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United Arab Emirates
9 - 16 November 2008 |
Observers: F. Simpson & Ayrshire Birders Abroad |
This trip was organised by Tony and Gerda Scott of Ayrshire Birders Abroad with Angus Hogg as bird leader. With the help of Arabian Adventures, twenty two of us criss-crossed the deserts from coast to coast in search of Arabian specialities, wintering Arctic waders, seabirds in the Gulf, migrant warblers in oases, and, not forgetting, the many introduced species... well ok, not everyone was so enamoured by mynahs, bulbuls and parakeets!
The United Arab Emirates is a federation consisting of seven emirates, the largest emirate is Abu Dhabi with the capital city Abu Dhabi. It is a safe, modern country with a booming economy and travel is fairly quick and easy. Some locations are obviously sensitive and access is restricted and permission is often needed to enter some sites. Development around the main cities is progressing at an unprecedented scale and much 'greening' of the desert is occurring through irrigation by sprinklers. Such areas are obvious migrant traps in an otherwise inhospitable terrain. The UAEs location in Arabia means that the avifauna is a mix of Palearctic and Indo-Malayan species with Indian Roller, Little Green Bee-eatear, Purple Sunbird, and Red-wattled Lapwings being common everyday species on the trip.
High on my target list were Crab Plover in the coastal creeks and tidal lagoons (khors) around Ras al Khaimah, the endemic sub-species of White-collared Kingfisher in coastal mangroves at Khor Kalba, wintering Greater Spotted Eagles, Black-crowned Finch Lark and Hume's Wheatear in the deserts, Western Reef Egret and Indian Pond Heron in the coastal wetlands, and perhaps with some amount of luck, the Lappet-faced Vulture in the Hajar Mountains.
The birding was probably less intensive than my usual sort of trip due to the dynamics of birding in large group and the fact we spent much time indulging in food throughout the day! Despite the short time at most sites and the fact that the main autumn migration period was largely over, we amassed a list of over 140 species, with around 30 being lifers for me! Many thanks to Tony and Gerda for organising such a great trip to a fairly novel birding destination and to Angus and the rest of the group for helping to find the goodies!
Socotra Cormorant · Western Reef Egret · Indian Pond Heron · Greater Spotted Eagle · Crab Plover · Red-wattled Lapwing · White-tailed Lapwing · Lesser Sand Plover · Greater Sand Plover · Sooty Gull · Saunders' Tern · White-cheeked Tern · Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse · White-collared Kingfisher · Pharaoh Eagle Owl · Little Green Bee-eater · Indian Roller · Black-crowned Finch-Lark · Pale Crag Martin · Olive-backed Pipit · Hooded Wheatear · Hume's Wheatear · Variable Wheatear · Sykes's Warbler · Persian Wheatear · Plain Leaf Warbler · Arabian Babbler · Purple Sunbird · Isabelline Shrike
Towering skyscrapers & long-legged waders
Everything was pretty much organised by Tony, Gerda and Angus. All I had to do was gen up and research the birds! Click here for future SOC Touring trips.
Ground Transport
Accommodation Dubai Majestic - one of the few towers conveniently located in the heart of Bur Dubai
Maps Tommy Pedersen's Birding the UAE online guide (www.uaebirding.com/birdingsites.html) has the latest site information and is the best source to consult for directions to the sites.
Rate November 2008
• Richardson, C. 1990. The Birds of the United Arab Emirates. Hobby. • Porter,
R.F. et al. 1996. Birds of the Middle East. Helm. • Pedersen, T. et al. 2008. Birds of the United Arab Emirates - an annotated checklist. Internet published. • Jongbloed,
M. 2000. Wild About Reptiles
- Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of the UAE. ERWDA. • Trip reports at Travellingbirder.com (the Internet portal to birding travel and birdwatching trip reports)
• Useful websites: • UAE
IBAs • BirdLife
Middle East and Central Asia Homepage • News & Information on the United Arab Emirates
Day 00 08/11/08 Afternoon
flight from Glasgow to Amsterdam. Overnight flight to Dubia. Day 01 09/11/08 Duabi > Al Ain > Jebel
Hafeet > Hotel Grand Mercure > Green Mubazzarah > Al Ain Day
07 15/11/08 Dubia >
Masafi > Fujairah National Dairy Farm, Dibba > Fujairah >
Khor Kalba > Dubai Day 08 16/11/08 Morning flight Duabi to Glasgow via Amsterdam
MAP OF MAIN SITES VISITED Click here to download the Google Earth file of visited sites
SE on the E66:
DUBAI > AL AIN Persian Wheatear near the top of Jebel Hafeet
HAFEET Viewpoint
on the way up
[24º 05' 06.7'' N 055º 45' 50.2''
E] 777m
stop slightly higher up
[24º 05' 02.3'' N 055º 45' 52.6''
E] 824m
View of the 700 metre drop to the desert below Jebel Hafeet
of Jebel Hafeet [24º 03' 32.8'' N 055º 46' 40.1''
E] 1036m
mast [24º 04' 24.7'' N 055º 46' 25.5''
E] 983m
Male Hume's Wheatear singing & displaying to a female on Jebel Hafeet
MERCURE HOTEL Plain Leaf Warbler buzzing around high up in a small clump of palms. Very difficult to observe and only viewed briefly in the open for a few seconds. Eastern Black Redstart (phoencuroides) - adult male + imm, Blue Rock Thrush singing under a near full moon on the small cliff here, Pale Crag Martin (5), House Sparrow (14) - pale plumaged birds, Red-vented Bulbul (2) singing and sharing the same palms with two White-cheeked Bulbuls. A Masked Shrike was also glimpsed by Keith Martin.
MUBAZZARAH Following the marshy stream towards dusk the best birds were Bluethroat (1st-w), Graceful Prinia (2) in a giant rush, and a Lesser Whitethroat keeping well hidden. Also noted:, Laughing Dove (2), Cattle Egret (3), Common Sandpiper (1), White-cheeked Bulbul (6), and Collared Dove (1).
Greening the desert with water sprinklers at Green Mubazzarah park
Male Blue Rock Thrush under the Moon at Gran Mercure Hotel
AIN > HATTA Species noted on the drive through barren landscapes broken only by Acacia (Acacia tortilis) plains and patches of Ghaff (Prosopis cineraria) trees: Little Green Bee-eater (6), Indian Roller (4), Southern Grey Shrike (1), Pale Crag Martin (2), Laughing Dove, Common Kestrel, Chukar, Crested Lark, House Sparrow, White-cheeked Bulbul, Feral Pigeon, Psittacula parakeets, Collared Dove, and Barn Swallow. Dead Long-legged Buzzard entangled in electrical wires.
Searching for larks in the dunes
Pale Crag Martin (or African Rock Martin)
White-cheeked Bulbul - one of several introduced bulbuls in the UAE
FORT HOTEL Had lunch here. The flower bed outside the main entrance had two butterflies: one Blue Pansy (Precis orithya) and 20+ Blue Spotted Arab (Colotis phisadia). Also noted: Purple Sunbird (7), Indian Silverbill (1), Indian Roller (1), Pale Rock Martin (2), White Wagtail (1) and numerous House Sparrows. Two Hume's Wheatears and a possible Cuckoo were seen by other members of the group.
Blue Pansy butterfly in Hatta Fort Hotel gardens
Al Hajar Mountains - view of the ridges & peaks from Hatta
Waiting for Pharaoh Eagle Owl at Qarn Nazwa
AL AIN Red-wattled Lapwing heard calling in the darkness in the first few minutes of the day. 0615h Several members of the group assembled early for a check of the hotel grounds this morning. Purple Sunbird (12), Grey Francolin, Hoopoe (3), Graceful Prinia (1), Southern Grey Shrike (1), Lesser Whitethroat (1), White Wagtail (3), Laughing Dove (40+), House Sparrow (30+), Ring-necked Parakeet (4) and several unidentified Psittacula parakeets over regularly, White-cheeked Bulbul, Common Mynah (5), and Collared Dove.
AIN > GHANTOOT Indian Roller (3); two in Al Jimi district in Al Ain, one at Al Hassa Emarat petrol station. Laughing Dove (hundreds), Collared Dove (hundreds), Pale Crag Martin (2), Purple Sunbird (1), Southern Grey Shrike (10) Little Green Bee-eater (14), Indian Silverbill (2), Brown-necked Raven (5), White-spectacled Bulbul (1), White-cheeked Bulbul (31), Red-wattled Lapwing and Black-winged Stilt (4) on a roadside pool near the entrance to Dubai Pipes Factory, Kestrel (2), Crested Lark (1), House Sparrow (13), Common Mynah (8), Feral Pigeon (103), and a Hawker dragonfly, possibly an Anax sp.
Red-wattled Lapwing in Safa Park, Dubai
HYPOCOLIUS SITE First we checked the palm plantation on the other side of the road from the polo club as this is the well known locality for Grey Hypocolius. As we were now experiencing the heat of the day, the prospect of finding one of my 'top ten UAE most wanted' seemed unlikely. Red-wattled Lapwing (2) on rough, dry ground along the roadside. Grey Francolin (2), Southern Grey Shrike (4), House Sparrow, White-cheeked Bulbul, Laughing Dove, Feral Pigeon, Barn Swallow (1), Psittacula sp. (5). Six Cream-coloured Coursers flew over and dropped on to one of the fields in the polo club. Butterflies noted: Plain Tiger (Danaus chrysippus) and Blue Spotted Arab (Colotis phisadia).
POLO CLUB The guard at the polo club entrance refused to allow us to enter and have a look at the fields. We had to make do with 'scoping from the perimeter fence. Good views of the field closest to the road produced a few good birds and restricted views of further, out-of-range fields revealed even more Cream-coloured Coursers (27+). Tawny Pipit (7), Hoopoe (2), Crested Lark (24), Southern Grey Shrike (1), House Sparrow (6), Laughing Dove, and Common Mynah (5).
Greater Spotted Eagle drifting from the mangroves to the city at Abu Dhabi's Eastern Lagoons
Water cannon at Green Mubazzarah park
MUBAZZARAH Before we were even off the bus this morning, Keith spotted an albino bird on the grass in the company of a few Desert Larks. The bird itself was indeed an albino Desert Lark and was quickly photographed by several members of the group. The larks were very approachable and steady, careful stalking allowed close contact with a photogenic bird. Species noted around the picnic site and stream: Indian Roller (4), Isabelline Wheatear (1), Persian Wheatear (1), Hume's Wheatear (1), Little Green Bee-eater (4), Graceful Prinia (3), Tawny Pipit (4), Bluethroat (1), Pale Crag Martin (2), Purple Sunbird (2), Southern Grey Shrike (3), Common Kestrel (3), White Wagtail (6), White-spectacled Bulbul (1), White-cheeked Bulbul (12), Grey Heron (1), Common Mynah (5), Common Sandpiper (1), House Sparrow, Collared Dove, and Feral Pigeon. A Common Mynah was observed diving on grasshoppers into a thick, succulent forming a low patch of dense cover. Once one was caught, it flew a short distance to some grass where two White-spectacled Bulbuls flew in and attempted to steal the Mynah's prey!
Desert Lark feeding in water-sprinkled grass at Green Mubazzarah park
GREEN MUBAZZARAH Gorge further in at the southern end of the park [24º 05' 55.9'' N 55º 44' 55.0''
E] 288m Moving in to the gorge at the southern end of the park, the scrub was checked for warblers. A very obliging 1st-winter male Hooded Wheatear proved more than a distraction for me, so much so that I later missed Barbary Falcon and Sand Partridge as the main group caught up with these superb bird in the gorge. The scrub held Plain Leaf Warbler (1), Chiffchaff (2+), Lesser Whitethroat (1), and Eastern Black Redstart (4). The dry rocky slope to the west revealed Hooded Wheatear (2), Hume's Wheatear (3), Persian Wheatear (2), Little Green Bee-eater (2), Common Kestrel (1), and an Indian Roller mobbing a passing Grey Heron. A Plain Tiger (Danaus chrysippus) butterfly was the insect highlight here and a snake in the gorge seen by Mike Howes was later identified as a Wadi Racer (Coluber rhodorhachis).
A showy 1st-winter male Hooded Wheatear near the entrance to the gorge at Green Mubazzarah
Al FAYDA Due to the drought, the site Angus was looking for here seemed to have disappeared! While taking a track into the desert a 4x4 revved up with a couple of smartly attired arabs. Most of us, I think, suspected we may have been somewhere we shouldn't but the guys turned out to be very friendly and helpful and they knew of a site with water and birds! They even tried to get all 22 of us into the back of their pickup! After a joke involving an exchange of oil for Scottish water, we were soon scoping a shallow wetland (GPS position above) surrounded with mud: Marsh Sandpiper (1), Wood Sandpiper (9), Citrine Wagtail (4), Temminck's Stint (2), Kentish Plover (2), Eurasian Teal (6), Mallard (80+), Yellow Wagtail (1), White Wagtail (1), Crested Lark (2), White-spectacled Bulbul (4+), White-cheeked Bulbul (25+), Grey Francolin (5), House Sparrow (100+). At least 10 Vagrant Emperors were noted at this site. Novelties involved a Marabou Stork and a dead Egyptian Goose. As the sun set we decided to trace out tracks back to the main road before nightfall and after a couple of circles and failed attempts we headed back to the Hilton for our final night there.
AL AIN A white-phase Western Reef Egret close to the Mangrove hide at Ras al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary in Dubai
AIN > DUBAI Species noted on the drive NW on road E66 via Al Faqa: Little Green Bee-eater (1), Southern Grey Shrike (6), Hoopoe (2), Marsh Harrier (2), Osprey (1), Indian Roller (1), Common Kestrel (1), White-spectacled Bulbul, Psittacula sp., Laughing Dove, Collared Dove, White-cheeked Bulbul, and Cattle Egret (1).
MOTORWAY SERVICE STATION: ROAD E66 Pale Crag Martin (2), House Sparrow and Feral Pigeon.
AL KHOR WILDLIFE SANCTUARY, DUBAI 1030h Also known as Khor Dubai this reserve occupies the head of the large tidal creek, five kilometres inland of the Gulf. It is a gem of a place with hundreds of waders and herons and very close views of Greater Flamingos. It was established as a wildlife sanctuary in 1985 after ornithological surveys revealed it to be internationally significant. The two hides, both with security wardens and 'scopes, were excellent for viewing and photographing birds from - not something manufacturers of hides in the UK always get right. This site lies close to the international airport for Dubai and with amount of migratory waders dependent on Ras Al Khor it is clear that this is one of the major migratory refuelling hubs for birds in the UAE.
Mangrove Hide: The sheer volume of birds on view here meant we barely had time to assess numbers and thoroughly check the flocks. I probably missed many species and many distant birds were unidentifiable in the heat haze: Great Egret (21), Western Reef Egret (20+), Little Stint (1500+), Broad-billed Sandpiper (6+), Lesser Sand Plover (600+), Greater Sand Plover (10+), Kentish Plover (150+), Terek Sandpiper (1), Caspian Tern (14), Dunlin (200+), Curlew Sandpiper (13), Common Redshank (10+), Greenshank (10+), Temminck's Stint (1), Grey Heron (11), Little Green Bee-eater (4), Little Egret (1), Black-winged Stilt (10+), Greater Flamingo (35), Red-wattled Lapwing, Ringed Plover, Sandwich Tern (3), Spotted Redshank (1), Great Cormorant (12+), Northern Pintail (3), Northern Shoveler (3), Common Snipe (30+), Bar-tailed Godwit (4+), Curlew (15+), Common Teal (30+), Mallard (40+), Grey Plover (1), and Black-headed Gull. On the raptor front, two Greater Spotted Eagles soaring in the same field of view of the World's tallest building was something else, but three Ospreys and a Marsh Harriers competed in the top predator stakes!
Huge mixed flock of waders at Ras al Khor against the Dubai skyline
RAS AL KHOR WILDLIFE SANCTUARY, DUBAI Flamingo Hide: The spectacle of the mass of Greater Flamingos was such a draw for photographs that I never really made time of our short visit here to check out the other species: Greater Flamingo (200+), Greater Spotted Eagle (2), Marsh Harrier (1), and Osprey (1) noted.
Greater Flamingos at Ras al Khor, Dubai
BANDAR RESTAURANT, DUBAI After lunch, a quick scan of the creek here produced: Caspian Gull (2), Heuglin's Gull (1), Slender-billed Gull (2), Black-headed Gull (17), House Crow, Common Mynah, and House Sparrow. Nine Cattle Egrets were observed on a nearby roundabout.
Common Mynah in Safa Park - an introduced species
PARK, DUBAI Probably the most famous city park for urban birding in the UAE, Saffa Park has a mix of lawns, grassland, artificial lakes, tree-lined avenues, and patches of acacia and casuarina. Highlight here were the five Olive-backed Pipits feeding under a small copse with a ground cover clear of vegetation save for dead leaves. Species noted: Hoopoe (20+), Red-wattled Lapwing (5), Chiffchaff (6) including 3-4 Siberian tristis, Alexandrine Parakeet (10+), Grey Francolin (7), Ring-necked Parakeet (20), Common Mynah (200+), Red-vented Bulbul (2), Purple Sunbird (20+), House Crow (200+) forming a noisy roost at dusk, Grey Wagtail (1), White Wagtail (1), Common Sandpiper (7), Olive-backed Pipit (5).
House Crow in Safa Park - possibly another introduced species ?
Pied Mynah in Safa Park - yet another intro
NATIONAL PARK, DUBAI 1750h Mushrif National Park is a 600 hectare reserve of natural woodland with Ghaf and Acacia. This site was visited for Otus brucei - aka Pale/Pallid/Striated/Bruce's Scops Owl! One was eventually heard and possibly briefly seen in flight. Much more cooperative was a Saw-scaled Viper (Echis carinatus). I initially didn't realise that this was a potentially dangerous viper as the eye pupil was circular, but in darkness this snake's usual 'slit' iris expands to compensate for the low light of night! It was initially seen 'side-winding' along the road before stopping to shelter against the kerb. An unidentified Gecko was also seen briefly.
Saw-scaled Viper after dark in Mushrif National Park
MAJESTIC HOTEL, DUBAI Pale Crag Martin around the hotel 'tower' after breakfast.
> SHARJAH > UMM AL QUWAIN Species noted the drive NE on road E11: Collared Dove, Common Mynah, Laughing Dove, Feral Pigeon, Crested Lark, Greater Flamingo (6), large white-headed gull (250+), Grey Heron (6), Great Egret (1), House Sparrow, White-cheeked Bulbul, Barn Swallow (1), Mallard (2), Indian Roller (2), House Crow (30+), Socotra Cormorant (7S, 2N, 5S, 2N) as we approached Umm al Quwain breakwater.
AL QUWAIN, ARABIAN GULF Excellent vantage point for watching the daily movements of Socotra Cormorants in the gulf. At least 1000 birds passed, mainly to the north, in just over an hour here. Species noted from the beach just south of the breakwater: Swift Tern (1N at 0950h, 1N at 0955h, 1N at 0958h), Purple Heron (1), Western Reed Egret (2), Lesser Sand Plover (50+), Greater Sand Plover (20+), Kentish Plover (2), Sanderling (4), Turnstone (27), Dunlin (1), Common Sandpiper (1), Common Kestrel (1), Common Redshank (1), Heuglin's Gull, Crested Lark, Little Green Bee-eater (2), Hoopoe (1), and White Wagtail (1). Vagrant Emperor (Anax ephippiger); three males buzzing blue bag litter on the beach.
Socotra Cormorants moving along the coast of the Persian Gulf at Umm al Quwain
AL QUWAIN > AL JAZEERAH KHOR Species noted the drive NE on road E11: Little Green Bee-eater (15), Brown-necked Raven on pylon, Pallid Swift (2), Grey Francolin (1), Red-wattled Lapwing (1), Indian Roller (1), Southern Grey Shrike (1), Pale Crag Martin (1), Laughing Dove and Collared Dove scarce in this area, Crested Lark, Feral Pigeon, House Sparrow and House Crow. Passing along around five miles of superb coastline at Khor al Beidah revealed thousands of migrant waders as well as Great Egret, Grey Heron and Greater Flamingo.
JAZEERAH KHOR Southern end: The shallow, saline lagoon here is one of the main sites for many people's target bird in the Emirates - Crab Plover! It turned out to be a disappointment with the only possible Crab Plovers being UTV's... 'white dots' about two miles away! Observations from the high roadside dune revealed many good birds though most were at some considerable range: Terek Sandpiper (34) were roosting in the pool at the foot of the dune; at least three Arabian Babblers were in scrub on the seaward slope of the dune; six Little Green Bee-eaters performed wonderfully in front of us; at least 240 Greater Flamingos in the tidal lagoons; a distant flock probably made up mostly of White-cheeked or Common Terns; plus Crested Tern, Spoonbill (2), Pale Crag Martin, Greenshank, Heuglin's Gull, Western Reef Egret, Great Egret, Grey Plover, Ringed Plover, Osprey, Marsh Harrier, Kentish Plover, Redshank, Grey Heron, House Sparrow and Collared Dove.
Little Green Bee-eater resting in dune scrub at Al Jazeerah Khor
JAZEERAH KHOR Northern end: After lunch at Bin Majid Beach Hotel we made another attempt for Crab Plover... the same birds we were trying to view before, but this time from a vantage point several kilometres north. The bus was stopped at a likely looking track heading over the dunes to the sea and Angus made a quick recce to the top of the dune to assess the situation... it was game on and we all piled up the dune to scope for Dromas. And the views really were much better as we watched at least 34 birds, many of them living up to their name and regularly dispatching of fiddler crags. This is one of those species that looks so much better than an illustration in a field guide and the Arabian light certainly helps to illuminate this striking wader. Probably bird of the trip for most observers! Species noted: Swift Tern (70+), Lesser Crested Tern (4+), Slender-billed Gull (200+), Heuglin's Gull (60+), Steppe Gull (20+), Caspian Gull (10+), Oystercatcher (30+), Ringed Plover (30+), Greater Flamingo, Bar-tailed Godwit, Greenshank, Terek Sandpiper, Grey Plover (30+), Caspian Tern, Black-headed Gull, and Osprey.
The north end of Al Jazeerah Khor where Crab Plovers showed well
JAZEERAH KHOR > HAMRANIYA Species noted the drive: Little Green Bee-eater (4), Indian Roller (2), House Crow (40+), Common Mynah (13), Grey Francolin (3), White-cheeked Bulbul, Collared Dove (abundant), White Wagtail (1), and Barn Swallow (1).
petrol stop Late afternoon and a movement of sandgrouse was evident. They were too distant for ID but Chestnut-bellied most likely. Flocks from 1608h: 5 + 18 + 12 + 2 moving north over the airfield. Scanned the ankle-high scrub with scattered bushes: Little Green Bee-eater (2), Indian Roller (1), Grey Francolin (4), Laughing Dove (4), Southern Grey Shrike (1), Crested Lark (1), Pale Crag Martin (1), Common Kestrel (1), Common Mynah, House Sparrow, and Collared Dove.
FIELDS Dry, dusty agricultural fields with occasional trees and bushes and irrigated fodder fields with Ghaf trees (Prosopis cineraria). Best bird here was probably the Scrub Warbler seen briefly by Keith Martin. Species noted: Red-wattled Lapwing (3), Graceful Prinia (2), Purple Sunbird (4), White-spectacled Bulbul, Little Green Bee-eater (3), Lesser Whitethroat (2), Tawny Pipit (2), Southern Grey Shrike (1), Eastern Black Redstart (1), Chiffchaff (1), Hoopoe (1), Crested Lark (1), Collared Dove, White-cheeked Bulbul, and Feral Pigeon.
[25º 36' 58.0'' N 56º 00' 42.3''
E] 22m Species noted the drive around the area: Hume's Wheatear perched on an acacia at the Ain Khath Tourist Resort, Southern Grey Shrike (2), and Little Green Bee-eater (3).
KHATT FIELDS The wetland areas at Khatt were completely dry so we tried some irrigated field in the fading light of the day. The newly mown grass, irrigated with sprinklers at the GPS location above provided two unexpected Pied Wheatears, Red-wattled Lapwing (10+), Indian Roller (2), Little Green Bee-eater (3), and Mallard (10+).
Lime Swallowtail mud-puddling at Fujairah National Dairy Farm
NATIONAL DAIRY FARM, DIBBA This site is right on the border with Oman and some of the raptors observed were coming over the striking mountains just over the border. The irrigated fodder fields, cow pens, and small wet pools and ditches provided some great birding but time dictated that we could only cover part of the site and surely more good birds were present here. Of all the irrigated grasslands visited this week, the dairy farm has the lushest fields and greatest potential. Highlights here included Sociable Lapwing (1), White-tailed Lapwing (1), Siberian Stonechat (2), Indian Pond Heron (1), Greater Spotted Eagle (1), Richard's Pipit (2), and Water Pipit (4). Good numbers of other species: Indian Roller (22), Red-wattled Lapwing (40+), Cattle Egret (48), Isabelline Shrike (1), Indian Silverbill (14+), White Stork (5), Common Teal (10), Eastern Black Redstart (1), Marsh Harrier (1), Ruff (5), Snipe sp., Graceful Prinia (1), Laughing Dove, House Crow, Common Mynah, White Wagtail, Collared Dove, Feral Pigeon, House Sparrow, Common Kestrel (2), Purple Sunbird, Hoopoe, and Crested Lark. Insects of note: Oasis Skimmer (Orthetrum sabina), Scarlet Dragonfly (Crocothemis erythraea), Plain Tiger (Danaus chrysippus) and an impressive swallowtail - the Lime Butterfly (Papilio demoleus) imbibing nutrients from cow dung and mud in the farmyard.
Water sprinkler in the fodder fields at Fujairah National Dairy Farm
Oasis Skimmer resting at a tiny pool in the fodder fields at Fujairah National Dairy Farm
KALBA Other species noted: Terek Sandpiper (7), Common Kingfisher (1), Osprey (1), Greater Sand Plover (7), Lesser Sand Plover (5), Kentish Plover (3), Tawny Pipit (2), Black-winged Stilt (4), Common Redshank (1), Greenshank (5), Curlew (2), Whimbrel (10+), and White Wagtail.
More birds from the trip
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - Species List 9-15 November 2008
09th Jebel
Hafeet, Hotel Grand Mercure, Green Mubazzarah 15th Fujairah National Dairy Farm, Dibba,
Khor Kalba
Birding Ain al Fayda at sunset
All photographs © 2008 F. S. Simpson Fraser's Birding Website · www.fssbirding.org.uk |