Trip Reports | Home fssbirding.org.uk |
Maine USA 17 June - 1 July 2014 |
Observers: F. Simpson |
Having birded the desert states of Arizona and New Mexico, and experienced Florida's waterbirds on recent work trips, I began thinking about a destination, somewhere in the north, to see and hear many of North America's wood-warblers and thrushes. In addition, I'd always wanted to hear a Common Loon (Great Northern Diver) calling in the wild. Maine appeared to be the best choice: mostly forested, plenty of lakes, camping friendly, not many people, and essentially for sound recording, little anthropogenic noise pollution. I met about five birders in two weeks and at some sites like Brownfield Bog I didn't encounter another human in hours of birding and listening. This report details the species I encountered at a relaxed pace with the focus more on sound recording than rushing from site to site to amass a large species list.
Common Loon, American Bittern, Wood Duck, American Black Duck, Hooded Merganser, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Cooper's Hawk, Red-shouldered Hawk, Bald Eagle, Wild Turkey, Piping Plover, Willet, Upland Sandpiper, Barred Owl, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Black-backed Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Philadelphia Vireo, Blue-headed Vireo, Gray Jay, Boreal Chickadee, Bicknell's Thrush, Cedar Waxwing, Tennessee Warbler, Nashville Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, Cape May Warbler, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Palm Warbler, Bay-breasted Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler, Northern Waterthrush, Canada Warbler, Scarlet Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Nelson's Sparrrow, Saltmarsh Sparrow, Fox Sparrow, Rusty Blackbird & Evening Grosbeak.
Literature, references & site guides used • Trip reports were obtained from cloudbirders.com and birdtours.co.uk •
E. C. 1996. A Birder's
Guide to Maine. Down
East Books. •
D. 2014. The North American Bird Guide (2nd edition). Bloomsbury. • Dunn, J. L. & Alderfer, J. 2011. Field Guide to the Birds of North America. (6th edition). National Geographic •
T & Whittle, S. 2013. The Warbler Guide. Princeton University
Press. •
D., Stokes, L., Elliott, L. 1997. The
Stokes Field Guide to Birds Songs: Eastern Region. Hachette
Flights London Heathrow to Portland Jetport, via Philadelphia with US AIrways cost £640.25 return.
Ground Transport Car hire with Budget was booked through Holiday Autos costing £225.86 for a large 4-door with air con and unlimited mileage but without damage excess waiver. The US-95 road has tolls ($1-2) on some sections. Gasoline was around $3.70 per gallon.
Accommodation Ranged from $15-35 per night for camping, ranging from no facilities in Baxter State Park to everything you could need (shop, wi-fi, electricity, canoe hire, etc) at the large family sites. For me on this trip, a place to pitch and wash was sufficient. The basic cabin (Loon Lodge) at Daicey Pond in Baxter State Park was $55 per night. The Comfort Inn at Portland airport was $110 per night.
Maps Delorme.
The Maine Atlas & Gazetteer 1:135000. A large 96 page
book with detailed topographic maps, city maps, camp sites lists
and other attractions.
Websites • Maine Audubon www.maineaudubon.org • Maine Birding Trail www.mainebirdingtrail.com • Birding in Maine www.birdingmaine.com • Maine Birding www.mainebirding.com • Maine Camping Guide www.campmaine.com • Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry www.parksandlands.com • Visit Maine www.visitmaine.com • Wells National Estuarine Reserve www.wellsreserve.org • Brownfield Bog www.maine.gov/ifw/wildlife/land/department/region_a/majorgregorysanborn.htm • Mount Blue State Park www.maine.gov/mountblue • Baxter State Park www.baxterstateparkauthority.com
Day 01 17/06/14 London
> Philadelphia > Portland, Maine Day 11 27/06/14 Baxter
State Park > Bangor > Orrington > Fields Pond Audubon Center Day 12 28/06/14 Bangor
> Fields Pond Audubon Centre > Poland Spring Day 13 29/06/14 Poland
Spring > Scarborough > Saco Heath > Naples Day 14 30/06/14 Naples
> Brownfield Bog > Portland Day 15 01/07/14 Portland
> Philadelphia > London
1 Philadelphia
2 Comfort
Inn Airport Hotel,
90 Maine Mall Rd, South Portland, ME 04106
Laudholm Farm Laudholm
Farm 342
Laudholm Farm Rd, Wells, ME 04090, Wells National Estuarine Reserve •
Knight Trail •
Barrier Beach Trail
> Laird
Norton Trail •
Little River saltmarsh overlook 43°
20' 06.1" N 70° 32' 42.3" W
Little River saltmarsh
Farley Trail 43°
20' 21.1" N 70° 32' 41.8" W •
Cart Trail Wells
Beach Campsite 1000
Post Road, US Route 1, Wells, ME 04090
3 Webhannet
Island Road-Harbor Road, Wells Reserve 43°
19' 51.4" N 70° 33' 29.3" W Laudholm
Farm, Wells
National Estuarine Reserve 43°
20' 08.0" N 70° 32' 58.9" W Laird-Norton Trail •
Barrier Beach Trail
Laird-Norton Trail
Yankee Woodlot Trail Kennebunk
WMA, 5 miles west of Kennebunk Kennebunk Plains
4 Wells
Beach Campsite 1000
Post Road, US Route 1, Wells, ME 04090 43°
24' 12.0" N 70° 37' 36.2" W Brownfield
Gregory Sanborn WMA, Bog Road, East Brownfield 43°
58' 06.0" N 70° 52' 48.6" W Brownfield Bog
Acres Campground,
33 Camp Rd, Brownfield, ME 04010
Day 5 Woodland
Acres Campground,
33 Camp Rd, Brownfield, ME 04010 Brownfield
Gregory Sanborn WMA, Bog Road, East Brownfield Woodland at Brownfield Bog/Major Gregory Sanborn WMA
Lake Campground,
Mount Blue State Park 44°
40' 44.3" N 70° 26' 58.3" W
6 Webb
Lake Campground,
Mount Blue State Park Webb Lake, Mount Blue State Park
• Swett Brook & campsite trails: beautiful forest, undisturbed, even the old boardwalk looked like they didn't get much human traffic. Most people probably come here and just head to the lake. Wood Thrush, White-breasted Nuthatch, Nashville Warbler, Scarlet Tanager, Pine Warbler, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Red-eyed Vireo, Least Flycatcher, Brown Creeper, Blue-headed Vireo, American Redstart, Bay-breasted Warbler, Pileated Woodpecker, Blue Jay, Veery, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Cape May Warbler, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, American Crow, Hairy Woodpecker, Northern Parula, Canada Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, Gray Catbird, Ovenbird, Wood Thrush, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and Chipping Sparrow. Canadian Tiger Swallowtails common. Old boardwalk from the campground, Mount Blue State Park
Webb Lake 44°
40' 42.0" N 70° 26' 33.5" W
7 Center
Hill, Mount
Blue State Park Center Hill, Mount Blue State Park
Trail to peak of Mount Blue 44°
43' 42.3" N 70° 20' 32.0" W View from the peak of Mount Blue
8 Webb
Lake Campground,
Mount Blue State Park Webb Lake Campground, Mount Blue State Park
East on Road 2,
North on I-95 to Millinocket Baxter State
Park, Piscataquis County Baxter State Park
Nesowadnehunk Field
9 Baxter State
Nesowadnehunk Field to Nesowadnehunk Lake area (c3 miles N along
Tote Road) 46°
00' 37.4" N 69° 03' 46.0" W
North of Nesowadnehunk, Baxter State Park
Camping, Baxter State Park
10 Baxter State
Park •
Nesowadnehunk Field to Nesowadnehunk Lake area (c4.4 miles N along
Tote Road) 46°
01' 48.8" N 69° 03' 50.8" W
Daicey Pond Campground 45°
52' 54.6" N 69° 01' 46.2" W •
Kidney Pond 45°
53' 34.8" N 69° 02' 52.5" W Daicey Pond
Loon Lodge, Daicey Pond
11 Baxter State
Stump Pond 45°
51' 57.2" N 68° 57' 37.5" W Stump Pond • Roaring Brook trail was closed! •
Abol Pond 45°
50' 19.6" N 68° 55' 26.6" W Millinocket
Orrington Sedgeunkedunk Stream/Orrington Marsh •
Fields Pond Audubon Nature Center 44°
44' 19.3" N 68° 43' 39.0" W
12 Orrington • Sedgeunkedunk Stream/Orrington Marsh 44°
43' 46.1" N 68° 45' 22.7" W
• Fields Pond Audubon Nature Center 44°
43' 46.1" N 68° 45' 22.7" W Fields Pond
City Forest 44°
51' 39.0" N 68° 44' 02.4" W
Spring Campsite 44°
02' 34.5" N 70° 22' 23.0" W
13 Poland Scarborough
Marsh •
Eastern Trail: saltmarsh 43°
34' 05.2" N 70° 21' 32.7" W Dunstan River, Scarborough Marsh
Scarborough Marsh •
Eastern Trail: woodland 43°
34' 16.8" N 70° 21' 14.4" W Saco
Heath 43°
32' 47.8" N 70° 28' 25.9" W Saco Heath
Mast Campground, Long Lake, Naples
14 Brownfield
Gregory Sanborn WMA, Bog Road, East Brownfield 43°
58' 06.0" N 70° 52' 48.6" W River Jewelwing (Calopteryx aequabilis)
Brownfield Bog
Gray Treefrog (Hyla versicolor) Comfort
Inn Airport Hotel,
90 Maine Mall Rd, South Portland, ME 04106
15 Comfort
Inn Airport Hotel,
90 Maine Mall Rd, South Portland, ME 04106
All photographs © 2014 F. S. Simpson Fraser's Birding Website · fssbirding.org.uk |