San Martín, Peru 06°28'39.8'' S76°21'05.9'' W22 September 2009
I made some sound recordings of
Coraya Wrens soon after dawn one morning. This species engages
in antiphonal duetting where both sexes contribute alternative phrases in
quick, coordinated succession to produce a ‘final’ song. To our ears this can
sound like it is being produced from just a single individual. According to the
new Birds of Peru field guide by
Schulenberg et al, the Moustached Wren (T. genibarbis)
has a near identical song
but its distribution is generally allopatric with Coraya Wren and occurs south
of the Amazon river and (mainly) east of the Ucayali river. The Coraya Wrens
around Tarapoto are difficult to observe but the facial plumage actually looks
more like Moustached! As I said, they are difficult to observe and at this site
they keep well hidden in dense scrub in long cleared secondary growth. The
birds in the sonogram below were not visible during the sound recording but I
believe the male bird is producing the rapid phrase of four deeper hoots then
two higher pitched whistles, quickly followed by the female’s higher pitched ‘wolf
whistle’ phrase. If you look closely just after 3 seconds, you’ll see the
female overlaps the end of the male’s phrase. (A cicada is creating the continuous
band of noise around 4 kHz).