised of short strophes of melodic, fluty phrases. This bird sounding vaguely Blackbird-like in tone.

[File name: blackcap115813ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


 Sonogram of Backcap song

Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 9' 35.16" N  5° 34' 55.40" W  

15 Apr 2019

Typican territorial song from cork oak woodland.

[File name: blackcap115792ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Sonogram of Backcap song

Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 9' 35.16" N  5° 34' 55.40" W  

15 Apr 2019

Extended 'twittering' song uttered in several long bouts (in total nearly three minutes) from cork oak woodland.

[File name: blackcap115793ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Common Whitethroat  Sylvia communis

1 singing m, La Janda, 17-Apr


Sardinian Warbler  Sylvia melanocephala

Abundant in suitable habitat.

Noted at Playa de Zahara, Castillo de las Almadrabas, Atlanterra, La Breña de Barbate, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales, Cabo de Gracia.

4 singing mm, boardwalk east of Castillo de las Almadrabas, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

1 singing m + several calling, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

1 singing m, Atlanterra, 10-Apr

7 singing mm, Faro de Camarinal, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 10-Apr

1 singing m, Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera, 10-Apr

1 singing m, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Embalse de Almodovar, 12-Apr

2 singing mm, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

Several singing, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr

1 singing m, Torre del Tajo, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr

2 singing mm, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 15-Apr

pr, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr


  Sardinian Warbler  Sylvia melanocephala

  Sonogram of Sardinian Warbler song  Sonogram of Sardinian Warbler song

Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, Andalucia, Spain  36° 08' 46.4" N   05° 35' 04.3" W  11 Apr 2011, 1337h

Territorial song from skulking male in thorny, evergreen scrub on open cork oak slopes. Fast, chattering, scratchy warblers, each strophe lasting 3-8 seconds, mostly utter from within cover.

[File name: sardinianwarbler110411133715ecut1] Click here for the MP3 file


  Sonogram of Sardinian Warbler calls

Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, Andalucia, Spain  36° 08' 46.4" N   05° 35' 04.3" W  11 Apr 2011, 1337h

Call, probably used in alarm, from the same individual above: each strophe consisting of a short buzz, followed by four harsh couplets.

[File name: sardinianwarbler110411133715ecut2] Click here for the MP3 file


Western Subalpine Warbler  Sylvia inornata

1, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr


Zitting Cisticola  Cisticola juncidis

Fairly common and widespread.

1 singing m, Atlanterra, 10-Apr

3 singing mm, Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera, 10-Apr

1 singing m, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

1 singing m, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr

4 singing mm, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

1 singing m, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

9 singing mm, La Janda, 17-Apr


Zitting Cisticola (Cisticola juncidis) © Fraser Simpson

Zitting Cisticola (Cisticola juncidis), Marismas del Barbate


 Zitting Cisticola  Cisticola juncidis

  Sonogram of Zitting Cisticola song

La Janda, Andalucia, Spain  36º 13' 49.5'' N  5º 51' 27.0'' W  4 April 2012  1303h

Territorial/advertising song uttered in flight over flat agricultural land.

[File name: zittingcisticola0404130323e] Click here for the MP3 file


Cetti's Warbler  Cettia cetti

1 singing m, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr

4 singing mm, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

6 singing mm, La Janda, 17-Apr


Cetti's Warbler  Cettia cetti

Sonogram of Cetti's Warbler song

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36º 14' 24.6'' N  5º 56' 53.5'' W  16 April 2019

Song - single strope.

[File name: cettiswarbler111481ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


European Reed Warbler  Acrocephalus scirpaceus

3 singing mm, La Janda, 17-Apr


Great Reed Warbler  Acrocephalus arundinaceus

3 singing mm, La Janda, 17-Apr


Sedge Warbler  Acrocephalus schoenobaenus

1 singing m, La Janda, 17-Apr


Melodious Warbler  Hippolais polyglotta

2 singing mm, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr


  Melodious Warbler  Hippolais polyglotta

 Sonogram of Melodious Warbler song

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36º 13' 55.9'' N  5º 56' 44.4'' W  3 April 2012  1832h

Territorial song uttered at 2.5 metres from a large patch of Giant Reed Arundo donax and thorn scrub.

[File name: melodiouswarbler0403183215ecut1] Click here for the MP3 file


  Sonogram of Melodious Warbler calls

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36º 13' 55.9'' N  5º 56' 44.4'' W  3 April 2012  1832h

Calls from the same male above, before launching into another bout of continuous song.

[File name: melodiouswarbler0403183215ecut2] Click here for the MP3 file


 Sonogram of Melodious Warbler calls

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36º 13' 55.9'' N  5º 56' 44.4'' W  3 April 2012  1832h

More calls from the same male above, with sparrow-like churrs and Barn Swallow mimicry..

[File name: melodiouswarbler0403183215ecut3] Click here for the MP3 file


Western Bonelli's Warbler  Phylloscopus bonelli

Fairly common in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.

1 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 14-Apr

1 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 15-Apr


  Western Bonelli's Warbler  Phylloscopus bonelli

Sonogram of Western Bonelli's Warbler song

Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 9' 35.16" N  5° 34' 55.40" W  

15 Apr 2019, 1421h

Territorial song from cork oak woodland: ~ 0.7 sec trill composed of 8-10 elements. Singing at a rate of 6 strophes/min. Note subtle variation between trills.

[File name: bonelliswarbler0403142137ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Sonogram of Western Bonelli's Warbler song

Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 9' 35.16" N  5° 34' 55.40" W  3 Apr 2012, 1421h

Territorial song from cork oak woodland. Note long time intervals between strophes.

[File name: bonelliswarbler0403142137ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Sonogram of Western Bonelli's Warbler song

Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 08' 46.8" N   05° 34' 58.2" W  11 Apr 2011, 1307h

Territorial song from cork oak woodland. Strophes repeated 5-6 times per minute (background chaffinches edited from sonogram).

[File name: bonelliswarbler110411130746ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Sonogram of Western Bonelli's Warbler call

Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 08' 46.8" N   05° 34' 58.2" W  15 Apr 2015

Calls from two birds in pursuit of each other, in shrub layer of cork oak woodland.

[File name: westernbonelliswarblerLS113159ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Common Chiffchaff  Phylloscopus colyybita

1 singing m, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr


 Common Chiffchaff  Phylloscopus collybita

 Sonogram of Common Chiffchaff song

Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain

36° 09' 31.9" N  5° 35' 15.2" W  16 Apr 2019

Song from passage migrant in Iberian Chiffchaff habitat.

[File name: commonchiffchaff115820ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Iberian Chiffchaff  Phylloscopus ibericus

Fairly common in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.

1 singing m, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr


 Iberian Chiffchaff  Phylloscopus ibericus

Sonogram of Iberian Chiffchaff song

Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 09' 31.9" N  5° 35' 15.2" W  10 Apr 2014

Territorial song from holm oak woodland. Note this individual shows little or no slurring of elements compared with birds below. Part of a 10 minute recording where bird sang from four different regular song perches.

[File name: iberianchiffchaffLS111908ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Sonogram of Iberian Chiffchaff call

Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 08' 46.8" N   05° 34' 58.2" W  8 Apr 2018

Downslurred calls at 3.3-5.4 kHz.

[File name: iberianchiffchaff114841e] Click here for the MP3 file


Sonogram of Iberian Chiffchaff song

Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 9' 35.16" N  5° 34' 55.40" W  2 Apr 2012, 1445h

Territorial song from cork oak woodland. Note the slower delivery from this bird compared to previous recordings below.

[File name: iberianchiffchaff0402144541ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Sonogram of Iberian Chiffchaff song  Sonogram of Iberian Chiffchaff song

Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 08' 46.8" N   05° 34' 58.2" W  11 Apr 2011, 1209h

Territorial song from cork oak/holm oak woodland. This bird was singing with continual variation between successive strophes. Note the rapid delivery with more elements than is typical in the first strophe.

[File name: iberianchiffchaff110411120906ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


 Sonogram of Iberian Chiffchaff calls

Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 09' 42.4" N   05° 34' 55.0" W  10 Apr 2011, 1204h

Call from a bird feeding very low in undergrowth of Cork Oak slope.

[File name: iberianchiffchaff110410120439ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Sonogram of Iberian Chiffchaff song

Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 09' 42.4" N   05° 34' 55.0" W  15 Apr 2010, 1132h

Territorial song from cork oak/holm oak woodland. This strophe composed of seven notes rhythmically decending in pitch, followed by faster phrase of four to five higher notes.

[File name: iberianchiffchaff0415113229ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Willow Warbler  Phylloscopus trochilus

1, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 15-Apr

4, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr


Firecrest  Regulus ignicapilla

Fairly common in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.

4 singing mm, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 14-Apr

3 singing mm, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 15-Apr

2 singing mm, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr


Common Firecrest (Regulus ignicapilla) © Fraser Simpson

Firecrest (Regulus ignicapilla), Valle de Ojén


 Firecrest  Regulus ignicapilla

Sonogram of Firecrest song

Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 9' 35.16" N  5° 34' 55.40" W  2 Apr 2012, 1504h

Territorial song from cork oak oak woodland.

[File name: firecrest0402150403ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Sonogram of Firecrest call

Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 9' 35.16" N  5° 34' 55.40" W  16 Apr 2015

Calls from cork oak oak woodland.

[File name: firecrestLS113209ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Eurasian Wren  Troglodytes troglodytes

Fairly common in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.

1 singing m, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr

1 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 13-Apr

2 singing mm, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 15-Apr

2 singing mm, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr


Long-tailed Tit  Aegithalos caudatus

pr, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 13-Apr


Blue Tit  Cyanistes caeruleus

Common in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.

2 singing mm, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 13-Apr

2 singing mm, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 14-Apr

2 singing mm, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 15-Apr

3 singing mm, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr


Great Tit  Parus major

Fairly common in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales

1 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr

1 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 14-Apr

3 singing mm, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr


Crested Tit  Lophophanes cristatus

pr, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 15-Apr

4, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr


 Crested Tit  Lophophanes cristatus

 Sonogram of Crested Tit calls

Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  3 April 2016

Two call types from a pair: typical short trill and a higher-pitched squeakly double-element at 6 kHz.

[File name: crestedtitLS113415ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Eurasian Nuthatch  Sitta europea

Fairly common, Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales

4, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr


Eurasian Nuthatch (Sitta europea) drawing © Fraser Simpson


Short-toed Treecreeper  Certhia brachydactyla

Common in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.

Also heard and seen in La Breña de Barbate (Umbrella Pine woods).

3 singing mm, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

2 singing mm, Torre del Tajo, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr

3 singing mm, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 15-Apr

2 singing mm, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr



Short-toed Treecreeper (Certhia brachydactyla), Valle de Ojén


 Short-toed Treecreeper  Certhia brachydactyla

Sonogram of Short-toed Treecreeper song

Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 09' 42.4" N   05° 34' 55.0" W  1 Apr 2012, 1210h

Territorial song from cork oak/holm oak woodland.

[File name: shorttoedtreecreeper0401121044e] Click here for the MP3 file


Sonogram of Short-toed Treecreeper song

Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 09' 42.4" N   05° 34' 55.0" W  15 Apr 2010, 1200h

Territorial song from cork oak/holm oak woodland.

[File name: sttreecreeper0415120015ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Monk Parakeet  Myiopsitta monachu

2, flying over motorway on west side of Malaga, 9-Apr.


Woodchat Shrike  Lanius senator

1, Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera, 10-Apr

2, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

1, Embalse de Almodovar, 15-Apr

2, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

3, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr


Golden Oriole  Oriolus oriolus

1 singing m, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr


Eurasian Jay  Garrulus glandarius

1, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

2, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 14-Apr

1, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 15-Apr

5, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr


Eurasian Jay (Garrulus glandarius) drawing © Fraser Simpson


 Eurasian Jay  Garrulus glandarius

  Sonogram of Eurasian Jay calls

Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Spain

36° 09' 31.9" N  5° 35' 15.2" W  16 April 2019

Calls from a Jay mobbing (along with Blue Tit and Blackbird) mobbing a Tawny Owl at roost.

[File name: jayLS111850ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Western Jackdaw  Corvus monedula

Common, cliffs around La Breña de Barbate & La Barca de Vejer.

3, Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera, 10-Apr

5, Torre del Tajo, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr

19, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

pr, La Janda, 17-Apr


 Western Jackdaw (Corvus monedula) © Fraser Simpson

Jackdaws (Corvus monedula) sharing a nesting ledge with Northern Bald Ibis


Common Raven  Corvus corax

1, over Torre del Tajo, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

pr, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

1, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr


Spotless Starling  Sturnus unicolor

Common around human habitatation, agricultural areas, and semi-natural grassland.

Noted at Zahara, Atlanterra, Barbate, El Almarchal, Facinas, La Janda, Benalup, Barbate, Los Caños de Meca, El Palmar, Bolonia.

30+, collecting nesting material, boardwalk east of Castillo de las Almadrabas, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

1, collecting nesting material, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

109, Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera, 10-Apr

2, Faro de Camarinal, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11-Apr

1 singing m, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 12-Apr

5, Embalse de Almodovar, 12-Apr

2, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 15-Apr

Noted, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr

Noted, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

5, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

Noted, La Janda, 17-Apr


House Sparrow  Passer domesticus

Common around human habitatation, agricultural areas, and semi-natural grassland.

Common, boardwalk east of Castillo de las Almadrabas, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

Noted, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

Noted, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr

Noted, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

Noted, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

Noted, La Janda, 17-Apr

Noted, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 18-Apr


Spanish Sparrow  Passer hispaniolensis

13, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

3, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

pr , La Janda, 17-Apr


  Spanish Sparrow  Passer hispaniolensis

  Sonogram of Spanish Sparrow calls

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36º 14' 24.6'' N  5º 56' 53.5'' W  9 April 2018

Calls from a male Spanish Sparrow adjacent to a calling House Sparrow. Spanish calls are higher-pitched and upslurred, while House calls are lower-pitched and downslurred.

[File name: spanishsparrow114876e] Click here for the MP3 file



Common Chaffinch  Fringilla coelebs

Common in the Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de los Alcornocales.

3 singing mm, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Torre del Tajo, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr

4 singing mm, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 13-Apr

4 singing mm, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 14-Apr

5 singing mm, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 15-Apr

5 singing mm, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 15-Apr

4 singing mm, Sendero Canuto de Risco Blanco, Valle de Ojén, 16-Apr


 Common Chaffinch   Fringilla coelebs

Sonogram of Chaffinch song

Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 08' 46.8" N   05° 34' 58.2" W  15 Apr 2019

Territorial/advertising song from Cork Oak woodland.

[File name: chaffinch115763ecut2] Click here for the MP3 file


 Sonogram of Chaffinch song

Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain  36° 08' 46.8" N   05° 34' 58.2" W  8 Apr 2018

Territorial/advertising song from Cork Oak woodland.

[File name: chaffinch114850ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Common Linnet  Carduelis cannabina

pr + 3 in off the sea, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

pr, Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera, 10-Apr

1 singing m, Faro de Camarinal, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11-Apr

p, Rio Barbate mouth, 11-Apr

1, Embalse de Almodovar, 15-Apr

1, Marismas del Barbate, behind the Estadio Municipal de Deportes, 15-Apr

pr, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

2, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr 


 Common Linnet  Carduelis cannabina

 Sonogram of Linnet song  Sonogram of Linnet song

Montenmedio, Vejer de la Frontera, Andalucia, Spain  20 Apr 2010, 1223h

Territorial song from Umbrella Pine woodland; a continuous rambling series of squeaky notes interspersed with short trills (e.g. 5.1 to 5.5 secs) and whistles (e.g. at 6.7 sec).

[File name: linnet0420122329ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


European Goldfinch  Carduelis carduelis

Common throughout the area with both breeding birds and arriving migrants.

2, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

2, Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera, 10-Apr

1 singing m, Faro de Camarinal, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11-Apr

4, Rio Barbate mouth, 11-Apr

1 singing m, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr

2, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

1 singing m, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

2, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

15, La Janda, 17-Apr


European Greenfinch  Carduelis chloris

Fairly common throughout the area with both breeding birds and arriving migrants.

2 singing mm, boardwalk east of Castillo de las Almadrabas, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

3 + singing m, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

2 singing mm, Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera, 10-Apr

1 singing m, Faro de Camarinal, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11-Apr

1, Rio Barbate mouth, 11-Apr

1 singing m, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr

1 singing m, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 15-Apr

2 singing mm + flock of 21, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

2, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

2, La Janda, 17-Apr


European Greenfinch  Carduelis chloris

Sonogram of Greenfinch perched song

Breña de Barbate, Andalucía, Spain  13 April 2019

Short, simple wheeez song from a perched bird, followed by short trills before taking flight.

[File name: greenfinch115700ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


European Serin  Serinus serinus

Widespread and fairly common in most areas.

2 singing m, Playa de Zahara, Zahara de los Atunes, 10-Apr

1 singing m, Rio Barbate mouth, 11-Apr

1 singing m; f + 2 juvs, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr

1 singing m, Torre del Tajo, Breña de Barbate, 13-Apr

2 singing mm + 6, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr


 European Serin   Serinus serinus

Sonogram of begging calls from fledgling Serin

Breña de Barbate, Andalucía, Spain  13 April 2019

Begging calls from fledgling Serin in Umbrella Pine.

[File name: serin115714ecut2] Click here for the MP3 file


Hawfinch  Coccothraustes coccothraustes

4, Arroyo del Tiradero, Valle de Ojén, 12-Apr


 Hawfinch  Coccothraustes coccothraustes

 Sonogram of Hawfinch song

Valle de Ojén, Parque Natural de Los Alcornocales, Andalucia, Spain 36° 08' 46.8" N   05° 34' 58.2" W  1 Apr 2012, 1405h

Inconspicuous and simple song uttered from Holm/Cork Oak woodland.

[File name: hawfinch0401140529ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Cirl Bunting  Emberiza cirlus

1f, Faro de Camarinal-Sierra de la Plata track, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11-Apr

3, Puerto de Ojén, 16-Apr


Corn Bunting  Miliaria calandra

Common and widespread in most open habitats including coastal dunes, rough pasture, agricultural fields & marshes.

Noted around Zahara de los Atunes, La Zarzuela, El Almarchal, Parque Eolico, Venta de Retín, La Janda, Benalup, Barbate, Cortijo Los Villares, El Palmar, Facinas, Embalse de Almodóvar, Bolonia.

3 singing mm, Casa la Palmera, Conil de la Frontera, 10-Apr

5 singing mm, Embalse de Almodovar, 12-Apr

1 singing m, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 15-Apr

4 singing mm, Sendero Marismas del Barbate (from Km 2.4 on N-314, SE of Vejer de la Frontera), 16-Apr

1 singing m, Esteros de la Isleta de San Francisco, El Cañillo, Marismas del Barbate, 17-Apr

7 singing mm, La Janda, 17-Apr


Corn Bunting  Emberiza calandra

Sonogram of Corn Bunting song

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36° 10' 28.6" N  05° 53' 34.6" W  17 April 2019

Territorial/advertising song from fence post.

Each ~2.2 sec strophe composed single elements accelerating into a brief trill before forming a longer buzz (~1.0 sec) which increases then decreases in pitch, ending with a shorter trill which increases in pitch.

[File name: cornbunting115897ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Sonogram of Corn Bunting copulation calls

Marismas del Barbate, Andalucia, Spain  36° 10' 28.6" N  05° 53' 34.6" W  17 April 2019

Copulation calls from male Corn Bunting followed by song strophe on dismounting.

[File name: cornbunting115893e] Click here for the MP3 file


    Sonogram of Corn Bunting song

La Janda, Andalucia, Spain  36° 14' 12.70" N  5° 48' 57.54" W  31 March 2012  1307h

Terrirorial/advertising song from low vegetation beside the Canal Colector del Este, La Janda.

[File name: cornbunting0331155106ecut] Click here for the MP3 file


Rock Bunting  Emberiza cia

1m, Faro de Camarinal-Sierra de la Plata track, Cabo de Gracia, Atlanterra, 11-Apr



Strait of Gibraltar, from Mirador de Estrecho © Fraser Simpson


 Iberian Water Frog, Stripeless Tree Frog, Viperine Snake © Fraser SimpsonIberian Water Frog (Pelophylax perezi) · Stripeless Tree Frog (Hyla meridionalis) · Viperine Snake (Natrix maura)


Egyptian Mantis, Mole Cricket, Conehead Mantis © Fraser SimpsonEgyptian Grasshopper  (Anacridium aegyptiacum) · Mole Cricket  (Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa) · Conehead Mantis (Empusa pennata)




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Ladder Snake (Rhinechis scalaris) © Fraser Simpson

Ladder Snake (Rhinechis scalaris), Conil de la Frontera


CdlL Textures  © Fraser Simpson

All photographs © 2019  F. S. Simpson

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