Biebrza National Park, Poland53º
25' 45.5'' N 22º 30' 22.8'' E
1 July 2009, 2012h
Advertising songs of two males (the initial reading on the
spectrograph showing the more distant bird) in red sedge fen; a
fairly simple song for an Acro, composed of short strophes of grating
churrs alternating with purer and more musical whistles.
Biebrza National Park, Poland53º
25' 45.5'' N 22º 30' 22.8'' E
1 July 2009, 2012h
Advertising song
from birds in red sedge fen; short strophes of grating
churrs alternating with purer and more musical whistles. Rumbling thunder in the recording.
Biebrza National Park, Poland53º
25' 45.5'' N 22º 30' 22.8'' E
1 July 2009, 2012h
Advertising song
from birds in red sedge fen; short strophes of grating
churrs alternating with purer and more musical whistles. Rumbling thunder in the recording.
Biebrza National Park, Poland53º
25' 45.5'' N 22º 30' 22.8'' E
1 July 2009, 2012h
Advertising song
from birds in red sedge fen; short strophes of grating
churrs alternating with purer and more musical whistles. Rumbling thunder in the recording.